Professor Nigel Hoggard
School of Medicine and Population Health
Professor of Neuroradiology

+44 114 215 9607
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School of Medicine and Population Health
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Royal Hallamshire Hospital
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I joined the University of Sheffield in 2006 with interests in adult diagnostic neuroradiology and novel MR imaging agents. Prior to that I had been an NHS Consultant Neuroradiologist at the Manchester Neurosciences Centre, Hope Hospital Salford from 2003. I have been Professor of Neuroradiology since 2018.
I have published over 90 peer reviewed articles.
- Research interests
My research interests remain primarily centred on the diagnostic applications of MR imaging in radiology with a particular emphasis on neuroscience and the cerebellum in particular. I work closely with Prof Marios Hadjivassiliou, we are part of the SIGReD group founded by Marios, a multi-disciplinary research group focussed on gluten related diseases. We have published numerous articles on gluten ataxia and brain imaging in gluten sensitivity.
The cerebellum is a small part of the brain that never the less contains over half of the neurons. It represents a highly compact system for combining and analysing information subconsciously for the rest of the brain, it can be thought of as the brain’s own supercomputer. It is designed to compare feedback information such as where is my hand in space to pre-existing models held in the cerebellum and then feed-forward into motor commands to ensure movements coordinated in real time such as would be required for catching a ball.The cerebellum not only helps the brain to control balance and coordination of movement but is now having its role in control of emotion, language and cognition gradually revealed. When it is damaged patients may be affected by falls and feel clumsy. They may lose the ability to walk, speak normally, use utensils or dress themselves and quite frequently may have to use a wheel chair as it becomes more severe.
The cerebellum is affected by a wide range of diseases including genetic conditions, degenerative conditions, alcohol and auto-immunity related diseases. There are new treatments being developed for diseases affecting the cerebellum but trials are hampered by the lack of suitable ways to measure their effectiveness. In dementia and MS many trial outcomes are based on MR imaging techniques as a well as clinical changes in the patients. But because the cerebellum’s activity is subconscious and represents feedback control beneath the surface it is difficult to measure clinically. Our group’s research is focussed on assessment of the cerebellum with advanced MR imaging based techniques. In particular, there is a need for measurements in the autoimmune cerebellar diseases and aggressive degenerative cerebellar disease such as MSA-C.
Gluten sensitivity, as well as causing ataxia, can be associated with accelerated white matter small vessel disease and imaging to assess this and the evaluation the blood brain barrier is an area of great interest to us in SIGReD. We recently published a paper demonstrating cognitive and structural brain changes in patients with coeliac ideas from the UK BioBank study in Gastroenterology. We have been recently funded by the Peter Sowerby Foundation to investigate the potential consequences of gluten possessing antibodies gliadins in the blood, which affects about 10% of the UK population, on brain structure and neuro-cognitive performance.
I have been heavily involved in the UK and European response to the evidence of the accumulation of gadolinium in the brain in patients after routine administration of gadolinium based contrast agents for MR scans.I co-chaired the PRAC which recommended to the Human Medicines agency to restrict the use of linear structure gadolinium based contrast agents in the European Union.
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Cognitive deficit and white matter changes in persons with celiac disease: a population-based study. Gastroenterology. View this article in WRRO
- Causes of progressive cerebellar ataxia: prospective evaluation of 1500 patients.. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 88, 301-309.
- T1 hyperintensity on brain imaging subsequent to gadolinium-based contrast agent administration: what do we know about intracranial gadolinium deposition?. British Journal of Radiology, 90(1069).
- Phenytoin for neuroprotection in patients with acute optic neuritis: a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. The Lancet Neurology, 15(3), 259-269.
- Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the normal cerebellum: what degree of variability can be expected?. Cerebellum, 12(2), 205-211.
- Some patients with irritable bowel syndrome may have exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 8(5), 433-438.
- The high incidence and bioethics of findings on magnetic resonance brain imaging of normal volunteers for neuroscience research.. J Med Ethics, 35(3), 194-199.
All publications
Journal articles
- Anti-gliadin Antibodies and the Brain in People Without Celiac Disease: A Case-Control Study.. Am J Gastroenterol, 120(3), 657-662.
- Cerebellar degeneration in gluten ataxia is linked to microglial activation. Brain Communications, 6(2). View this article in WRRO
- Retraction notice to “Gluten Does Not Induce Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Healthy Volunteers: A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo Trial” Gastroenterology 2019;157:881-883. Gastroenterology.
- Evaluating the performance of artificial intelligence software for lung nodule detection on chest radiographs in a retrospective real-world UK population. BMJ Open, 13(11), e077348-e077348.
- Targeted magnetic resonance imaging (tMRI) of small changes in the T1 and spatial properties of normal or near normal appearing white and gray matter in disease of the brain using divided subtracted inversion recovery (dSIR) and divided reverse subtracted inversion recovery (drSIR) sequences. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 13(10), 7304-7337.
- P235 Cerebellar ataxia in primary Sjogren’s syndrome: is gluten sensitivity the answer?. Rheumatology, 61(Supplement_1).
- The effect of grape interventions on cognitive and mental performance in healthy participants and those with mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Nutrition Reviews, 80(3), 367-380.
- Brain energy metabolism in ALS: A phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 429, 119412-119412. View this article in WRRO
- Cushing’s disease presenting with psychosis. Practical Neurology, 21(4), 351-353.
- Recognition and management of rapid-onset gluten ataxias: case series.. Cerebellum Ataxias, 8(1), 16.
- The role of MRI and CT of the brain in first episodes of psychosis and behavioural abnormality. Clinical Radiology.
- Denosumab after total hip arthroplasty – Authors' reply. The Lancet Rheumatology, 3(6), e406-e407.
- Neurological Evaluation of Patients with Newly Diagnosed Coeliac Disease Presenting to Gastroenterologists: A 7-Year Follow-Up Study.. Nutrients, 13(6).
- Stiff person syndrome and gluten sensitivity. Nutrients, 13(4).
- Gluten and autism spectrum disorder. Nutrients, 13(2), 1-19.
- Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis: diversity of presentation and refining treatment with chenodeoxycholic acid. Cerebellum and Ataxias, 8(1).
- Effect of denosumab on osteolytic lesion activity after total hip arthroplasty: a single-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, proof of concept trial. The Lancet Rheumatology.
- Ursodeoxycholic acid as a novel disease-modifying treatment for Parkinson’s disease: protocol for a two-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, The 'UP' study. BMJ Open, 10(8), e038911-e038911.
- Cognitive impairment in coeliac disease with respect to disease duration and gluten-free diet adherence : a pilot study. Nutrients, 12(7). View this article in WRRO
- Analysis of polyphenolic metabolites from in vitro gastrointestinal digested soft fruit extracts identify malvidin-3-glucoside as an inhibitor of PTP1B. Biochemical Pharmacology, 178, 114109-114109.
- Cognitive deficit and white matter changes in persons with celiac disease: a population-based study. Gastroenterology. View this article in WRRO
- Comparison of Multivendor Single-Voxel MR Spectroscopy Data Acquired in Healthy Brain at 26 Sites. Radiology, 295(1), 171-180.
- Professional development and research are being neglected: a commentary on the 2019 RCR radiologists' supporting professional activities (SPA) survey. Clinical Radiology, 75(5), 348-350.
- Correction to: Longitudinal multi-modal muscle-based biomarker assessment in motor neuron disease. Journal of Neurology, 267(1), 257-258.
- Anthocyanin-enriched bilberry extract attenuates glycaemic response in overweight volunteers without changes in insulin. Journal of Functional Foods, 64, 103597-103597.
- The anthocyanins in black currants regulate postprandial hyperglycaemia primarily by inhibiting α-glucosidase while other phenolics modulate salivary α-amylase, glucose uptake and sugar transporters. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 78, 108325-108325.
- Is 1H-MR spectroscopy useful as a diagnostic aid in MSA-C?. Cerebellum & Ataxias, 6(1).
- Tremor after long term lithium treatment; is it cortical myoclonus?. Cerebellum & Ataxias, 6(5). View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
- Gluten does not induce gastrointestinal symptoms in healthy volunteers; A double blind randomised placebo trial. Gastroenterology. View this article in WRRO
- Big GABA II: Water-referenced edited MR spectroscopy at 25 research sites. NeuroImage, 191, 537-548. View this article in WRRO
- Investigating Directionality of Neurodegeneration in vivo in ALS using Multimodal MRI (P1.4-001). Neurology, 92(15_supplement).
- Neurologic Deficits in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Celiac Disease are Frequent and Linked With Autoimmunity to TG6. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. View this article in WRRO
- Assessment of brain perfusion using hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI in a subject with established stroke.. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. View this article in WRRO
- The National Institute for Health Research: making an impact in imaging research. Clinical Radiology, 74(3), 242-246.
- Novel genotype-phenotype and MRI correlations in a large cohort of patients with SPG7 mutations. Neurology Genetics, 4(6), e300-e300.
- Novel genotype-phenotype and MRI correlations in a large cohort of patients with SPG7 mutations. Neurology Genetics, 4(6), e279-e279. View this article in WRRO
- SerpinA3N is a novel hypothalamic gene upregulated by a high-fat diet and leptin in mice. Genes & Nutrition, 13(1).
- An unusual case of inflammatory meningitis in a young man with systemic lupus erythematosus.. Lupus. View this article in WRRO
- Cortical thickness and gyrification patterns in patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. Neuroscience Letters, 678(Epilepsia 54 2013), 124-130. View this article in WRRO
- White matter lesions in magnetic resonance imaging of the brain in 56 patients with visual vertigo. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 132(06), 550-553.
- Exaggerated startle in post-infectious opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome. Clinical Neurophysiology, 129(7), 1372-1373. View this article in WRRO
- A randomised, double-blind, cross-over trial to evaluate bread, in which gluten has been pre-digested by prolyl endoprotease treatment, in subjects self-reporting benefits of adopting a gluten-free or low-gluten diet. British Journal of Nutrition, 119(5), 496-506.
- Longitudinal Diffusion-Weighted Whole-Body MRI Demonstrates Dynamic Changes in Muscle Integrity in Motor Neuron Disease. Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases, 5(1), 107-107.
- Imaging muscle as a potential biomarker of denervation in motor neuron disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 89, 248-255. View this article in WRRO
- Phenytoin-related ataxia in patients with epilepsy: clinical and radiological characteristics. Seizure, 56, 26-30.
- Imaging in low-grade glioma: a guide for neurologists.. Pract Neurol, 18(1), 27-34.
- Anti-MAG associated cerebellar ataxia and response to rituximab.. J Neurol.
- Novel POLG variants associated with late-onset de novo status epilepticus and progressive ataxia. Neurology Genetics, 3(5), e181-e181. View this article in WRRO
- Big GABA: Edited MR spectroscopy at 24 research sites. NeuroImage, 159, 32-45. View this article in WRRO
- Gordon Holmes syndrome: finally genotype meets phenotype.. Pract Neurol.
- Effect of gluten-free diet on cerebellar MR spectroscopy in gluten ataxia.. Neurology, 89(7), 705-709.
- Multiple sclerosis update: use of MRI for early diagnosis, disease monitoring and assessment of treatment related complications. British Journal of Radiology, 90(1074).
- Cerebellar ataxia and sensory ganglionopathy associated with light-chain myeloma.. Cerebellum Ataxias, 4, 1-1. View this article in WRRO
- Cerebellar ataxia with sensory ganglionopathy; does autoimmunity have a role to play?. Cerebellum & Ataxias, 4(1). View this article in WRRO
- Causes of progressive cerebellar ataxia: prospective evaluation of 1500 patients.. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 88, 301-309.
- Low grade glioma: An Update for Radiologists.. British Journal of Radiology. View this article in WRRO
- T1 hyperintensity on brain imaging subsequent to gadolinium-based contrast agent administration: what do we know about intracranial gadolinium deposition?. British Journal of Radiology, 90(1069).
- Alcohol-related cerebellar degeneration: not all down to toxicity?. Cerebellum Ataxias, 3, 17-17. View this article in WRRO
- Is there a relationship between gluten sensitivity and postural tachycardia syndrome?. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 28(12), 1383-1387.
- Nonlinear interactions in the thalamocortical loop in essential tremor: A model-based frequency domain analysis. Neuroscience, 324, 377-389. View this article in WRRO
- Neurological Dysfunction in Coeliac Disease and Non-Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 111(4), 561-567. View this article in WRRO
- Phenytoin for neuroprotection in patients with acute optic neuritis: a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. The Lancet Neurology, 15(3), 259-269.
- Quantification of structural changes in the corpus callosumin children with profound hypoxic–ischaemic brain injury. Pediatric Radiology, 46(1), 73-81. View this article in WRRO
- Consensus Paper: Radiological Biomarkers of Cerebellar Diseases. The Cerebellum, 14(2), 175-196. View this article in WRRO
- Miller-Fisher Syndrome: Is the ataxia central or peripheral?. Cerebellum & Ataxias, 2(1). View this article in WRRO
- Direct Functional Connectivity between the Thalamus (Vim) and the Contralateral Motor Cortex: Just a Single Case Observation or a Common Pathway in the Human Brain?. Brain Stimulation, 8(6), 1230-1233.
- Myoclonus ataxia and refractory coeliac disease. Cerebellum & Ataxias, 1. View this article in WRRO
- Brain structure and function in patients after metal-on-metal hip resurfacing.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 35(9), 1753-1758.
- Anti-transglutaminase 6 antibodies in children and young adults with cerebral palsy.. Autoimmune Dis, 2014, 237107. View this article in WRRO
- Happy new year from BJR!. British Journal of Radiology, 87(1033).
- Neurological red flag: the numb chin.. Pract Neurol, 14(4), 258-260.
- Brain haemosiderin in older people: pathological evidence for an ischaemic origin of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) microbleeds.. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 40(3), 258-269. View this article in WRRO
- PHENYTOIN AND CEREBELLAR ATAXIA: NOT ALL DOWN TO TOXICITY?. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 84(11), e2.
- Alcohol Induces Sensitization to Gluten in Genetically Susceptible Individuals: A Case Control Study. PLoS ONE, 8(10). View this article in WRRO
- A single supplement of a standardised bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) extract (36 % wet weight anthocyanins) modifies glycaemic response in individuals with type 2 diabetes controlled by diet and lifestyle. Journal of Nutritional Science, 2.
- A prospective pilot study measuring muscle volumetric change in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener, 14(5-6), 414-423. View this article in WRRO
- Delayed toxic-hypoxic encephalopathy.. Pract Neurol, 13(2), 114-119.
- Trigeminal neuralgia: no laughing matter.. Pract Neurol, 13(4), 263-267.
- Assessment of reverse flow as a means of cerebral protection during carotid artery stent placement with diffusion-weighted and transcranial Doppler imaging.. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 24(4), 528-533.
- MR spectroscopy in paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration.. J Neuroradiol, 40(4), 310-312.
- Metal-on-metal hip prostheses and systemic health: a cross-sectional association study 8 years after implantation.. PLoS One, 8(6), e66186. View this article in WRRO
- Prospective comparison of late 3T MRI with conventional angiography in evaluating the patency of cerebral arteriovenous malformations treated with stereotactic radiosurgery. Neuroradiology, 1-5.
- Understanding MRI: basic MR physics for physicians.. Postgrad Med J, 89(1050), 209-223.
- Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the brain.. Postgrad Med J, 89(1048), 94-106.
- Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the normal cerebellum: what degree of variability can be expected?. Cerebellum, 12(2), 205-211.
- The role of MRI and CT of the brain in first episodes of psychosis.. Clin Radiol, 68(3), 245-250.
- The dietary flavonoids naringenin and quercetin acutely impair glucose metabolism in rodents possibly via inhibition of hypothalamic insulin signalling. British Journal of Nutrition, 109(6), 1040-1051.
- Magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers in patients with progressive ataxia: current status and future direction.. Cerebellum, 12(2), 245-266.
- Craniospinal abnormalities and neurologic complications of osteogenesis imperfecta: imaging overview.. Radiographics, 32(7), 2101-2112.
- Complex partial seizures: going out with a hiccup.. Seizure, 21(10), 820-822.
- Using Gene Expression to Predict Differences in the Secretome of Human Omental vs. Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue. Obesity, 20(6), 1158-1167.
- Should we be 'nervous' about coeliac disease? Brain abnormalities in patients with coeliac disease referred for neurological opinion.. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 83(12), 1216-1221.
- Stereotactic radiosurgery for pineal tumours.. Br J Neurosurg, 26(3), 361-366.
- 3.0 T MRI of 2000 consecutive patients with localisation-related epilepsy.. Br J Radiol, 85(1017), 1236-1242.
- MR spectroscopy and atrophy in Gluten, Friedreich's and SCA6 ataxias.. Acta Neurol Scand, 126(2), 138-143.
- Leptin up-regulates pro-inflammatory cytokines in discrete cells within mouse colon. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 226(8), 2123-2130.
- Contrasting natural histories of thoracic spine pneumatocysts: resolution versus rapid enlargement.. Br J Radiol, 84(1000), e79-e82.
- Impact of Obesity and Leptin on Protein Expression Profiles in Mouse Colon. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 56(4), 1028-1036.
- A systematic review of the literature on the effects of dexamethasone on the brain from in vivo human-based studies: implications for physiological brain imaging of patients with intracranial tumors.. Neurosurgery, 67(6), 1799-1815.
- Recent advances in imaging epilepsy.. Postgrad Med J, 86(1019), 552-559.
- Imaging in acute ischaemic stroke: essential for modern stroke care.. Postgrad Med J, 86(1017), 409-418.
- P15 A pictorial review of the role of CT angiography (CTA) in head and neck cancer imaging. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 48, S28-S28.
- Some patients with irritable bowel syndrome may have exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 8(5), 433-438.
- Corpus Callosum Morphology and Microstructure Assessed Using Structural MR Imaging and Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Initial Findings in Adults with Neurofibromatosis Type 1. AM J NEURORADIOL, 31(5), 856-861.
- Neurolinguistic programming used to reduce the need for anaesthesia in claustrophobic patients undergoing MRI.. Br J Radiol, 83(986), 113-117.
- MR derived volumetric flow rate waveforms at locations within the common carotid, internal carotid, and basilar arteries.. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 29(12), 1975-1982.
- Distribution and conspicuity of intracranial abnormalities on MR imaging in adults with tuberous sclerosis complex: A comparison of sequences including ultrafast T2-weighted images.. Epilepsia, 50(12), 2605-2610.
- Assessment of hyperpolarized 3He lung MRI for regional evaluation of interventional therapy: a pilot study in pediatric cystic fibrosis.. J Magn Reson Imaging, 30(5), 981-988.
- Inhibin βB expression in murine adipose tissue and its regulation by leptin, insulin and dexamethasone. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 43(4), 171-177.
- Re: Development and initial testing of normal reference MR images for the brain at ages 65-70 and 75-80 years. EUR RADIOL, 19(4), 1025-1025.
- The high incidence and bioethics of findings on magnetic resonance brain imaging of normal volunteers for neuroscience research.. J Med Ethics, 35(3), 194-199.
- An image acquisition and registration strategy for the fusion of hyperpolarized helium-3 MRI and x-ray CT images of the lung.. Phys Med Biol, 53(21), 6055-6063.
- The clinical course after stereotactic radiosurgical amygdalohippocampectomy with neuroradiological correlates.. Neurosurgery, 62(2), 336-344.
- MR perfusion: Techniques used for intracranial tumour assessment. Neuroradiology Journal, 21(SUPPL. 1), 20-26.
- Low grade gliomas. Can we predict tumour behaviour from imaging features?. Neuroradiology Journal, 21(SUPPL. 1), 47-66.
- Intra-specific variation in resting metabolic rate in MF1 mice is not associated with membrane lipid desaturation in the liver. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 129(3), 129-137.
- Expression of neuromedin B in adipose tissue and its regulation by changes in energy balance. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 39(3), 199-210.
- Cerebral arteriovenous malformations: comparison of novel magnetic resonance angiographic techniques and conventional catheter angiography.. Neurosurgery, 61(1 Suppl), 187-196.
- Nonrigid image registration for head and neck cancer radiotherapy treatment planning with PET/CT.. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 68(3), 952-957.
- Developmental Control of Plasma Leptin and Adipose Leptin Messenger Ribonucleic Acid in the Ovine Fetus during Late Gestation: Role of Glucocorticoids and Thyroid Hormones. Endocrinology, 148(8), 3750-3757.
- Sequential dynamic gadolinium magnetic resonance perfusion-weighted imaging: effects on transit time and cerebral blood volume measurements.. Acta Radiol, 47(10), 1079-1084.
- Peripherally administered [Nle4,d-Phe7]-α-melanocyte stimulating hormone increases resting metabolic rate, while peripheral agouti-related protein has no effect, in wild type C57BL/6 and ob/ob mice. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 33(3), 693-703.
- Importance of the imaging modality in decision making about carotid endarterectomy. Neurology, 63(7), 1340-1341.
- Plasma concentrations of alpha-MSH, AgRP and leptin in lean and obese men and their relationship to differing states of energy balance perturbation. Clinical Endocrinology, 61(1), 31-39.
- Conventional digital subtraction x-ray angiography versus magnetic resonance angiography in the evaluation of carotid disease: patient satisfaction and preferences.. Clin Radiol, 59(4), 356-357.
- Regulation of adipose tissue leptin secretion by alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone and agouti-related protein: further evidence of an interaction between leptin and the melanocortin signalling system. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 32(1), 145-153.
- Facial naevus flammeus with choroidal haemangioma and without intracranial involvement. DEV MED CHILD NEUROL, 45(2), 139-139.
- Arachidonic acid stimulates internalisation of leptin by human placental choriocarcinoma (BeWo) cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 299(3), 432-437.
- Imaging of haemorrhagic stroke.. Clin Radiol, 57(11), 957-968.
- Plasma Leptin Concentration in Fetal Sheep during Late Gestation: Ontogeny and Effect of Glucocorticoids. Endocrinology, 143(4), 1166-1173.
- Vitamin A Deficiency During Rat Pregnancy Alters Placental TNF-α Signalling and Apoptosis. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 47(3), 151-158.
- Circulating leptin during ovine pregnancy in relation to maternal nutrition, body composition and pregnancy outcome. Journal of Endocrinology, 169(3), 465-476.
- Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations: Comparison of Novel Magnetic Resonance Angiographic Techniques and Conventional Catheter Angiography. Neurosurgery, 48(5), 973-983.
- The imaging of ischaemic stroke.. Clin Radiol, 56(3), 171-183.
- Detection of subarachnoid haemorrhage with magnetic resonance imaging.. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 70(2), 205-211.
- MR imaging in acute stroke. Imaging Decisions MRI, 5(1), 2-10.
- Leptin Secretion to Both the Maternal and Fetal Circulation in the Ex Vivo Perfused Human Term Placenta. Placenta, 22(4), 347-352.
- Leptin Administration Prevents Spontaneous Gestational Diabetes in Heterozygous Leprdb/+Mice: Effects on Placental Leptin and Fetal Growth1. Endocrinology, 142(7), 2888-2897.
- Leptin and Obesity. CNS Drugs, 14(6), 413-424.
- Ontogeny of the expression of leptin and its receptor in themurine fetus and placenta. British Journal of Nutrition, 83(3), 317-326.
- Brain iron deposition in Parkinson's disease imaged using the PRIME magnetic resonance sequence.. Brain, 123 Pt 12, 2423-2431.
- Leptomeningeal Enhancement and Extravasation of Contrast Medium into the CSF Space?. Stroke, 31(9), 2266-2278.
- Leptomeningeal Enhancement After Carotid Stenting. Stroke, 31(9), 2266-2278.
- Placental leptin in normal, diabetic and fetal growth-retarded pregnancies. Molecular Human Reproduction, 6(8), 763-769.
- Unilateral leptomeningeal enhancement after carotid stent insertion detected by magnetic resonance imaging.. Stroke, 31(4), 848-851.
- Placental leptin. Reviews of Reproduction, 5(1), 18-24.
- Photoperiod regulates arcuate nucleus POMC, AGRP, and leptin receptor mRNA in Siberian hamster hypothalamus. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 278(1), R271-R281.
- Leptin Receptor and Neuropeptide Y Gene Expression in the Sheep Brain. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 11(3), 165-169.
- Leptin: fundamental aspects. International Journal of Obesity, 23(S1), S22-S28.
- Hormonal and neuroendocrine regulation of energy balance‐the role of leptin. Archiv für Tierernaehrung, 51(2-3), 177-185.
- Leptin and reproduction. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 57(3), 421-427.
- Regulation of leptin production: a dominant role for the sympathetic nervous system?. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 57(3), 413-419.
- Association of leptin receptor (OB-Rb), NPY and GLP-1 gene expression in the ovine and murine brainstem. Regulatory Peptides, 75-76, 271-278.
- Interaction of Free Fatty Acids with Human Leptin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 247(3), 654-658.
- Localization of Leptin Receptor (Ob-R) Messenger Ribonucleic Acid in the Rodent Hindbrain*. Endocrinology, 139(1), 29-34.
- Leptin (ob) mRNA and Hypothalamic NPY in Food-deprived/refed Syrian Hamsters. Physiology & Behavior, 64(2), 191-195.
- Leptin interacts with glucagon-like peptide-1 neurons to reduce food intake and body weight in rodents. FEBS Letters, 415(2), 134-138.
- Regulation of leptin receptor and NPY gene expression in hypothalamus of leptin-treated obese (ob/ob
) and cold-exposed lean mice. FEBS Letters, 402(2-3), 185-188.
- Postnatal development of the ob gene system: elevated leptin levels in suckling fa/fa rats. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 273(1), R446-R450.
- Localization of Leptin Receptor mRNA Splice Variants in Murine Peripheral Tissues by RT-PCR andin SituHybridization. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 232(2), 383-387.
- obGene Expression and Secretion of Leptin Following Differentiation of Rat Preadipocytes to Adipocytes in Primary Culture. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 230(2), 360-364.
- Coexpression of Leptin Receptor and Preproneuropeptide Y mRNA in Arcuate Nucleus of Mouse Hypothalamus. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 8(10), 733-735.
- Localization of leptin receptor mRNA and the long form splice variant (Ob-Rb) in mouse hypothalamus and adjacent brain regions by in situ hybridization. FEBS Letters, 387(2-3), 113-116.
- Antigliadin antibodies and the brain in people without celiac disease: a case-control study.. American Journal of Gastroenterology.
- Sensory Symptoms without Structural Pathology in Patients with Gluten Sensitivity. Nutrients, 16(8), 1209-1209.
- IgG4 Disease-Related Ataxia. The Cerebellum.
- Can CANVAS due toRFC1biallelic expansions present with pure ataxia?. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.
- Encephalopathy with Guillain-Barré syndrome: seek a different cause. Practical Neurology.
- A grape seed and bilberry extract reduces blood pressure in individuals at risk of developing type 2 diabetes: the PRECISE study, a double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over intervention study. Frontiers in Nutrition, 10.
- Analysis of brain and spinal MRI measures in a common domain to investigate directional neurodegeneration in motor neuron disease. Journal of Neurology.
- Overcoming challenges of translating deep learning models for Glioblastoma: the ZGBM consortium. The British Journal of Radiology.
- Efficacy of Bilberry and Grape Seed Extract Supplement Interventions to Improve Glucose and Cholesterol Metabolism and Blood Pressure in Different Populations—A Systematic Review of the Literature. Nutrients, 13(5), 1692-1692.
- Treatment Response of Deferiprone in Infratentorial Superficial Siderosis: a Systematic Review. The Cerebellum.
- Clinical Characteristics and Management of 50 Patients with Anti-GAD Ataxia: Gluten-Free Diet Has a Major Impact. The Cerebellum.
- Brain hyper-excitability in DPPX ataxia. Journal of Neurology.
- Brain fog and non-coeliac gluten sensitivity: Proof of concept brain MRI pilot study. PLOS ONE, 15(8), e0238283-e0238283.
- The Significance of Low Titre Antigliadin Antibodies in the Diagnosis of Gluten Ataxia. Nutrients, 10(10), 1444-1444.
- Kraniospinale Anomalien und neurologische Komplikationen bei Osteogenesis imperfecta: Bildgebung im Überblick. Neuroradiologie Scan, 03(04), 285-298.
- A Comparative Approach to Understanding Tissue-Specific Expression of Uncoupling Protein 1 Expression in Adipose Tissue. Frontiers in Genetics, 3.
- Semi-automated and automated glioma grading using dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast-enhanced perfusion MRI relative cerebral blood volume measurements.. Br J Radiol.
- Serum levels of RBP4 and adipose tissue levels of PTP1B are increased in obese men resident in northeast Scotland without associated changes in ER stress response genes. International Journal of General Medicine, 403-403.
- Chronic central administration of apelin-13 over ten days increases food intake, body weight, locomotor activity and body temperature in C57BL/6 mice. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, ja(ja), 070927052250001-070927052250001.
- B219/OB-R 5′-UTR and Leptin Receptor Gene-Related Protein Gene Expression in Mouse Brain and Placenta: Tissue-Specific Leptin Receptor Promoter Activity. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 12(7), 649-655.
- Diagnostic criteria for primary autoimmune cerebellar ataxia—guidelines from an international task force on immune-mediated cerebellar ataxias. The Cerebellum. View this article in WRRO
- Treatment of primary autoimmune cerebellar ataxia with mycophenolate. The Cerebellum. View this article in WRRO
- Longitudinal multi-modal muscle-based biomarker assessment in motor neuron disease. Journal of Neurology. View this article in WRRO
- Assessment of the Precision in Measuring Glutathione at
3 T
With a
Sequence in Primary Motor Cortex and Occipital Cortex. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Conference proceedings papers
- The Effect of Vertebral Bone Attenuation on Measured Spinal Cord Activity in PET/MRI. 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors (NSS MIC RTSD), 4 November 2023 - 11 November 2023.
- 222 Investigating directionality of neurodegeneration in vivo in ALS using multimodal MRI. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, Vol. 90(12) (pp e55)
- THUR 198 Safe monitoring of natalizumab therapy in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, Vol. 89(10) (pp A29.1-A29)
- Imaging denervation in motor neuron disease for future clinical trials: a longitudinal cohort study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Vol. 381 (pp 102-102) View this article in WRRO
- Mutations in SPG7 as an important cause of spastic-ataxia in a large british cohort: Hybrid phenotype helps direct screening. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Vol. 381 (pp 304-305) View this article in WRRO
- PWE-055 Coeliac Disease is More Common in Subjects with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Compared to Healthy Controls. Gut, Vol. 65(Suppl 1) (pp A165.2-A166)
- 179 Neurovascular Function in Atherosclerosis. Heart, Vol. 102(Suppl 6) (pp A123.2-A124), 6 June 2016 - 8 June 2016.
- PTU-184 Is there a relationship between gluten ingestion and postural tachycardia syndrome?. Gut, Vol. 64(Suppl 1) (pp A144.1-A144)
- Non-rigid Registration Enables Radiotherapy Treatment Planning with Staging PET. Clinical Oncology, Vol. 19(3) (pp S5-S5)
- Leptin expression in placental and fetal tissues: Does leptin have a functional role?. Biochemical Society Transactions, Vol. 29(2) (pp 57-63)
- Hyperleptinaemia precedes hyperinsulinaemia in Zucker (fa/fa) rats. Biochemical Society Transactions, Vol. 26(2) (pp S98-S98)
- Cognitive deficit and white matter changes in persons with celiac disease: a population-based study. Gastroenterology. View this article in WRRO
- Teaching interests
I am the lead for the Sheffield academic clinical radiology training scheme and Deputy Lead for the Sheffield academic training programme. The Sheffield radiology training scheme continues to show strong success developing academic radiologists all the way from thesis to tenured full time academic posts. I teach on the Neurology MSc course, the Sheffield Fundamentals of Neuroradiology course and the National ENT radiology Masterclass.
- Professional activities and memberships
- Editor-in-Chief British Journal of Radiology 2013-2016.
- Expert Advisory Panel member, Commission for Human Medicines/MHRA 2009-present.
- Expert Advisory Panel member, European Medicines Agency 2016.
- Cancer Peer reviewer 2012-2013.
- Member of the Royal College of Radiologists FRCR part I examination committee 2011-2014.
- NIHR doctoral research fellowship selection panel member 2011 and 2013-present.
- NIHR IAT panel for competitive bids for ACF and ACL posts 2015-present.
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Research Lead for the Directorate of Radiology 2008-present.
- Member of the Sheffield Regional Ethics committee 2006-2012.