Professor Paul Griffiths
FMedSci, PhD, FRCR
School of Medicine and Population Health
Professor of Radiology

+44 114 215 9604
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School of Medicine and Population Health
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Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Glossop Road
S10 2JF
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I joined the University of Sheffield as the Professor of Radiology in 1996 having held the position of Consultant Neuroradiologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge since 1995.
I administer three MR scanners on behalf of the University of Sheffield and the majority of my research interests centre around neuroimaging using MR (see below). I became a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2008.
- Research interests
My research interests are Paediatric Neuroradiology and in utero MRI scanning.
I am a neuroradiologist who has specialised in diseases of the developing brain therefore much of my clinical and academic work concerns MR imaging the brains of fetuses, neonates and children. The vast majority of my research is patient-centred and I have a good track record of delivering research that informs and changes clinical practice.
Two examples are:
- MR of the fetal brain. My group has been responsible for the development of this technique and has been able to assess the new technology with grants from several sources including the Wellcome Trust. This led to an award of £1.9m from SRIF 3 for a new MR facility enabling the expansion in this field and in b). We have currently undertaking an NIHR grant for £1.4m (MERIDIAN) that will allow us to complete the assessment and inform future management of pregnant women.
- MR of the neonatal brain. Safety is a major issue in this field and we have developed a new environment that allows safe transport of the neonate to a geographically separate MR scanner. In parallel we have been responsible for the design of a high field strength MR scanner that can be sited on a neonatal unit. The plans have been supported by the Wellcome Trust and GE Healthcare to develop and test two prototype systems, one in Boston Children’s Hospital and the other in Sheffield
Current Projects
- MERIDIAN study – fetal brain imaging (funded by HTA)
- Neonatal brain imaging (funded by Wellcome Trust/ GE Healthcare)
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Anatomic localization of dyskinesia in children with "profound" perinatal hypoxic-ischemic injury.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 31(3), 436-441.
- Distribution and conspicuity of intracranial abnormalities on MR imaging in adults with tuberous sclerosis complex: A comparison of sequences including ultrafast T2-weighted images.. Epilepsia, 50(12), 2605-2610.
- Effects of failed commissuration on the septum pellucidum and fornix: implications for fetal imaging.. Neuroradiology, 51(5), 347-356.
- The high incidence and bioethics of findings on magnetic resonance brain imaging of normal volunteers for neuroscience research.. J Med Ethics, 35(3), 194-199.
All publications
- Preface. Elsevier.
Journal articles
- Sex differences in fetal intracranial volumes assessed by in utero MR imaging. Biology of Sex Differences, 14(1).
- Predicting neurodevelopmental outcomes in fetuses with isolated mild ventriculomegaly. Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition. View this article in WRRO
- Single-input multi-output U-Net for automated 2D foetal brain segmentation of MR images. Journal of Imaging, 7(10).
- Antenatal counselling for prospective parents whose fetus has a neurological anomaly: part 2, risks of adverse outcome in common anomalies.. Dev Med Child Neurol.
- Ganglionic Eminence Anomalies and Coexisting Cerebral Developmental Anomalies on Fetal MR Imaging: Multicenter-Based Review of 60 Cases.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol.
- Review of the MRI brain findings of septo-optic dysplasia. Clinical Radiology.
- Normal appearances and dimensions of the foetal cavum septi pellucidi and vergae on in utero MR imaging. Neuroradiology. View this article in WRRO
- Isolated Superior Cerebellar Vermis Injury: A Consequence of Hypoxic Ischemic Injury. Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 18(04), 201-205.
- Long‐term cognitive outcomes in tuberous sclerosis complex. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 62(3), 322-329.
- Accuracy of in-utero MRI to detect fetal brain abnormalities and prognosticate developmental outcome: Postnatal follow-up of the MERIDIAN cohort. The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health. View this article in WRRO
- MRI in the diagnosis of fetal developmental brain abnormalities : the MERIDIAN diagnostic accuracy study. Health Technology Assessment, 23(49), 1-144. View this article in WRRO
- The rate of brain abnormalities on in utero MRI studies in fetuses with normal ultrasound examinations of the brain and calculation of indicators of diagnostic performance. Clinical Radiology, 74(7), 527-533. View this article in WRRO
- An integrated in utero MR method for assessing structural brain abnormalities and measuring intracranial volumes in fetuses with congenital heart disease: results of a prospective case-control feasibility study. Neuroradiology. View this article in WRRO
- Assessment of brain perfusion using hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI in a subject with established stroke.. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. View this article in WRRO
- T2 prolongation in the cerebellar vermis on prenatal MRI of fetuses with Chiari 2 malformations. Clinical Radiology, 74(5), 408.e19-408.e25.
- A Review of Fetal Brain Pathology Acquired In Utero. Neurographics, 9(1), 79-89. View this article in WRRO
- Normative volume measurements of the fetal intra-cranial compartments using 3D volume in utero MR imaging. European Radiology, 29(7), 3488-3495.
- “He looks gorgeous” - iuMR images and the transforming of foetal and parental identities. Sociology of Health & Illness, 41(2), 360-377.
- Current state of MRI of the fetal brain in utero. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. View this article in WRRO
- Schizencephaly revisited. Neuroradiology, 60(9), 945-960. View this article in WRRO
- Analysis of errors made on in utero MR studies of the fetal brain in the MERIDIAN study. European Radiology, 29(1), 195-201. View this article in WRRO
- Initial experience of an investigational 3T MR scanner designed for use on neonatal wards. European Radiology, 28(10), 4438-4446. View this article in WRRO
- Brain-injured Survivors of Monochorionic Twin Pregnancies Complicated by Single Intrauterine Death: MR Findings in a Multicenter Study. Radiology, 288(2), 582-590.
- MRI for Fetal Developmental Brain Abnormalities: Perspectives From the Pregnant Patient. Qualitative Health Research, 28(8), 1295-1307.
- Should we perform in utero MRI on a fetus at increased risk of a brain abnormality if ultrasonography is normal or shows non-specific findings?. Clinical Radiology, 73(2), 123-134. View this article in WRRO
- Use of MRI in the Diagnosis of Fetal Brain Abnormalities in Utero (MERIDIAN). Obstetric Anesthesia Digest, 37(4), 202-203.
- Anatomical subgroup analysis of the MERIDIAN cohort: posterior fossa abnormalities. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 50(6), 745-752. View this article in WRRO
- Anatomical subgroup analysis of the MERIDIAN cohort: Ventriculomegaly. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 50(6), 736-744. View this article in WRRO
- Imaging Human Brain Perfusion with Inhaled Hyperpolarized (129)Xe MR Imaging.. Radiology, 286(2). View this article in WRRO
- Clinical applications of 3D volume MR imaging of the fetal brain in utero. Prenat Diagn, 37(6), 556-565.
- Use of MRI in the Diagnosis of Fetal Brain Abnormalities in Utero (MERIDIAN). Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 72(6), 323-325.
- Change in diagnostic confidence brought about by using in utero MRI for fetal structural brain pathology: Analysis of the MERIDIAN cohort. Clinical Radiology. View this article in WRRO
- A systematic review and meta-analysis to determine the contribution of mr imaging to the diagnosis of foetal brain abnormalities In Utero. European Radiology, 27(6), 2367-2380. View this article in WRRO
- The assessment of fetal brain growth in diabetic pregnancy using in utero magnetic resonance imaging.. Clinical Radiology, 72(5), 427.e1-427.e8. View this article in WRRO
- Anatomical subgroup analysis of the MERIDIAN cohort: failed commissuration. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology. View this article in WRRO
- In utero MR imaging in foetuses at high risk of lissencephaly. The British Journal of Radiology, 20160902-20160902.
- Quantification of total fetal brain volume using 3D MR imaging data acquired in utero.. Prenatal Diagnosis, 36(13), 1225-1232. View this article in WRRO
- Use of MRI in the diagnosis of fetal brain abnormalities in utero (MERIDIAN): a multicentre, prospective cohort study. The Lancet, 389(10068), 538-546. View this article in WRRO
- Cover Image, Volume 36, Issue 13. Prenatal Diagnosis, 36(13), i-i.
- A Qualitative Comparison of Arterial Spin Labelling and Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI in 52 Children with a Range of Neurological Conditions. The British Journal of Radiology, 20160495-20160495. View this article in WRRO
- The assessment of fetal brain growth in diabetic pregnancy using in utero magnetic resonance imaging (iuMRI): a pilot study. Clinical Radiology, 71, S30-S30.
- Prevalence of Prenatal Brain Abnormalities in Fetuses with Congenital Heart Disease: Systematic Review. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 48(3), 296-307.
- A preliminary study of brain macrovascular reactivity in impaired glucose tolerance and type-2 diabetes: Quantitative internal carotid artery blood flow using magnetic resonance phase contrast angiography. Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research, 13(5), 367-372. View this article in WRRO
- High resolution spectroscopy and chemical shift imaging of hyperpolarized 129Xe dissolved in the human brain in vivo at 1.5 tesla. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 75(6), 2227-2234. View this article in WRRO
- Demonstration of Normal and Abnormal Fetal Brains Using 3D Printing from In Utero MR Imaging Data. American Journal of Neuroradiology. View this article in WRRO
- Quantification of structural changes in the corpus callosumin children with profound hypoxic–ischaemic brain injury. Pediatric Radiology, 46(1), 73-81. View this article in WRRO
- Analysis of supratentorial cystic abnormalities usingin uteroMR imaging. The British Journal of Radiology, 89(1058), 20150395-20150395.
- In Utero MR Imaging of Fetal Holoprosencephaly: A Structured Approach to Diagnosis and Classification. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 37(3), 536-543.
- Central nervous system injury in utero: selected entities. Pediatric Radiology, 45(S3), 454-462.
- Feasibility of human lung ventilation imaging using highly polarized naturally abundant xenon and optimized three-dimensional steady-state free precession. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 74(2), 346-352. View this article in WRRO
- Experimental validation of the hyperpolarized 129 Xe chemical shift saturation recovery technique in healthy volunteers and subjects with interstitial lung disease. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 74(1), 196-207. View this article in WRRO
- Fetal brain injury in survivors of twin pregnancies complicated by demise of one twin as assessed byin uteroMR imaging. Prenatal Diagnosis, 35(6), 583-591.
- Antenatal diagnosis of agenesis of the corpus callosum. Clinical Radiology, 70(3), 248-253.
- Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: is MRI surveillance improved by region of interest volumetry?. Pediatric Radiology, 45(2), 203-210.
- Surface reconstructions of foetal brain abnormalities using ultrafast steady state 3D acquisitions. Clinical Radiology, 69(10), 1084-1091.
- Diffusion-weighted imaging and magnetic resonance proton spectroscopy following preterm birth.. Clin Radiol, 69(8), 870-879.
- The diagnosis of hemimegalencephaly using in utero MRI. Clinical Radiology.
- Absent right common carotid artery with stenting of symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis.. J Vasc Surg, 59(5), 1418-1421.
- In utero magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosis of dural venous sinus ectasia with thrombosis in the fetus. PEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY, 43(12), 1591-1598.
- Alcohol Induces Sensitization to Gluten in Genetically Susceptible Individuals: A Case Control Study. PLoS ONE, 8(10). View this article in WRRO
- MRI of the foetal brain using a rapid 3D steady-state sequence.. Br J Radiol, 86(1030), 20130168.
- Fetal electrocardiogram (fECG) gated MRI.. Sensors (Basel), 13(9), 11271-11279. View this article in WRRO
- Management of isolated syringomyelia in the paediatric population--a review of imaging and follow-up in a single centre.. Br J Neurosurg, 27(5), 683-686.
- Spinal neural tube defects on in utero MRI. Clinical Radiology.
- Prospective comparison of late 3T MRI with conventional angiography in evaluating the patency of cerebral arteriovenous malformations treated with stereotactic radiosurgery. Neuroradiology, 55(6), 683-687.
- Simultaneous imaging of lung structure and function with triple-nuclear hybrid MR imaging.. Radiology, 267(1), 251-255.
- Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the brain.. Postgrad Med J, 89(1048), 94-106.
- Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the normal cerebellum: what degree of variability can be expected?. Cerebellum, 12(2), 205-211.
- Magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers in patients with progressive ataxia: current status and future direction.. Cerebellum, 12(2), 245-266.
- Craniospinal abnormalities and neurologic complications of osteogenesis imperfecta: imaging overview.. Radiographics, 32(7), 2101-2112.
- Should we be 'nervous' about coeliac disease? Brain abnormalities in patients with coeliac disease referred for neurological opinion.. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 83(12), 1216-1221.
- The use of in utero MRI to supplement ultrasound in the foetus at high risk of developmental brain or spine abnormality.. Br J Radiol, 85(1019), e1038-e1045.
- MRI protocols for imaging paediatric brain tumours.. Clin Radiol, 67(9), 829-832.
- 3.0 T MRI of 2000 consecutive patients with localisation-related epilepsy.. Br J Radiol, 85(1017), 1236-1242.
- Hyperpolarized 129Xe gas lung MRI-SNR and T2* comparisons at 1.5 T and 3 T.. Magn Reson Med, 68(6), 1900-1904.
- An MR-compatible neonatal incubator.. Br J Radiol, 85(1015), 952-958.
- The use of in utero MR imaging to delineate developmental brain abnormalities in multifetal pregnancies.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 33(2), 359-365.
- MR spectroscopy and atrophy in Gluten, Friedreich's and SCA6 ataxias.. Acta Neurol Scand, 126(2), 138-143.
- Is there a causal relationship between open spinal dysraphism and Chiari II deformity? A study using in utero magnetic resonance imaging of the fetus.. Neurosurgery, 70(4), 890-898.
- The use of MR imaging and spectroscopy of the brain in children investigated for developmental delay: what is the most appropriate imaging strategy?. Eur Radiol, 21(9), 1820-1830.
- Neuroimaging in non-accidental head injury in children: an important element of assessment.. Postgrad Med J, 87(1027), 355-361.
- Microvascular perfusion abnormalities of the Thalamus in painful but not painless diabetic polyneuropathy: a clue to the pathogenesis of pain in type 1 diabetes.. Diabetes Care, 34(3), 718-720. View this article in WRRO
- The encephalopathic child. Neuroradiology Journal, 24(4), 483-502.
- MRI in children with global developmental delay - A retrospective case note review. Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 9(1), 15-21.
- The tuberous sclerosis 2000 study: Presentation initial assessments and implications for diagnosis and management. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 96(11), 1020-1025.
- Childhood moyamoya disease and moyamoya syndrome: A pictorial review. Pediatric Neurology, 44(6), 401-413.
- Fetuses with ventriculomegaly diagnosed in the second trimester of pregnancy by in utero MR imaging: what happens in the third trimester?. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 32(3), 474-480.
- A systematic review of the literature on the effects of dexamethasone on the brain from in vivo human-based studies: implications for physiological brain imaging of patients with intracranial tumors.. Neurosurgery, 67(6), 1799-1815.
- Neonatal cochlear function: measurement after exposure to acoustic noise during in utero MR imaging.. Radiology, 257(3), 802-809.
- Role of imaging in the diagnosis of acute bacterial meningitis and its complications.. Postgrad Med J, 86(1018), 478-485.
- Dimensions and ossification of the normal anterior cranial fossa in children.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 31(7), 1268-1272.
- Imaging in childhood scoliosis: a pictorial review.. Postgrad Med J, 86(1017), 419-427.
- Imaging in acute ischaemic stroke: essential for modern stroke care.. Postgrad Med J, 86(1017), 409-418.
- Assessment of sulcation of the fetal brain in cases of isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum using in utero MR imaging.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 31(6), 1085-1090.
- Corpus Callosum Morphology and Microstructure Assessed Using Structural MR Imaging and Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Initial Findings in Adults with Neurofibromatosis Type 1. AM J NEURORADIOL, 31(5), 856-861.
- Anatomic localization of dyskinesia in children with "profound" perinatal hypoxic-ischemic injury.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 31(3), 436-441.
- Neurolinguistic programming used to reduce the need for anaesthesia in claustrophobic patients undergoing MRI.. Br J Radiol, 83(986), 113-117.
- Filter-Protected versus Unprotected Carotid Artery Stenting: A Randomised Trial. CEREBROVASC DIS, 29(3), 282-289.
- A prospective study of fetuses with isolated ventriculomegaly investigated by antenatal sonography and in utero MR imaging.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 31(1), 106-111.
- Distribution and conspicuity of intracranial abnormalities on MR imaging in adults with tuberous sclerosis complex: A comparison of sequences including ultrafast T2-weighted images.. Epilepsia, 50(12), 2605-2610.
- P285 Diffusion weighted imaging and MR spectroscopy findings in a case of neonatal hypoglycaemia. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 13, S109-S110.
- OP16.10: Measurement of neonatal cochlear function following exposure to magnetic resonance imaging in utero. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 34(S1), 113-114.
- Discrepancy in reporting among specialist registrars and the role of a paediatric neuroradiologist in reporting paediatric CT head examinations.. Clin Radiol, 64(9), 891-896.
- 3D Reconstructions of the Cerebral Ventricles and Volume Quantification in Children with Brain Malformations. ACAD RADIOL, 16(5), 610-617.
- Effects of failed commissuration on the septum pellucidum and fornix: implications for fetal imaging.. Neuroradiology, 51(5), 347-356.
- Imaging the corpus callosum, septum pellucidum and fornix in children: normal anatomy and variations of normality.. Neuroradiology, 51(5), 337-345.
- The high incidence and bioethics of findings on magnetic resonance brain imaging of normal volunteers for neuroscience research.. J Med Ethics, 35(3), 194-199.
- 'Destructive encephalopathy in incontinentia pigmenti'. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51(2), 162-163.
- Intraindividual Comparison between Gadopentetate Dimeglumine and Gadobutrol for Magnetic Resonance Perfusion in Normal Brain and Intracranial Tumors at 3 Tesla. ACTA RADIOL, 50(5), 521-530.
- Cerebellar volume and cerebellar metabolic characteristics in adults with dyslexia.. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1145, 222-236.
- Thalamic neuronal dysfunction and chronic sensorimotor distal symmetrical polyneuropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus.. Diabetologia, 51(11), 2088-2092.
- MRI assessment of basal ganglia iron deposition in Parkinson's disease.. J Magn Reson Imaging, 28(5), 1061-1067.
- Magnetic resonance imaging and developmental outcome following preterm birth: review of current evidence.. Dev Med Child Neurol, 50(9), 655-663.
- Comparison of manual direct and automated indirect measurement of hippocampus using magnetic resonance imaging. EUR J RADIOL, 66(2), 268-273.
- The clinical course after stereotactic radiosurgical amygdalohippocampectomy with neuroradiological correlates.. Neurosurgery, 62(2), 336-344.
- The current role of fetal magnetic resonance imaging. Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review, 19(1), 33-60.
- MR perfusion: Techniques used for intracranial tumour assessment. Neuroradiology Journal, 21(SUPPL. 1), 20-26.
- Less invasive autopsy: benefits and limitations of the use of magnetic resonance imaging in the perinatal postmortem.. Pediatr Dev Pathol, 11(1), 1-9.
- SNR phase order k-space encoding (SPOKE).. Magn Reson Imaging, 25(10), 1402-1408.
- Direct and indirect measurement of temporal horn volume and temporal horn index and its neuropsychological correlation in mild cognitive impaired and Alzheimer diseased patients. CURRENT MEDICAL IMAGING REVIEWS, 3(4), 242-248.
- Magnetic resonance perfusion imaging in malformations of cortical development.. Acta Radiol, 48(8), 907-917.
- Biological markers of intellectual disability in tuberous sclerosis. PSYCHOL MED, 37(9), 1293-1304.
- Cerebral arteriovenous malformations: comparison of novel magnetic resonance angiographic techniques and conventional catheter angiography.. Neurosurgery, 61(1 Suppl), 187-196.
- The value of in-utero magnetic resonance imaging in ultrasound diagnosed foetal isolated cerebral ventriculomegaly.. Clin Radiol, 62(2), 140-144.
- Magnetic resonance spectroscopy changes following haemopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy.. Dev Med Child Neurol, 49(2), 135-139.
- A multicenter, site-independent, blinded study to compare the diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography using 1.0 M gadobutrol (Gadovist™) to intraarterial digital subtraction angiography in body arteries. European Journal of Radiology, 61(2), 315-323.
- Misrepresentation of surface rendering of pediatric brain malformations performed following spatial normalization.. Acta Radiol, 47(10), 1094-1099.
- Sequential dynamic gadolinium magnetic resonance perfusion-weighted imaging: effects on transit time and cerebral blood volume measurements.. Acta Radiol, 47(10), 1079-1084.
- Early involvement of the spinal cord in diabetic peripheral neuropathy.. Diabetes Care, 29(12), 2664-2669.
- Stereotactic radiosurgery for brain arteriovenous malformations: quantitative MR assessment of nidal response at 1 year and angiographic factors predicting early obliteration.. Neuroradiology, 48(11), 821-829.
- Assessment of blood supply to intracranial pathologies in children using MR digital subtraction angiography.. Pediatr Radiol, 36(10), 1057-1062.
- Optic nerve diastasis in a patient with congenital optic nerve hypoplasia.. J AAPOS, 10(5), 482-483.
- In utero magnetic resonance of non-isolated ventriculomegaly: does ventricular size or morphology reflect pathology?. Clinical Radiology, 61(10), 844-853.
- Imaging the fetal spine using in utero MR: diagnostic accuracy and impact on management.. Pediatr Radiol, 36(9), 927-933.
- Post-mortem MRI of the foetal spine and spinal cord.. Clin Radiol, 61(8), 679-685.
- Postmortem fetal MRI: what do we learn from it?. Clinical Imaging, 30(4), 300-300.
- Idiopathic generalised epilepsy: a pilot study of memory and neuronal dysfunction in the temporal lobes, assessed by magnetic resonance spectroscopy.. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 77(7), 834-840.
- Cerebral perfusion abnormalities in children with Sturge-Weber syndrome shown by dynamic contrast bolus magnetic resonance perfusion imaging.. Pediatrics, 117(6), 2119-2125.
- Simultaneous parallel inclined readout image technique.. Magn Reson Imaging, 24(5), 557-562.
- Magnetic resonance imaging of the fetus. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, 8(2), 71-77.
- MR imaging of recent non-traumatic intracranial hemorrhage: early experience at 3 T.. Neuroradiology, 48(4), 247-254.
- Dexamethasone and enhancing solitary cerebral mass lesions: alterations in perfusion and blood-tumor barrier kinetics shown by magnetic resonance imaging.. Neurosurgery, 58(4), 640-646.
- Less invasive autopsy: benefits and limitations of the use of magnetic resonance imaging in the perinatal post-mortem. Pediatric and Developmental Pathology, preprint(2007), 1-1.
- Post-mortem fetal MRI: what do we learn from it?. Eur J Radiol, 57(2), 250-255.
- Hypertensive crisis in the von Hippel-Lindau syndrome type IIa. Diagnosis: Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. Radiologe, 46(3), 224-226.
- Effects of creatine supplementation on cerebral white matter in competitive sportsmen.. Clin J Sport Med, 16(1), 63-67.
- . Cerebrospinal Fluid Research, 2(Suppl 1), S21-S21.
- . Cerebrospinal Fluid Research, 2(Suppl 1), S18-S18.
- The nonspecific nature of proton spectroscopy in brain masses in children: a series of demyelinating lesions.. Neuroradiology, 47(12), 955-959.
- Imaging findings and referral outcomes of rapid assessment stroke clinics.. Clin Radiol, 60(10), 1076-1082.
- Postmortem MR imaging of the fetus: an adjunct or a replacement for conventional autopsy?. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med, 10(5), 475-483.
- First-line investigation of acute intracerebral hemorrhage using dynamic magnetic resonance angiography.. Acta Radiol, 46(6), 625-630.
- MR imaging of patients with localisation-related seizures: initial experience at 3.0T and relevance to the NICE guidelines.. Clin Radiol, 60(10), 1090-1099.
- Simultaneous multislice imaging with slice-multiplexed RF pulses.. Magn Reson Med, 54(4), 755-760.
- In utero magnetic resonance imaging for brain and spinal abnormalities in fetuses.. BMJ, 331(7516), 562-565.
- Cerebellar abnormalities on proton MR spectroscopy in gluten ataxia.. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 76(7), 1011-1013.
- Method of generalized projections algorithm for image-based reduction of artifacts in radial imaging.. Magn Reson Med, 54(1), 246-250.
- The effects of dehydration on brain volume -- preliminary results.. Int J Sports Med, 26(6), 481-485.
- Measurements and modeling of long range 3He diffusion in the lung using a "slice-washout" method.. J Magn Reson, 174(1), 28-33.
- Brain arteriovenous malformations: measurement of nidal volume using a combination of static and dynamic magnetic resonance angiography techniques.. Neuroradiology, 47(5), 387-392.
- Post-mortem MRI as an adjunct to fetal or neonatal autopsy.. Lancet, 365(9466), 1271-1273.
- Spurious leptomeningeal enhancement on immediate post-operative MRI for paediatric brain tumours.. Pediatr Radiol, 35(3), 334-338.
- Assessment of cerebral haemodynamics and vascular reserve in patients with symptomatic carotid artery occlusion: an integrated MR method.. Neuroradiology, 47(3), 175-182.
- Modern imaging of brain malformations with particular reference to endocrinology. Imaging Decisions MRI, 9(4), 19-30.
- Is the rapid assessment stroke clinic rapid enough in assessing transient ischaemic attack and minor stroke? [5]. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 76(1), 145-146.
- Development and validation of models for the investigation of blood clotting in idealized stenoses and cerebral aneurysms. Journal of Artificial Organs, 8(1), 56-62.
- Imaging the neonatal brain: Novel techniques. Imaging Decisions MRI, 9(4), 8-13.
- Cerebral haemodynamic disturbances in patients with moderate carotid artery stenosis. EUR J VASC ENDOVASC, 29(1), 52-57.
- Diffusion tensor imaging for the assessment of upper motor neuron integrity in ALS.. Neurology, 63(11), 2111-2119.
- Frequency and Natural History of Subdural Hemorrhages in Babies and Relation to Obstetric Factors. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 59(12), 814-816.
- Corroboration of in utero MRI using post-mortem MRI and autopsy in foetuses with CNS abnormalities.. Clin Radiol, 59(12), 1114-1120.
- Finite-difference simulations of 3He diffusion in 3D alveolar ducts: comparison with the "cylinder model".. Magn Reson Med, 52(4), 917-920.
- P14.69: Ultrafast magnetic resonance of the fetal spine-the importance of the extra-axial cerebrospinal fluid space. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 24(3), 365-365.
- Comparison of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in 100 singleton pregnancies with suspected brain abnormalities.. BJOG, 111(8), 784-792.
- A method of generalized projections (MGP) ghost correction algorithm for interleaved EPI.. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 23(7), 839-848.
- MR imaging and spectroscopy in Lhermitte-Duclos disease.. Neuroradiology, 46(5), 355-358.
- Differential growth rates of the cerebellum and posterior fossa assessed by post mortem magnetic resonance imaging of the fetus: implications for the pathogenesis of the chiari 2 deformity.. Acta Radiol, 45(2), 236-242.
- Frequency and natural history of subdural haemorrhages in babies and relation to obstetric factors.. Lancet, 363(9412), 846-851.
- Investigating 3He diffusion NMR in the lungs using finite difference simulations and in vivo PGSE experiments.. J Magn Reson, 167(1), 1-11.
- Target field design for MAMBA step fields. CONCEPT MAGN RESON B, 20B(1), 1-8.
- Ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging of the neonate in a magnetic resonance-compatible incubator with a built-in coil.. Pediatrics, 113(2), e150-e152.
- Computed tomography in children. British Medical Journal, 329(7472), 930-932.
- Mutations in microcephalin cause aberrant regulation of chromosome condensation. American Journal of Human Genetics, 75(2), 261-266.
- How well do we investigate patients with suspected subarachnoid haemorrhage? The continuing need for cerebrospinal fluid investigations.. Postgrad Med J, 80(939), 27-30.
- Neurovascular MRI with dynamic contrast-enhanced subtraction angiography.. Neuroradiology, 45(12), 843-850.
- Choice of cross size in stereology--a cautionary note.. Neuroradiology, 45(12), 896-899.
- Acute central and peripheral demyelination associated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae.. Pediatr Neurol, 29(3), 239-241.
- Ultrafast MR imaging in pediatric neuroradiology.. Acta Radiol, 44(5), 550-557.
- Thunderclap headache: presentation of intracranial sinus thrombosis?. Clin Radiol, 58(8), 648-652.
- Magnetic resonance imaging with stepped B(0) fields.. Magn Reson Imaging, 21(6), 625-629.
- B1AC-MAMBA: B1 array combined with multiple-acquisition micro B0 array parallel magnetic resonance imaging.. Magn Reson Med, 49(6), 1196-1200.
- Dynamic radial projection MRI of inhaled hyperpolarized 3He gas.. Magn Reson Med, 49(6), 991-997.
- Low field strength magnetic resonance imaging of the neonatal brain.. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed, 88(3), F203-F208.
- P098a: In utero Magnetic Resonance imaging in cases of ultrasound diagnosed isolated ventriculomegaly. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 22(S1), 97-97.
- Magnetic resonance spectroscopic abnormalities in sporadic and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.. Clin Radiol, 58(2), 148-153.
- Motor functional MRI for pre-operative and intraoperative neurosurgical guidance.. Br J Radiol, 76(902), 98-103.
- Facial naevus flammeus with choroidal haemangioma and without intracranial involvement. DEV MED CHILD NEUROL, 45(2), 139-139.
- Ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging of the fetal central nervous system. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 23(sup1), S11-S11.
- Magnetic resonance imaging of subdural haemorrhage following instrumental vaginal delivery in clinically normal neonates. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 23(sup1), S20-S20.
- Neuroimaging for non-accidental head injury in childhood: A proposed protocol. CLINICAL RADIOLOGY, 58(1), 44-53.
- Temozolomide in malignant gliomas of childhood: A United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group and French Society for Pediatric Oncology Intergroup study. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 20(24), 4684-4691.
- Interleaved pulsed MAMBA: a new parallel slice imaging method.. Magn Reson Med, 48(6), 1043-1050.
- Imaging of haemorrhagic stroke.. Clin Radiol, 57(11), 957-968.
- Study of the effect of CSF suppression on white matter diffusion anisotropy mapping of healthy human brain.. Magn Reson Med, 48(2), 394-398.
- MR imaging of the lungs with hyperpolarized helium-3 gas transported by air.. Phys Med Biol, 47(13), N185-N190.
- A stereoscope for image-guided surgery.. Br J Neurosurg, 16(3), 261-266.
- Image-based EPI ghost correction using an algorithm based on projection onto convex sets (POCS).. Magn Reson Med, 47(4), 812-817.
- k-space filtering in 2D gradient-echo breath-hold hyperpolarized 3He MRI: spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio considerations.. Magn Reson Med, 47(4), 687-695.
- Neuro-epileptic determinants of autism spectrum disorders in tuberous sclerosis complex. Brain, 125(6), 1247-1255.
- Fast two-dimensional MR imaging by multiple acquisition with micro B(0) array (MAMBA).. Magn Reson Imaging, 20(1), 119-125.
- Investigating the functional anatomy of empathy and forgiveness.. Neuroreport, 12(11), 2433-2438.
- Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations: Comparison of Novel Magnetic Resonance Angiographic Techniques and Conventional Catheter Angiography. Neurosurgery, 48(5), 973-983.
- Ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging of central nervous system abnormalities in utero in the second and third trimester of pregnancy: comparison with ultrasound. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 108(5), 519-526.
- Ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging of central nervous system abnormalities in utero in the second and third trimester of pregnancy: comparison with ultrasound.. BJOG, 108(5), 519-526.
- The imaging of ischaemic stroke.. Clin Radiol, 56(3), 171-183.
- Detection of subarachnoid haemorrhage with magnetic resonance imaging.. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 70(2), 205-211.
- Catheter tracking for MR fluoroscopy: Design of a transmit/receive coil for use with a nasogastric tube. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 13(1), 127-130.
- Picture quiz. Imaging, 13(4), 331-338.
- Imaging epilepsy in childhood. Imaging, 13(4), 239-251.
- Tethering of the vertebral artery in the congenital arcuate foramen of the atlas vertebra: A possible cause of vertebral artery dissection in children. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 43(7), 491-496.
- Non-invasive imaging of the cervical carotid and vertebral arteries. Imaging, 13(5), 376-390.
- MR imaging in acute stroke. Imaging Decisions MRI, 5(1), 2-10.
- Design and initial evaluation of a low-cost 3-Tesla research system for combined optical and functional MR imaging with interventional capability.. J Magn Reson Imaging, 13(1), 87-92.
- Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of brain lesions in children with neurofibromatosis type 1.. Magn Reson Imaging, 19(8), 1081-1089.
- Brain iron deposition in Parkinson's disease imaged using the PRIME magnetic resonance sequence.. Brain, 123 Pt 12, 2423-2431.
- Comparison of Doppler ultrasound, magnetic resonance angiographic techniques and catheter angiography in evaluation of carotid stenosis.. Clin Radiol, 55(12), 912-920.
- Leptomeningeal Enhancement and Extravasation of Contrast Medium into the CSF Space?. Stroke, 31(9), 2266-2278.
- Leptomeningeal Enhancement After Carotid Stenting. Stroke, 31(9), 2266-2278.
- Evidence of spinal cord atrophy in diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 50, 273-273.
- Evidence Of Spinal Cord Atrophy In Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, 5(3), 175-175.
- Stable periodic vortex shedding studied using computational fluid dynamics, laser sheet flow visualization, and MR imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 18(4), 473-478.
- Unilateral leptomeningeal enhancement after carotid stent insertion detected by magnetic resonance imaging.. Stroke, 31(4), 848-851.
- Prediction of cerebral ischaemia during carotid endarterectomy with preoperative CO
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- Neurofibromatosis bright objects in children with neurofibromatosis type 1: a proliferative potential?. Pediatrics, 104(4), e49.
- A protocol for imaging paediatric brain tumours. United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group and Société Française d'Oncologie Pédiatrique Panelists.. Clin Radiol, 54(9), 558-562.
- Neurofibromatosis type 1: the role of neuroradiology.. Neuropediatrics, 30(3), 111-119.
- Iron in the basal ganglia in Parkinson's disease. An in vitro study using extended X-ray absorption fine structure and cryo-electron microscopy.. Brain, 122 ( Pt 4), 667-673.
- Schinzel-Giedion syndrome: evidence for a neurodegenerative process.. Am J Med Genet, 82(4), 344-347.
- 106 Neonatal MRI: A new approach by the special care baby unit. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 3(6), A135-A135.
- Specific patterns of cognitive impairment in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus and Alzheimer's disease: A pilot study. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 67(6), 723-732.
- A protocol for imaging paediatric brain tumours. United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group (UKCCSG) and Société Française D'Oncologie Pédiatrique (SFOP) Panelists.. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol), 11(5), 290-294.
- White matter abnormalities in tuberous sclerosis complex.. Acta Radiol, 39(5), 482-486.
- Cerebellar arteriovenous malformations in children.. Neuroradiology, 40(5), 324-331.
- Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: the role of neuroradiology.. Neuropediatrics, 28(5), 244-252.
- Angiography in non-traumatic brain haematoma. An analysis of 100 cases.. Acta Radiol, 38(5), 797-802.
- 99mTechnetium HMPAO imaging in children with the Sturge-Weber syndrome: a study of nine cases with CT and MRI correlation.. Neuroradiology, 39(3), 219-224.
- Association of tuberous sclerosis of temporal lobes with autism and atypical autism.. Lancet, 349(9049), 392-395.
- The role of duplex sonography and angiography in the investigation of carotid artery disease. Neuroradiology, 39(2), 122-126.
- Internal and external carotid contributions to near-infrared spectroscopy during carotid endarterectomy. Stroke, 28(5), 906-911.
- Sturge-Weber syndrome revisited: the role of neuroradiology.. Neuropediatrics, 27(6), 284-294.
- Respiratory Chain Dysfunction in Progressive Neuronal Degeneration of Childhood With Liver Disease. Journal of Child Neurology, 11(5), 417-419.
- Autoradiography of transferrin receptors in the human brain. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 211(1), 53-56.
- Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita and Bilateral Parietal Polymicrogyria in Association with the Intrauterine Death of a Twin. Neuropediatrics, 27(1), 54-56.
- Incidental intracranial vascular pathology in patients investigated for carotid stenosis. Neuroradiology, 38(1), 25-30.
- Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis in two sisters: Case reports and MR imaging. Clinical Radiology, 50(2), 117-119.
- Oculomotor nerve palsy due to thrombosis of a posterior communicating artery aneurysm following diagnostic angiography. Neuroradiology, 36(8), 614-615.
- Thalamic Infarction in Childhood Due to Extracranial Vertebral Artery Abnormalities. Neuropediatrics, 25(05), 262-264.
- A simple method for skin/lesion localization using magnetic resonance imaging. The British Journal of Radiology, 67(800), 813-815.
- A detailed anatomical analysis of neurotransmitter receptors in the putamen and caudate in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Neuroscience Letters, 169(1-2), 68-72.
- The radiological features of hemimegalencephaly including three cases associated with proteus syndrome. Neuropediatrics, 25(3), 140-144.
- The use of effervescent agents in the small bowel meal examination. Clinical Radiology, 48(4), 275-277.
- Distribution of Iron in the Basal Ganglia and Neocortex in Postmortem Tissue in Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 4(2), 61-65.
- Receptor Changes in the Neocortex of Post-Mortem Tissue in Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 3(4), 239-246.
- Changes in benzodiazepine and acetylcholine receptors in the globus pallidus in Parkinson's disease. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 100(1-2), 131-136.
- Correction: Sex differences in fetal intracranial volumes assessed by in utero MR imaging. Biology of Sex Differences, 14(1).
- Evaluation of the Prevalence of Punctate White Matter Lesions in a Healthy Volunteer Neonatal Population. American Journal of Neuroradiology.
- Antenatal counselling for prospective parents whose fetus has a neurological anomaly: part 1, experiences and recommendations for service design. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology.
- Changes in appearance of cortical formation abnormalities in the foetus detected on sequential in utero MR imaging. European Radiology.
- Cortical formation abnormalities on foetal MR imaging: a proposed classification system trialled on 356 cases from Italian and UK centres. European Radiology.
- Analysis of 270 fetuses with non‐visualisation of the cavum septi pellucidi and vergae on
MR imaging. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology.
- Wireless Accelerometer for Neonatal MRI Motion Artifact Correction. Technologies, 5(1), 6-6. View this article in WRRO
- Kraniospinale Anomalien und neurologische Komplikationen bei Osteogenesis imperfecta: Bildgebung im Überblick. Neuroradiologie Scan, 03(04), 285-298.
- Tigroid pattern of cerebral white matter involvement in chromosome 6p25 deletion syndrome with concomitant 5p15 duplication. Journal of Pediatric Genetics, 01(04), 247-252.
- Pediatric orbit and periorbital pathology: A pictorial review of imaging strategies using CT and MRI. Journal of Pediatric Neuroradiology, 01(01), 007-017.
- OP03.11: Clinically silent extracranial and intracranial hemorrhages-are these a significant pathology or not?. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 30(4), 466-466.
- OC21: Postmortem magnetic resonance imaging of the fetus-an important adjunct to the formal autopsy. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 30(4), 373-373.
- Variation in prognosis given by fetomaternal units in fetuses with neurological abnormalities. Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition. View this article in WRRO
- Fetal Brain Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Fusion Strategies, Advances in Visual Computing (pp. 113-124). Springer International Publishing
- Automated 2D Fetal Brain Segmentation of MR Images Using a Deep U-Net, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 373-386). Springer International Publishing
- Surface Anatomy of the Brain, Atlas of Fetal and Postnatal Brain MR (pp. 7-34). Elsevier
- Sectional Anatomy of the Postnatal Brain, Atlas of Fetal and Postnatal Brain MR (pp. 153-260). Elsevier
- Sectional Anatomy of the Fetal Brain, Atlas of Fetal and Postnatal Brain MR (pp. 35-151). Elsevier
- Introduction, Atlas of Fetal and Postnatal Brain MR (pp. 1-6). Elsevier
- CONTRIBUTORS, Gray's Anatomy (pp. xi-xiii). Elsevier
- Imaging of Intracranial Abnormalities in Neurofibromatosis Types 1 and 2, Recent Advances in Diagnostic Neuroradiology (pp. 275-293). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Conference proceedings papers
- Assessment of lung microstructure in ILD with3He and129Xe MRI. 4.1 Clinical respiratory physiology, exercise and functional imaging
- P273 Assessment Of Lung Microstructure In Interstitial Lung Disease With Hyperpolarised Gas Mri. Thorax, Vol. 69(Suppl 2) (pp A192-A193)
- Incidence of extracranial hemorrhage in asymptomatic neonates. A MRI study evaluating mode of delivery. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 195(6) (pp S47-S47)
- Sex differences in fetal intracranial volumes assessed by in utero MR imaging, Research Square Platform LLC.
- Anatomic localization of dyskinesia in children with "profound" perinatal hypoxic-ischemic injury.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 31(3), 436-441.
- Teaching interests
I am involved in a number of teaching activities ranging from undergraduate lecturing, project management and mentoring through to training Europe's neuroradiogists of the future through my involvement with the European Society of Neuroradiology. I helped to establish the Academic Clinical Fellows/Lecturer programme along with my colleague, Dr Nigel Hoggard.
I supervise several PhD/MD students at a time and I have a very high completion rate of higher degree award. In 2009 I became the Chair of the academic sub-committee of the British Society of Neuroradiologists with a remit to advise on how to improve the number and quality of neuroradiologists with academic credentials.
- Professional activities and memberships
- NIHR CCRCD Panellist for Doctoral Research Fellowships 2009-
- Member of the Diagnostic Technologies and screening panel, NHS RTA programme 2008-
- Honorary member of the NIHR Faculty 2008-
- Member of British Society of Neuroradiologists from 1995
- Member of the American Society of Paediatric Neuroradiology from 2002
- Scientific Committee member of the European Course in Neuroradiology 2006-
- Medical Advisor to the Board of the Tuberous Sclerosis Society Association (GB)
- Medical Advisor to the Society for Research into Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida