Dr Abigail Stevely


School of Medicine and Population Health

Research Fellow

Population Health Staff Profile - Abigail Stevely
Profile picture of Population Health Staff Profile - Abigail Stevely

Full contact details

Dr Abigail Stevely
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA

I am currently a Research Fellow working in the Sheffield Alcohol Research Group (SARG), funded by the NIHR SPHR Post-doctoral Launching Fellowships scheme. I am also working on a project evaluating the public health impact of no- and low-alcohol drinks.

My background is in biomedical science and public health. I completed my BSc, MPH and PhD at the University of Sheffield. My PhD thesis applied theories of practice to develop alcohol epidemiology and policy analysis. I used data on how people drink alcohol (eg drinking beer in a pub or relaxing on the sofa) to identify contexts associated with heavy alcohol consumption within drinking occasions and to evaluate the effects of the Licensing Act 2003. I joined SARG in 2020 as a Research Associate. 

Research interests

My research focuses on alcohol epidemiology, public health policy evaluation, and reducing health inequalities. I am interested in how complex social systems produce and interact with population health and inequalities, and in using this knowledge to inform intervention development, evaluation and refinement.

My recent projects have focused on changes in the clustering of health and wellbeing indicators among adolescents in high-income countries since the early 2000s, and the evaluation of major alcohol policies including minimum unit pricing in Scotland.


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Journal articles

All publications

Journal articles

Conference proceedings papers


  • Stevely A (2023) New modelling of alcohol pricing policies, alcohol consumption and harm in Scotland RIS download Bibtex download
  • Stevely A (2022) Evaluating the impact of Minimum Unit Pricing in Scotland on people who are drinking at harmful levels RIS download Bibtex download
  • Stevely A, Sasso A, Alava MH & Holmes J (2021) Changes in alcohol consumption in Scotland during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: Descriptive analysis of repeat cross-sectional survey data RIS download Bibtex download


  • NIHR SPHR Launching Fellowship
  • Evaluating and responding to the public health impact of no and low alcohol drinks: A multimethod study of a complex intervention in a complex system (NIHR PHR Research Grant)
  • Developing contextually specific interventions to reduce alcohol consumption amongst increasing and higher-risk drinkers within the Drink Less App (MRC PHIND Research Grant)
  • Evaluating the effect of Minimum Unit Pricing in Scotland on harmful drinkers (commissioned by Public Health Scotland)
  • Doctoral studentship (NIHR SPHR and University of Sheffield)