Dr Phillip Oliver

School of Medicine and Population Health

Clinical Lecturer

+44 114 222 2217

Full contact details

Dr Phillip Oliver
School of Medicine and Population Health
The Medical School
Beech Hill Road
S10 2RX

I am a clinical lecturer in primary care research and a general practitioner. In addition to my research activities within the AUPMC, I work as a GP partner at Wincobank Medical Centre in Sheffield.

After gaining a BSc in psychology from Sheffield University in 1998, I worked as a research assistant at the Addiction Research Unit within my current department where I completed my PhD evaluating pharmacological risk factors for heroin and methadone overdose. I am interested in data science and completed an MSc in Applied Social Statistics at Lancaster University in 2004.  I studied medicine in Sheffield, graduating in 2011, and went on to complete my GP training in 2016. 

I am a member of the AUPMC primary care informatics group.

Research interests

My main research interests are in using quantitative and data science methods to answer problems in primary care.

Current and recent research 

  • Oliver P, Hulin J, Mitchell C. A primary care database study of asthma treatment engagement and outcomes among patients with a history of illicit opioid use.
  • Oliver P, Delgadillo J. Understanding the consequences and predictors of burnout amongst general practitioners. 
  • Rowse G, Oliver P. Factors associated with life satisfaction in people with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
  • Oliver P, Delaney B, Rutter J. An audit of suicide in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw in collaboration with the Office for the director of public health, Sheffield. 

Journal articles

Conference proceedings papers


Research group

Current and recent student supervision:

  • PhD. Alyami R, Simpson R, Oliver P, Julious S. Implementation of published research results in Primary Care.
  • BMedSci. Crothers R, Oliver P, Twohig H. Exploring barriers and facilitators to uptake of physical activity for young adults in areas of socioeconomic deprivation.
  • BMedSci. O’Neil L. Oliver P, Burton C. Variation in urgent referrals for suspected cancer.