Nick Firth

BSc (UoS), BA (UoS), DClinPsy (UoS)

School of Medicine and Population Health

Integrated Clinical Academic Research Fellow
+44 114 222 6387

Full contact details

Nick Firth
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA

I have studied and worked at the University of Sheffield for around fifteen years, across ScHARR, Psychology and Computer Science. I am currently completing an ICA (integrated clinical academic) doctoral research fellowship. I am a qualified clinical psychologist with a doctorate in clinical psychology. I work clinically with adults with long term conditions, at Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust. Until commencing the fellowship I held a role as Research Facilitator for the Trust’s Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion division, and I maintain links with the Trust’s Research Team.

Current, recent and planned projects

  • Clinic and neighbourhood effects in IAPT access, dropout, and clinical outcomes (with Alicia O’Cathain, Michael Barkham, Jaime Delgadillo)
  • Understanding deprivation related mechanisms impacting on IAPT outcomes (with Alicia O’Cathain, Michael Barkham, Jaime Delgadillo)
  • The relationship between socioecomic deprivation and psychotherapy outcomes (with Megan Finegan and Jaime Delgadillo)
  • The impact of distance (and deprivation) on psychological intervention utilisation and outcomes
  • Understanding factors contributing to neighbourhood effects
Research interests
  • Effectiveness of psychological interventions/therapies, therapists, and providers/clinics (particular focus on IAPT).
  • Unexplained differences in clinical outcomes between therapists, clinics, and neighbourhoods (a.k.a. therapist effects, clinic effects, and neighbourhood effects).
  • The impact of explanatory variables on psychological intervention outcomes – particularly the role of area-level deprivation.
  • Multilevel modelling methods.
  • Analysis of large N data.

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