Dr Lindsay Blank
PhD, BSc
Population Health, School of Medicine and Population Health
Senior Research Fellow
+44 114 222 0853
Full contact details
Population Health, School of Medicine and Population Health
Room 2037, 2nd Floor
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
I have significant expertise in Public Health Evidence Synthesis, currently a lead reviewer for the NIHR Public Health Research Review Team (2014-2019 and 2019-2023). I have also conducted reviews for NIHR (PHR and SDO), Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Oxfam, and the Multiple Sclerosis Society. I also contribute (as lead and co-reviewer) to evidence syntheses conducted as part of the NIHR HS&DR Evidence Synthesis Centre (2017-2020 and 2020-2023) and via KE-funded work.
I continue to be interested in developing novel approaches to evidence synthesis including the use of logic models and other innovative ways of presenting and summarising review data. This includes developing dissemination approaches for diverse audiences including members of the public and service providers.
Alongside this, through ongoing links with the Department of Neurology (NIHR RfPB), I am conducting qualitative research in the areas of epilepsy and transient loss of conscience.
- Research interests
I have a variety of research interests broadly in the areas of health inequalities and public health evidence synthesis. Methods including: literature reviewing and critical appraisal, logic models, questionnaire design, semi-structured interviewing (telephone and face to face), quantitative and qualitative data analysis and interpretation, case studies, action research methods, writing for publication, and conference presentations.
- Publications
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All publications
Journal articles
- Public health involvement in alcohol licensing decisions in the UK: a systematic review of qualitative studies. BMJ Public Health, 2(2), e000953-e000953.
- Exploring the impact of housing insecurity on the health and wellbeing of children and young people in the United Kingdom: a qualitative systematic review. BMC Public Health, 24. View this article in WRRO
- Umbrella review of international evidence for the effectiveness of school-based physical activity interventions. PLOS ONE, 19(6), e0304513-e0304513.
- Evaluating the impact of local alcohol licensing decisions on outcomes for the community: a systematic review. BMJ Public Health, 2(1), e000533-e000533.
- Exploring the impact of a housing support service on hospital discharge: a mixed-methods process evaluation in two UK hospital trusts. Health and Social Care in the Community, 2023. View this article in WRRO
- School-based physical activity interventions among children and adolescents in the Middle East and Arabic speaking countries: a systematic review. PLOS ONE, 18(7).
- What is the evidence that advertising policies could have an impact on gambling-related harms? A systematic umbrella review of the literature. Public Health.
- Is working in later life good for your health? A systematic review of health outcomes resulting from extended working lives. BMC Public Health, 21(1).
- A Scoping Review of the Experience of Implementing Population Testing for SARS-CoV-2. Public Health.
- Should screening for risk of gambling-related harm be undertaken in health, care and support settings? A systematic review of the international evidence. Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, 16. View this article in WRRO
- What makes a ‘successful’ collaborative research project between public health practitioners and academics? A mixed-methods review of funding applications submitted to a local intervention evaluation scheme. Health Research Policy and Systems, 19. View this article in WRRO
- Interventions to reduce the public health burden of gambling-related harms: a mapping review. The Lancet Public Health, 6(1), e50-e63.
- Open letter from UK based academic scientists to the secretaries of state for digital, culture, media and sport and for health and social care regarding the need for independent funding for the prevention and treatment of gambling harms. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 370. View this article in WRRO
- Exploring the factors that influence the public health impact of changes to the traditional housing officer’s role : insights from a logic modelling approach. Journal of Public Health. View this article in WRRO
- Bridging the gap between the home and the hospital : a qualitative study of partnership working across housing, health and social care. Journal of Interprofessional Care (Informa). View this article in WRRO
- Tackling gambling related harms as a public health issue. The Lancet Public Health. View this article in WRRO
- Taking preventative health messages into the wider caring professions: the views of housing staff and tenants. Journal of Public Health. View this article in WRRO
- Severe acute malnutrition in children aged under 5 years can be successfully managed in a non‐emergency routine community healthcare setting in Ghana. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 13(4). View this article in WRRO
- Interventions to promote or maintain physical activity during and after the transition to retirement: an evidence synthesis. Public Health Research, 4(4), 1-354. View this article in WRRO
- Promoting and maintaining physical activity in the transition to retirement: a systematic review of interventions for adults around retirement age. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 13(1), 12-12. View this article in WRRO
- Non-pharmacological treatments for stuttering in children and adults: a systematic review and evaluation of clinical effectiveness, and exploration of barriers to successful outcomes. Health Technology Assessment, 20(2), 1-302. View this article in WRRO
- The state of the art in non-pharmacological interventions for developmental stuttering. Part 2: Qualitative evidence synthesis of views and experiences. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 51(1), 3-17. View this article in WRRO
- The state of the art in non-pharmacological interventions for developmental stuttering. Part 1: a systematic review of effectiveness. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 50(5), 676-718. View this article in WRRO
- What is the evidence on interventions to manage referral from primary to specialist non-emergency care? A systematic review and logic model synthesis. Health Services and Delivery Research, 3(24).
- Using logic model methods in systematic review synthesis: describing complex pathways in referral management interventions.. BMC Med Res Methodol, 14, 62. View this article in WRRO
- Referral interventions from primary to specialist care: a systematic review of international evidence. British Journal of General Practice, 64(629), e765-e774.
- Patient perceptions of the referral of older adults to an epilepsy clinic: do patients and professionals agree who should be referred to a specialist?. Epilepsy Behav, 34, 120-123.
- Demand management: misguided solutions?. Br J Gen Pract, 63(613), e589-e591.
- Understanding referral patterns to an epilepsy clinic: professional perceptions of factors influencing the referral of older adults.. Seizure, 22(9), 698-702.
- The appropriateness of, and compliance with, telephone triage decisions: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(12), 2610-2621.
- Views of contraceptive service delivery to young people in the UK: a systematic review and thematic synthesis.. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care, 37(2), 71-84.
- Views regarding the use of contraception amongst young people in the UK: a systematic review and thematic synthesis.. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care, 16(3), 149-160.
- The effectiveness of interventions to establish smoke-free homes in pregnancy and in the neonatal period: a systematic review.. Health Educ Res, 26(2), 265-282.
- Systematic review and narrative synthesis of the effectiveness of contraceptive service interventions for young people, delivered in educational settings.. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol, 23(6), 341-351.
- Promoting wellbeing by changing behaviour; a systematic review and narrative synthesis of the effectiveness of whole secondary school behavioural interventions.. Mental Health Review Journal, 2(15), 43-53.
- Systematic review and narrative synthesis of the effectiveness of contraceptive service interventions for young people, delivered in educational settings.. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology.
- A pilot survey of socio-economic differences in child-feeding behaviours among parents of primary-school children.. Public Health Nutr, 11(10), 1030-1036.
- Predicting job loss in those off sick. OCCUP MED-OXFORD, 58(2), 99-106.
- A systematic review of the factors which predict return to work for people suffering episodes of poor mental health.. J Occup Rehabil, 18(1), 27-34.
- Community-based lifestyle interventions: changing behaviour and improving health.. J Public Health (Oxf), 29(3), 236-245. View this article in WRRO
- How do parents' child-feeding behaviours influence child weight? Implications for childhood obesity policy.. J Public Health (Oxf), 29(2), 132-141.
- Predictors of delayed return to work or job loss with respiratory ill-health: a systematic review.. J Occup Rehabil, 17(2), 317-326.
- Physical activity and health: evidence from a study of deprived communities in England.. J Public Health (Oxf), 29(1), 27-34.
- Variation in prescribing for anxiety and depression: a reflection of health inequalities, cultural differences or variations in access to care?. Int J Equity Health, 5, 4.
- Reducing inequalities in access to health care: developing a toolkit through action research.. Qual Saf Health Care, 14(5), 336-339.
- Regional differences in the provision of adult renal dialysis services in the UK.. QJM, 98(3), 183-190.
- AcnC of Escherichia coli is a 2-methylcitrate dehydratase (PrpD) that can use citrate and isocitrate as substrates.. Microbiology, 148(Pt 1), 133-146.
- Exploring the impact of housing insecurity on the health and well-being of children and young people: a systematic review. Public Health Research, 1-71.
- Exploring the relationship between working from home, mental and physical health and wellbeing: a systematic review. Public Health Research, 1-100.
- Factors which facilitate or impede patient engagement with pulmonary and cardiac rehabilitation: a rapid evaluation mapping review. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 1-59.
- Older Social Housing Tenants’ Experiences of Rehousing Programs: A Systematic Scoping Review. Journal of Aging and Environment, 1-20.
- Factors that influence mental health of university and college students in the UK: a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 22(1).
- Exploring the relationship between housing concerns, mental health and wellbeing : a qualitative study of social housing tenants. Journal of Public Health. View this article in WRRO
- ‘I don’t go in for all that scaremongering’: Parental Attitudes to Food Safety Risk, Changing Families, Changing Food (pp. 118-128). Palgrave Macmillan UK
Conference proceedings papers
- P67 The effectiveness of health impact assessment in spatial planning on health outcomes: a systematic review and stakeholder involvement. SSM Annual Scientific Meeting (pp A78.1-A78)
- OP68 The effectiveness of neighbourhood-level interventions to reduce outdoor air pollution: systematic review. SSM Annual Scientific Meeting (pp A24.1-A24)
- OP22 Exploring the impact of housing insecurity on the health and wellbeing of children and young people in the United Kingdom: a qualitative systematic review*. SSM Annual Scientific Meeting
- P27 Factros that influence mental health of university and college students in the UK: a systematic review. SSM Annual Scientific Meeting
- P13 The relationship between homeworking and m health and wellbeing before and during the Covid-19 pandemic: a systematic review. SSM Annual Scientific Meeting
- OP35 The relationship between exposure to gambling-related advertising and attitudes, behaviour and gambling-related harms. SSM Annual Scientific Meeting
- P82 Rehousing older social housing tenants: health-related processes and outcomes. SSM Annual Scientific Meeting
- P86 Mapping interventions to reduce the public health burden of gambling related harms. Poster presentations
- OP35 Screening interventions for problem gambling in health, care and support settings – a systematic review. Oral Presentations
- P32 Realising the potential of the wider public health workforce: cautionary tales from the evaluation of programmes to extend the role of frontline staff. Poster presentations
- Non-Pharmacological Treatments for Stuttering in Children and Adults: A Systematic Review and Evaluation of Effectiveness, and Exploration of Barriers to Successful. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 193 (pp 291-292)
- Factors which facilitate or impede patient engagement with pulmonary and cardiac rehabilitation: a rapid evaluation mapping review
- Organisation-wide interventions to promote the health and well-being of healthcare staff during periods of increased demand: a systematic review
- Multidisciplinary systematic review of the relationships between poverty and stress, low level anxiety and depression across the life course. View this article in WRRO
- Relationships between recovery and relapse, and default and repeated episodes of default in the management of acute malnutrition in children in humanitarian emergencies: A systematic review protocol View this article in WRRO
- Acceptability and utility of an online patient-completed clinical decision aid for the differential diagnosis of transient loss of consciousness: a qualitative interview study (Preprint), JMIR Publications Inc..
- Factors That Influence Mental Health Of University And College Students In The UK: A Rapid Review, Research Square.
- A Scoping Review of the Experience of Implementing Population Testing for SARS-CoV-2, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Public health involvement in alcohol licensing decisions in the UK: a systematic review of qualitative studies. BMJ Public Health, 2(2), e000953-e000953.
- Grants
Current grants
HIA review. NIHR Public Health Research Review Team (extension) £112,830 (2023-2024).
Developing and validation of a clinical decision aid for differential diagnosis of transient loss of consciousness. NIHR RfPB £49,352 (2022-2023).
Recent grants
Multidisciplinary systematic review of the relationship between poverty and stress, low level anxiety, and depression across the life course. Start: 01/11/2015, 6 months. Joseph Rowntree Foundation; £29,927; Role: Principal Investigator.
NIHR HS & DR Evidence Synthesis Centre. Start: 01/03/2014, 36 months. National Institute for Health Research; £624,553; Role: Co-Investigator.
How can international evidence on interventions to manage referral from primary to specialist non-emergency care be applied in the UK context? Development of an inclusive systematic review and logic model. NIHR NESTCC. £198,636. Blank L, Baxter S, Goyder E, Buckley Woods H, Payne N. Role: Principal Investigator.
Interventions to promote or maintain physical activity during and after the transition to retirement: evidence synthesis to inform recommendations for policy and practice. Start: 01/02/2014; Duration: 15 months. National Institute for Health Research: £205,352. Role: Principal Investigator.
Non-pharmacological treatments for stuttering in children and adults: a systematic review of effectiveness, and exploration of barriers to successful outcomes. Start: 01/08/2013; 12 months; National Institute for Health Research; £138,000. Role: Co-Investigator.
Brief advice for adults in primary care. NICE. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). Evidence Review on Physical Activity Advice in Primary Care, for the NICE Centre for Public Health Excellence. £55,000. Blank L, Goyder E, Campbell F, Payne N. Role: Principal Investigator.