Penny Breeze
School of Medicine and Population Health
Research Fellow
+44 114 222 5429
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School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
Penny has been at ScHARR for over 9 years, first as a PhD student and more recently working as a health economics modeller.
Before working in ScHARR, Penny was working as a health economics consultant at IMS Health developing cost-effectiveness models for pharmaceutical products. The subject of her thesis was to investigate the use of health economic models to develop drug development programmes for new treatments for systemic lupus erythematosus.
Since working at ScHARR Penny has been working on a project funded by the School for Public Health Research (SPHR) to provide a coherent, model-based framework for the evaluation of strategies for the prevention of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This model has been adapted to include dementia and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease and future adaptation will enable detailed modelling of dietary and behavioural risk factors for obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
- Research interests
Penny's research interests are in methods for longitudinal data analysis for use in decision-analytic modelling. Specifically in complex public health decision problems.
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- The impact of including costs and outcomes of dementia in a health economic model to evaluate lifestyle interventions to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Medical Decision Making.
- What are the cost-savings and health benefits of improving detection and management for six high cardiovascular risk conditions in England? An economic evaluation. BMJ Open, 10(9). View this article in WRRO
- The impact of a local sugar sweetened beverage health promotion and price increase on sales in public leisure centre facilities. PLoS ONE, 13(5). View this article in WRRO
- Assessing the potential return on investment of the proposed UK NHS diabetes prevention programme in different population subgroups: an economic evaluation. BMJ Open, 7. View this article in WRRO
- Cost‐effectiveness of population‐based, community, workplace and individual policies for diabetes prevention in the UK. Diabetic Medicine, 34(8), 1136-1144. View this article in WRRO
- The impact of Type 2 diabetes prevention programmes based on risk‐identification and lifestyle intervention intensity strategies: a cost‐effectiveness analysis. Diabetic Medicine, 34(5), 632-640. View this article in WRRO
- A statistical model to describe longitudinal and correlated metabolic risk factors: the Whitehall II prospective study.. J Public Health (Oxf), 38(4), 679-687. View this article in WRRO
- Sipuleucel-T for the Treatment of Metastatic Hormone-Relapsed Prostate Cancer: A NICE Single Technology Appraisal; An Evidence Review Group Perspective. PharmacoEconomics, 33(11), 1187-1194. View this article in WRRO
- Valuing Trial Designs from a Pharmaceutical Perspective Using Value-Based Pricing. Health Economics (United Kingdom), 24(11), 1468-1482. View this article in WRRO
- Estimating the Expected Value of Sample Information Using the Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis Sample. Medical Decision Making, 35(5), 570-583. View this article in WRRO
- An integrated extrapolation of long-term outcomes in systemic lupus erythematosus: analysis and simulation of the Hopkins Lupus Cohort. Rheumatology, 54(4), 623-632.
All publications
Journal articles
- Application of decision analytic modelling to cardiovascular disease prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review. Communications Medicine, 5(1). View this article in WRRO
- EE78 Application of Decision Analytic Modelling to Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review. Value in Health, 27(12), S69-S69.
- The PHEM-B toolbox of methods for incorporating the influences on behaviour into public health economic models. BMC Public Health, 24(1). View this article in WRRO
- Cross-model validation of public health microsimulation models; comparing two models on estimated effects of a weight management intervention. BMC Public Health, 24. View this article in WRRO
- How can governments reduce obesity, diabetes and heart disease, while saving the NHS money at negligible cost?. Perspectives in Public Health, 143(6), 302-303.
- Relationship of cardiorenal risk factors with albuminuria based on age, smoking, glycaemic status and BMI: a retrospective cohort study of the UK Biobank data. BMJ Public Health, 1(1), e000172-e000172.
- Does cutting down on your food consumption lead to a net improvement in nutritional intake? A panel data approach using data from the UK Biobank. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 2274.
- Understanding the use of media analysis in public health research through food tax debates (HEALTHEI Project): a scoping review. The Lancet, 402, S9-S9.
- Identification of tax options for high fat, sugar, salt foods for the HEALTHEI Project: a mixed-methods study. The Lancet, 402, S70-S70.
- Household food insecurity and child health outcomes: a rapid review of mechanisms and associations. The Lancet, 402, S16-S16.
- Estimation of HbA1c after weight loss using a beta-regression for an economic evaluation of a behavioural weight management programme from the GLoW trial: a methodological study. The Lancet, 402, S75-S75.
- Feasibility and acceptability of an acceptance-based guided self-help programme for weight loss maintenance. Appetite, 189, 106907-106907.
- Exploring the relationship between food advertising and consumption of foods high in fat, salt, and sugar in England: an agent-based modelling study. Appetite, 189, 106933-106933.
- Dietary approaches to the management of type 2 Diabetes (DIAMOND) in primary care: a protocol for a cluster randomised trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 129.
- Guidance on the use of complex systems models for economic evaluations of public health interventions. Health Economics.
- Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of referral to a commercial open group behavioural weight management programme in adults with overweight and obesity: 5-year follow-up of the WRAP randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Public Health, 7(10), e866-e875.
- Using health economic modelling to inform the design and development of an intervention : estimating the justifiable cost of weight loss maintenance in the UK. BMC Public Health, 22(1). View this article in WRRO
- Development of a Web-Based, Guided Self-help, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-Based Intervention for Weight Loss Maintenance: Evidence-, Theory-, and Person-Based Approach.. JMIR Form Res, 6(1), e31801.
- The impact of including costs and outcomes of dementia in a health economic model to evaluate lifestyle interventions to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Medical Decision Making.
- What are the cost-savings and health benefits of improving detection and management for six high cardiovascular risk conditions in England? An economic evaluation. BMJ Open, 10(9). View this article in WRRO
- A systematic review of methods to predict weight trajectories in health economic models of behavioral weight management programs : the potential role of psychosocial factors. Medical Decision Making. View this article in WRRO
- The impact of a local sugar sweetened beverage health promotion and price increase on sales in public leisure centre facilities. PLoS ONE, 13(5). View this article in WRRO
- Computer Modeling of Diabetes and Its Transparency: A Report on the Eighth Mount Hood Challenge. Value in Health. View this article in WRRO
- Assessing the potential return on investment of the proposed UK NHS diabetes prevention programme in different population subgroups: an economic evaluation. BMJ Open, 7. View this article in WRRO
- Cost‐effectiveness of population‐based, community, workplace and individual policies for diabetes prevention in the UK. Diabetic Medicine, 34(8), 1136-1144. View this article in WRRO
- The impact of Type 2 diabetes prevention programmes based on risk‐identification and lifestyle intervention intensity strategies: a cost‐effectiveness analysis. Diabetic Medicine, 34(5), 632-640. View this article in WRRO
- A statistical model to describe longitudinal and correlated metabolic risk factors: the Whitehall II prospective study.. J Public Health (Oxf), 38(4), 679-687. View this article in WRRO
- The cost-effectiveness of an updated theory-based online health behavior intervention for new university students: U@Uni2. Journal of Public Health & Epidemiology, 8(10), 191-203. View this article in WRRO
- Retracted:Impact of Type 2 diabetes prevention programmes based on risk identification and lifestyle intervention intensity strategies: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Diabetic Medicine, 33(8), 1155-1163.
- Sipuleucel-T for the Treatment of Metastatic Hormone-Relapsed Prostate Cancer: A NICE Single Technology Appraisal; An Evidence Review Group Perspective. PharmacoEconomics, 33(11), 1187-1194. View this article in WRRO
- Valuing Trial Designs from a Pharmaceutical Perspective Using Value-Based Pricing. Health Economics (United Kingdom), 24(11), 1468-1482. View this article in WRRO
- Estimating the Expected Value of Sample Information Using the Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis Sample. Medical Decision Making, 35(5), 570-583. View this article in WRRO
- An integrated extrapolation of long-term outcomes in systemic lupus erythematosus: analysis and simulation of the Hopkins Lupus Cohort. Rheumatology, 54(4), 623-632.
- Modelling the economics of type 2 diabetes mellitus prevention: a literature review of methods.. Appl Health Econ Health Policy, 12(3), 239-253.
- Glucose Lowering through Weight management (GLoW): a randomised controlled trial of the clinical and cost effectiveness of a diabetes education and behavioural weight management programme vs a diabetes education programme in adults with a recent diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia.
- Prevalence and Determinants of Ideal Cardiovascular Health in Kenya: A Cross-Sectional Study Using Data From the 2015 Kenya STEPwise Survey. Global Heart, 19(1), 79-79.
- Relationships between sodium, fats and carbohydrates on blood pressure, cholesterol and HbA1c: an umbrella review of systematic reviews. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, e000666-e000666.
- Estimating the impact of changes in weight and BMI on EQ-5D-3L: a longitudinal analysis of a behavioural group-based weight loss intervention. Quality of Life Research.
- Examination of dietary intake of UK preschool children by varying carers: Evidence from the 2008-2016 UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey. British Journal of Nutrition, 1-35.
- The cost-effectiveness of testing strategies for type 2 diabetes: a modelling study. Health Technology Assessment, 19(33), 1-80.
- Grandparental dietary provision, feeding practices and feedings styles when caring for preschool aged grandchildren: a systematic mixed methods review. Obesity Reviews.
- Mechanisms of Action in a Behavioral Weight-Management Program: Latent Growth Curve Analysis. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. View this article in WRRO
Conference proceedings papers
- Exploring the cost effectiveness of behavioural weight-management interventions based on the expected impact on mechanisms of action : a pre-trial health economic modelling study. The Lancet, Vol. 398(Supplement 2) (pp 23-23). Virtual conference, 26 November 2021 - 26 November 2021. View this article in WRRO
- Estimating the health impact of individual's dietary change across multiple physiological outcomes: a conceptual and simulation model. The Lancet, Vol. 398 (pp S27-S27)
- Layering Interventions for Type-2 Diabetes Prevention Using The Sphr Diabetes Model. Value in Health, Vol. 17(7) (pp A347-A347)
- Validation of the SPHR Diabetes Prevention Model. Value in Health, Vol. 17(7) (pp A556-A556)
- The expected value of sample information from the pharmaceutical perspective under conditions of value based pricing. Value in Health, Vol. 16(3) (pp A29-A29)
- Application of Decision Analytic Modelling to Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review, Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
- Dietary Approaches to the Management of Type 2 Diabetes (DIAMOND) in Primary Care: A Protocol for a Cluster Randomised Trial, Elsevier BV.
- Development of a Web-Based, Guided Self-help, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy–Based Intervention for Weight Loss Maintenance: Evidence-, Theory-, and Person-Based Approach (Preprint), JMIR Publications Inc..
- The impact of including costs and outcomes of dementia in a health economic model to evaluate lifestyle interventions to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Medical Decision Making.
- Research group
Penny is currently supervising two PhD students, Sarah Bates and Colette Kearney, from the Wellcome Trust Doctoral Training Programme.
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