Professor Hazel Squires

BSc (Sheffield), MSc (Lancaster), PhD (Sheffield)

School of Medicine and Population Health

Professor of Health-Related Decision Modelling

Hazel Squires
Profile picture of Hazel Squires
+44 114 222 0765

Full contact details

Professor Hazel Squires
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA

I joined ScHARR in 2005 after completing a BSc in Mathematics from the University of Sheffield and an MSc in Operational Research from Lancaster University. Since joining ScHARR, I have undertaken modelling projects for NICE, the Department of Health, the NHS Cancer Screening Programme and the pharmaceutical industry. A large part of this work has been around Public Health interventions and cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment. In 2010 - 2013 I developed a framework for helping modellers develop the structure of Public Health economic models as part of a NIHR doctoral research fellowship.

I am currently undertaking a NIHR Advanced Fellowship, exploring methods for incorporating behaviour into health economic models of Public Health interventions.

I contribute to PhD and Masters programmes in ScHARR including being one of the supervisors of the Wellcome Doctoral Training Centre in Public Health Economics and Decision Science and part of the module team Advanced Simulation Methods.

Research interests
  • Healthcare economic modelling
  • Modelling within public health
  • Conceptual modelling
  • Individual-level simulation to model healthcare systems

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Journal articles

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Journal articles

Conference proceedings papers


  • Tappenden P, Brennan A, Chilcott J & Squires H Using Whole Disease Modelling to inform economic recommendations for the detection, diagnosis, treatment and followup of colorectal cancer. RIS download Bibtex download




Teaching interests
  • Mathematical modelling within healthcare
  • Discrete event simulation
  • Healthcare economic modelling
Professional activities and memberships
  • Editorial Board of Journal of Simulation
  • I am a member of the Operational Research Society.