Honorary and Emeritus staff

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Staff A-Z

Name Role Department Email address Telephone Surname


Abasolo Alesson, Professor Ignacio Honorary Professor School of Medicine and Population Health ignacio.abasolo@sheffield.ac.uk A
Adisesh, Dr Anil Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health anil.adisesh@hsl.co.uk A
Akehurst, Professor Ron Emeritus Professor of Health Economics School of Medicine and Population Health r.l.akehurst@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 222 5453 A


Bash, Kristin Honorary Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health kabash1@sheffield.ac.uk B
Blackburn, Dr Joanna Honorary Research Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health j.f.blackburn@sheffield.ac.uk B
Boehler, Dr Christian Honorary Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health c.boehler@sheffield.ac.uk B
Brown, Steven Sheffield Clinical Research Academy Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health steven.brown@sth.nhs.uk B


Campbell, Fiona Honorary Senior Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health f.campbell@sheffield.ac.uk C
Cole, Dr Joby Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Infectious Diseases School of Medicine and Population Health j.cole@sheffield.ac.uk C
Cordess, Professor Christopher Emeritus Professor of Forensic Psychiatry School of Medicine and Population Health C


Dalton, Dr Roger Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health r.dalton@sheffield.ac.uk D


Edwards, Professor Brian Emeritus Professor of Healthcare Development School of Medicine and Population Health edwardssheffield@msn.com E
Enderby, Professor Pamela Mary Emeritus Professor of Community Rehabilitation School of Medicine and Population Health p.m.enderby@sheffield.ac.uk 07790565544 E


Fenton, Dr Sarah-Jane Honorary Research Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health F
Flight, Dr Laura Honorary Research Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health l.flight@sheffield.ac.uk F
Fotheringham, James Consultant Nephrologist and Honorary Professor of Renal Medicine School of Medicine and Population Health j.fotheringham@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 222 4346 F


Gibbs, Dr Sally Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health G
Gossiel, Dr Mohamed Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health G
Gunasekera, Dr Roshan Honorary Clinical Research Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health G


Hojman, Daniel Honorary Senior Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health H
Hoo, Dr Hui Honorary Research Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health z.hoo@sheffield.ac.uk H
Hutchinson, Emeritus Professor Allen Emeritus Professor School of Medicine and Population Health allen.hutchinson@sheffield.ac.uk H


Jayes, Dr Mark Honorary Research Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health J
Judge, Dr Simon Honorary Research Fellow (Senior Clinical Scientist) School of Medicine and Population Health simon.judge@nhs.net +44 1226 432159 J


Kaltenthaler, Professor Eva Emeritus Professor School of Medicine and Population Health e.kaltenthaler@sheffield.ac.uk K
Keep, Dr Sarah Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health K
Kharroubi, Dr Samer Honorary Reader School of Medicine and Population Health sk157@aub.edu.lb K
Kiely, Professor David G Honorary Professor of Pulmonary Vascular Medicine School of Medicine and Population Health david.kiely1@nhs.net K
Kuhrt, Dr Avril Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health K


Locker, Thomas Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health tlocker@sheffield.ac.uk L


Martyn-St James, Dr Marrissa Honorary Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health M.Martyn-St.James@sheffield.ac.uk M
McNamara, Simon Honorary Research Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health sjmcnamara1@sheffield.ac.uk M
Michaels, Professor Jonathan Honorary Professor of Clinical Decision Science School of Medicine and Population Health j.michaels@sheffield.ac.uk M
Mountain, Professor Gail Honorary Professor of Health Services Research (assisted living research) School of Medicine and Population Health g.a.mountain@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 222 2982 M
Mulhern, Brendan Honorary Research Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health b.mulhern@sheffield.ac.uk M


Nagy, Balazs Honorary Research Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health N
Nair, Rajendran Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health N
Nield, Christine Honorary Senior Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health N


Palfreyman, Simon Honorary Research Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health s.palfreyman@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 222 2991 P
Peasgood, Dr Tessa Senior Lecturer in Health Economics School of Medicine and Population Health t.peasgood@sheffield.ac.uk P
Perrin, Julie Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health P


Ramlakhan, Dr Shammi Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health shammi.ramlakhan@sth.nhs.uk R
Ratcliffe, Professor Julie Honorary Professor of Health Economics, Flinders Health Economics Group School of Medicine and Population Health julie.ratcliffe@flinders.edu.au +61 8 82752858 R
Reddington, Dr Michael Honorary Research Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health m.reddington@sheffield.ac.uk R
Reid, Dr Stuart Honorary Clinical Teacher School of Medicine and Population Health stuartreid1@nhs.net R


Sabir, Dr Lisa Honorary Clinical Research Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health S
Sammy, Dr Ian Honorary Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health ian.sammy@sheffield.ac.uk S
Senn, Professor Stephen Honorary Professor School of Medicine and Population Health s.senn@sheffield.ac.uk S
Shah, Dr Koonal Honorary Senior Research Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health koonal.k.shah@sheffield.ac.uk S
Smith, Dr Alison Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health a.k.smith@sheffield.ac.uk S
Soady, John Honorary Research Fellow School of Medicine and Population Health S
Squires, Dr Justin Honorary Clinical Teacher School of Medicine and Population Health j.p.squires@sheffield.ac.uk S
Stevens, Dr Katherine Honorary Reader in Health Economics School of Medicine and Population Health k.stevens@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 222 0715 S


Tantam, Professor Digby Emeritus Professor School of Medicine and Population Health D.TANTAM@SHEFFIELD.AC.UK T
Teare, Dawn Honorary Professor School of Medicine and Population Health m.d.teare@sheffield.ac.uk T
Todd, Professor Sue Honorary Professor School of Medicine and Population Health s.c.todd@reading.ac.uk T


van Hout, Professor Ben Emeritus Professor of Health Economics School of Medicine and Population Health b.a.vanhout@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 222 0827 v


West, Professor Jane Honorary Professor in Public Health School of Medicine and Population Health jane.west@sheffield.ac.uk W


Yap, Dr Christoper Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer School of Medicine and Population Health c.t.yap@sheffield.ac.uk Y