Professor Suzanne Mason


School of Medicine and Population Health

Professor of Emergency Medicine
+44 114 222 0694

Full contact details

Professor Suzanne Mason
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA

I qualified in medicine from London University in 1990. I pursued my training initially in surgery and then specialised in Emergency Medicine.

I spent a year as a Royal College of Surgeons of England Research Fellow and was awarded an MD whilst undertaking higher training in Emergency Medicine.

I joined Sheffield University as a Senior Clinical Lecturer in 2001, was promoted to Reader in 2007 and professor in 2010. I divide my time between the university and as a consultant at the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust emergency department.

Research interests

My main research interests include evaluating complex interventions in emergency and urgent care. I am particularly interested in the evaluation of new roles and alternative pathways of patient care.

 I have extensive experience in multi-centre mixed methods studies which can directly inform the delivery of high-quality emergency care to patients.

Current studies include CLAHRC 2: avoiding admissions and attendance in patients with long term conditions; Understanding Exit Block in Emergency Departments, Evaluating the impact of ED Closures on demand for services.

Current projects:

Principal Investigator
  • Health North: Connected Health Cities (within Connected Yorkshire), 2016-2018. Department of Health, Principal investigator - S Mason, Other investigator - J Nicholl. £692,206
  • Liaision Mental Health in ED, 2016-2017. NHS Sheffield CCG, RCF (SHSC). Principal investigator - S Mason, Other investigators - C O'Keeffe. £40,000
  • Frail Older People in ED, 2016-17. CLAHRC RCF. Principal investigator - S Mason Other investigator - C O’Keeffe. £24,510
  • CLAHRC2: Theme Lead for Avoiding Attendance and Admission in Patients with Long Term Conditions, 2013-2018. NIHR. Principal Investigator – S Mason, Other investigators – J Young, S Gilbody, E Goyder, S Mason, M Hawley, K Gerrish, J Wright, R Lawton, J Brazier. £1.4 million
  • Urgent and Emergency Care : The role of the Consultant, 2014-2016. Y&H Academic Health Science Network. Principal investigator - S Mason, Other investigators - M Kuczawski, K Reynard, J Lee. £250,000
  • Patients and staff perspectives on the reasons for attendance at Emergency Departments in Yorkshire and Humber, 2016-2017. BMA. Principal investigator - S Mason, Other investigators - J Nicholl, C O’Keeffe, R Jacques. £60,000
  • AHEAD2: Evaluating adverse outcome amongst patients following head injury who are taking the newer oral anticoagulant medications (NOACs) – A Pilot Study, 2015-2016. Royal College of Emergency Medicine. Principal investigator - S Mason, Other investigators - M Kuczawski, J Humphrey. £10,500
  • CLOSED: Analysis of the impact of closing EDs in the UK, 2014-2016. NIHR HSDR. Principal investigator - E Knowles, Other invetigators - J Nicholl, S Mason, E Hirst. £213,000
  • How doctors decide: observation care and clinical decision making in emergency departments in the United States and the United Kingdom, 2015-2017. Faculty Development Grant for Global Public Health Research. Principal investigator - B Wright, Other investigators - J Bannerjee, G Martin, D Roland, A Ahmed, S Mason. $14,908
  • An Economic Evaluation of Regional Trauma Networks, 2015-2016. NHS England. Principal investigator - F Lecky, Other investiogators - J Nicholl, T Young, S Mason. £50,000
  • ERA – Electronic Records in Ambulances to support the shift to out of hospital care: challenges,opportunities and workforce implications, 2016-2018. NIHR HSDR. Principal investiogator - A Porter, Other investigators - S Mason, N Siriwardena, H Snooks, J Dale, R Lyons. £386,861

Show: Featured publications All publications

Journal articles


  • Dickson JM, Simpson R, Jacques R, Ahmed N, Grunewald R, Reuber M & Mason S Exploring Discordance Between Epilepsy Prevalence and Age-Specific Admission Rates for Seizures. Sheffield. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hughes-Gooding TH, Mason S, Dickson JM & Stone T Modelling the Flow of Seizure Patients in the Urgent and Emergency Care System. Society for Academic Primary Care, Trent Regional Meeting, Sheffield. RIS download Bibtex download


All publications

Journal articles


Conference proceedings papers



  • Ablard S, Cantrell A, Poulton S, Miller E, Booth A, Lee A, Mason S & Bell F (2022) PP22 Delivery of public health interventions by the ambulance sector. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hughes-Gooding TA, Mason S, Dickson JM & Stone T (2017) Modelling the Flow of Seizure Patients in the Urgent and Emergency Care System. ILAE British Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Dickson JM, Simpson R, Jacques R, Ahmed N, Grunewald R, Reuber M & Mason S Exploring Discordance Between Epilepsy Prevalence and Age-Specific Admission Rates for Seizures. Sheffield. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hughes-Gooding TH, Mason S, Dickson JM & Stone T Modelling the Flow of Seizure Patients in the Urgent and Emergency Care System. Society for Academic Primary Care, Trent Regional Meeting, Sheffield. RIS download Bibtex download



Teaching interests


  • Phase 2B SSC student placement - MBBS
  • MBBS - Intercalated BMedSci


  • NIHR Clinical Lecturer and Academic Clinical Fellow posts in Emergency Medicine
  • Masters in Advanced Emergency Medicine – Module Lead for Evidence Based Emergency Medicine
  • Specialist registrars in emergency medicine - Educational supervisor and small group teaching
  • Foundation year doctors in emergency medicine - Educational supervisor and small group teaching
  • PhD supervision
  • MD supervision
Teaching activities
  • Advanced Trauma Life Support Courses - Teaching course material and undertaking assessments
  • Emergency medicine CPD courses - Teaching course material
Professional activities and memberships
  1. 2015- Treasurer, Royal College of Emergency Medicine
  2. 2012- Member, Royal College of Emergency Medicine Executive Committee
  3. 2012 - Member, Royal College of Emergency Medicine Council
  4. 2015- Member, Royal College of Emergency Medicine Corporate Governance Committee
  5. 2012- Member, EMJ Management Committee
  6. 2010- EMJ Editorial Board
  7. 2015- DMEC Member, Paramedic 2 Trial, NIHR HTA
  8. 2013- Member, Commissioned Panel, NIHR HSDR
  9. 2013- Founding Member, National Emergency Medicine Clinical Studies Group
  10. 2016- Member Royal College of Emergency Medicine, Conference Committee
  11. 2017- Section Editor, BMC Emergency Medicine
  12. 2017- Chair, Trial Steering Committee, GPED Study, NIHR HSDR 2017-2020.
  13. 2016 External examiner PhD thesis, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, October
  14. Regular peer review of submitted papers for national and international emergency medicine journals and for grant funding bodies.
  15. Invited speaker presentations:
  • Research in pre-hospital care (Pre-hospital care themed review launch) - Sheffield, April 2016
  • 'Learning to Love Frailty’ SMACC conference, Dublin, June 2016
  • Update from the Royal College of Emergency Medicine - NHS Benchmarking, London, October 2016

Journal Referee work: Regular peer review of submitted papers for: Emergency Medicine Journal, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, Annals of Emergency Medicine, General Hospital Psychiatry, European Psychiatry, BMC Trials, BMJ.

Grant referee work: Peer review of applications for funding from: NIHR HTA. Member of panel of experts for HTA, NIHR Research for patient benefit programme, UK College of emergency medicine, NIHR SDO reviewer, Diabetes UK, EPSRC.
