Dr Annette Haywood
BSc (Hons) PhD
School of Medicine and Population Health
Senior Research Fellow
Head of Public Health Section

+44 114 222 0802
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
On completion of my mixed methods PhD in Clinical Health Psychology in 2004, I spent four years in the NHS as a Research Lead in a Primary Care Trust. I joined ScHARR in 2008 as a Research Associate on the Self Management Supported by Assistive, Rehabilitation and Telecare Technologies (SMART2) and the Built Environment in Acute Care for Older People projects. In 2010 I moved to the section of Public Health and worked alongside local authority partners and academic colleagues as manager of the Public Health and Inequalities theme of the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC SY and YH).
I currently manage the Practice and Research Collaborative (PaRC) Yorkshire and Humber network, which aims to bridge the research into practice gap and link academic institutions with local authority based public health practitioners across the region to facilitate collaborative working (https://www.parc-hub.co.uk/). In addition to my research role, I am the Academic Lead for Evaluation and an Embedded Researcher within the Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) Doncaster (https://www.doncaster.gov.uk/services/health-wellbeing/health-determinants-research-collaboration-hdrc-doncaster).
I am the Knowledge Exchange Champion for the section of Public Health and Sheffield Evaluation Hub Lead. I have led a number of impactful consultancy projects as Principal Investigator for high profile clients including the British Red Cross, Yorkshire Cancer Research, Cruse Bereavement Care and the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra). The interim report from the national evaluation of the Green Social Prescribing Project is available here: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/scharr/news/university-sheffield-contribute-report-green-social-prescribing-prevent-and-tackle-mental-ill-health
The final report from the national evaluation of the Green Social Prescribing Project is available here: https://randd.defra.gov.uk/ProjectDetails?ProjectId=20772
- Research interests
I am a qualitative researcher and have worked with a wide range of individuals from women with young children, older adults and NHS, Local Authority and third sector staff groups. I have a particular interest in public health and health inequalities.
- Evaluation of the Cancer Screening and Awareness Programme (Yorkshire Cancer Research)
- National Evaluation of the Preventing and Tackling Mental Ill Health through Green Social Prescribing Project (Defra)
- Evaluation of the British Red Cross Community Connectors programme (completed)
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Service users’ perspectives of a national social prescribing programme to address loneliness and social Isolation: a qualitative study. Health & Social Care in the Community, 2023.
- Sharing real-world data for public benefit: a qualitative exploration of stakeholder views and perceptions. BMC Public Health, 23(1). View this article in WRRO
- Impact of social prescribing to address loneliness: a mixed methods evaluation of a national social prescribing programme. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29(5), 1439-1449.
- Connecting communities: A qualitative investigation of the challenges in delivering a national social prescribing service to reduce loneliness. Health & Social Care in the Community, 28(5), 1535-1543.
All publications
Journal articles
- Nature-based social prescribing programmes: opportunities, challenges, and facilitators for implementation. Environment International, 108801-108801.
- Developing the embedded researcher role: learning from the first year of the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC), Doncaster, UK. Public Health in Practice, 7. View this article in WRRO
- Service users’ perspectives of a national social prescribing programme to address loneliness and social Isolation: a qualitative study. Health & Social Care in the Community, 2023.
- Sharing real-world data for public benefit: a qualitative exploration of stakeholder views and perceptions. BMC Public Health, 23(1). View this article in WRRO
- Impacts of an intensive community‐based support for patients with severe or morbid obesity in the United Kingdom: a qualitative study. Public Health Challenges, 1(4).
- Health‐related outcomes in patients enrolled on surgical and non‐surgical routes in a weight management service. Health Science Reports, 5(2).
- The association between obesity and quality of life : a retrospective analysis of a large-scale population-based cohort study. BMC Public Health, 21(1).
- Cohort profile update : The Yorkshire Health Study. International Journal of Epidemiology. View this article in WRRO
- Impact of social prescribing to address loneliness: a mixed methods evaluation of a national social prescribing programme. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29(5), 1439-1449.
- Connecting communities: A qualitative investigation of the challenges in delivering a national social prescribing service to reduce loneliness. Health & Social Care in the Community, 28(5), 1535-1543.
- Patient perspectives in geographic atrophy (GA) : exploratory qualitative research to understand the impact of GA for patients and their families. British and Irish Orthoptic Journal, 15(1), 133-141. View this article in WRRO
- Interpersonal touch interventions for patients in intensive care: A design‐oriented realist review. Nursing Open, 1-20. View this article in WRRO
- Informing the Design of “Lifestyle Monitoring” Technology for the Detection of Health Deterioration in Long-Term Conditions: A Qualitative Study of People Living With Heart Failure. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(6). View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
- Patterns of multimorbidity and their association with health outcomes within Yorkshire, England: Baseline results from the Yorkshire Health Study. BMC Public Health, 16(649). View this article in WRRO
- The SMART personalised self-management system for congestive heart failure: results of a realist evaluation. BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making, 14. View this article in WRRO
- Long term follow-up of emotional experiences after termination of pregnancy: Women's views at menopause. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 29(1), 93-112.
- A qualitative investigation of women's experiences of the self and others in relation to their menstrual cycle.. Br J Health Psychol, 14(Pt 1), 127-141.
- Is there evidence of an association between postnatal distress and premenstrual symptoms?. J Affect Disord, 99(1-3), 241-245.
- Psychosocial associates of premenstrual symptoms and the moderating role of social support in a community sample.. J Psychosom Res, 62(1), 9-13.
- Assessing the assessment measures for menstrual cycle symptoms: a guide for researchers and clinicians.. J Psychosom Res, 52(4), 223-237.
- Determining features for telehealth applications which enhance self care for people with long term conditions. Gerontechnology, 9(2).
- Barriers and Challenges to Implementing Telehomecare for Long Term Conditions In Glascock AP & Kutzik DM (Ed.), Essential Lessons for the Success of Telehomecare (pp. 237-257). IOS Press
Conference proceedings papers
- P45 Exploring the benefits and challenges of embedded research within a local authority context: reflections from the first year of the national institute for health and care research (NIHR), health determinants research collaboration (HDRC), Doncaster, UK. SSM Annual Scientific Meeting (pp A67.2-A68)
- OP118 Preventing and tackling mental ill health through green social prescribing: findings from a realist-informed, mixed methods evaluation. SSM Annual Scientific Meeting (pp A43.1-A43)
- P32 Realising the potential of the wider public health workforce: cautionary tales from the evaluation of programmes to extend the role of frontline staff. Poster presentations
- Development of an integrated telehealth system to facilitate self management of long term conditions.. Assistive Technology Research Series, Vol. 29 (pp 1051-1057). Maastricht, 31 August 2011 - 2 September 2011.
- Abstracts of papers and posters presented at the 2002 Annual Conference of the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, Vol. 20(3) (pp 171-195)
- Unlocking Data to Inform Public Health Policy and Practice: The Whole Collection
- Unlocking Data to Inform Public Health Policy and Practice
- View this article in WRRO
Theses / Dissertations
- Service users’ perspectives of a national social prescribing programme to address loneliness and social Isolation: a qualitative study. Health & Social Care in the Community, 2023.
- Research group
Knowledge into Action
- Teaching interests
I supervise dissertation students on the Master of Public Health programme. I am also a personal tutor and second supervisor to a student who successfully completed her PhD with her thesis entitled ‘What happens to NICE public health guidelines after publication in terms of how they are viewed and used by local government officers? – A realist inquiry' (Susan Hampshaw).
- Professional activities and memberships
I hold an Honorary Contract with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)