Dr Praveen Thokala


School of Medicine and Population Health

Senior Research Fellow

+44 114 222 0784

Full contact details

Dr Praveen Thokala
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA

I joined HEDS in March 2010 after completing a MASc from the University of Toronto and a PhD from the University of Southampton. During my time at ScHARR I have worked on several health economic modelling projects, including health technology assessment (HTA) of diagnostic strategies for suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and telemonitoring for heart failure. I was also involved in developing the Sheffield Type-1 Diabetes Policy model.

I have also worked with the NICE Decision Support Unit (DSU) in assessing the applicability of multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) in health technology assessment (HTA) and I was involved in the DSU assessment of the economic model submitted by the manufacturer of donepezil for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Research interests

My research interests are:

  • Healthcare modelling
  • Health economics
  • Multi-criteria decision analysis
  • Optimisation

I am currently working on the following projects

  • Cost-effectiveness modelling of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) compared with current existing testing pathways in ischaemic cardiomyopathy (NIHR HTA)
  • Cost-effectiveness of pre-hospital non-invasive ventilation (NIV) for acute respiratory failure (NIHR HTA)
  • Overcoming barriers to Mainstreaming Assisted Living Technologies (MALT), Technology Strategy Board Assisted Living Innovation Platform (with ESRC and NIHR)
  • Priority setting approaches for supporting public health commissioners using MCDA techniques

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Teaching activities

I co-supervise four PhD students and I am co-module leader for the HAR671 - OR Techniques in Health Resource Allocation on the MSc in Health Economic and Decision Modelling. 

Professional activities and memberships
  • Deputy Director of Consultancy, HEDS
  • Member of SMDM, ISPOR and Operational Research Society
  • Reviewer for the Value in Health Journal