Penny Breeze

School of Medicine and Population Health

Research Fellow

Penny Breeze
Profile picture of Penny Breeze
+44 114 222 5429

Full contact details

Penny Breeze
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA

Penny has been at ScHARR for over 9 years, first as a PhD student and more recently working as a health economics modeller.

Before working in ScHARR, Penny was working as a health economics consultant at IMS Health developing cost-effectiveness models for pharmaceutical products. The subject of her thesis was to investigate the use of health economic models to develop drug development programmes for new treatments for systemic lupus erythematosus.

Since working at ScHARR Penny has been working on a project funded by the School for Public Health Research (SPHR) to provide a coherent, model-based framework for the evaluation of strategies for the prevention of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This model has been adapted to include dementia and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease and future adaptation will enable detailed modelling of dietary and behavioural risk factors for obesity, hypertension and diabetes. 

Research interests

Penny's research interests are in methods for longitudinal data analysis for use in decision-analytic modelling. Specifically in complex public health decision problems.


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Journal articles

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Journal articles

Conference proceedings papers


  • Hill J, Breeze P, Chrysanthou G, Bell H & Brennan A (2019) Summary report of the Health and Labour Outcomes (HaLO) Tool RIS download Bibtex download


Research group

Penny is currently supervising two PhD students, Sarah Bates and Colette Kearney, from the Wellcome Trust Doctoral Training Programme.
