Anne Doyle
BSc, MA, MSc
School of Medicine and Population Health
PhD student

- Profile
I joined the University of Sheffield in 2023 as a PhD student at the School of Medicine and Population Health.
I currently work in the Health Research Board in Dublin, Ireland as a Research Officer, responsible for alcohol research. My work involves collating alcohol-related data to ensure the Department of Health is provided with evidence of alcohol-related harm in Ireland.
- Qualifications
BSc Psychology
MA Health Promotion and Health Education
MSc Social Research Methods
- Research interests
PhD title: Socioeconomic variations in alcohol-related harms (determined by alcohol-related deaths and treatment for alcohol use)
- Publications
Journal articles
- Alcohol availability and accessibility around schools in Ireland: an examination of liquor licences proximity. Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -), 193(2), 1109-1110.
- Changes over 15 years in lone parenting of Irish persons with intellectual disability. Journal of Family Studies, 29(2), 841-852.
- Use of health services and unmet needs among adults with cerebral palsy in Ireland. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 64(10), 1270-1280.
- Predictors of access to healthcare professionals for people with intellectual disability in Ireland. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 26(1), 3-17.
- People with intellectual disability in Ireland are still dying young. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 34(4), 1057-1065.
- Drug Poisoning Deaths Among Women: A Scoping Review. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 81(5), 543-555.
- Profile of fire fatalities in Ireland using coronial data. Fire Safety Journal, 110, 102892-102892.
- Folate‐related gene polymorphisms as risk factors for cleft lip and cleft palate. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology, 82(9), 636-643.
- Factors associated with public awareness of the relationship between alcohol use and breast cancer risk. BMC Public Health, 23(1).
- Alcohol availability and accessibility around schools in Ireland: an examination of liquor licences proximity. Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -), 193(2), 1109-1110.