Dr Alexis Foster

BA, MSc, PhD

School of Medicine and Population Health

Senior Research Fellow

Research Design Service Advisor

+44 114 222 6129

Full contact details

Dr Alexis Foster
School of Medicine and Population Health
3012, Regent Court
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA

I am a mixed methods researcher specialising in third sector organisations including charities and community groups. I use participatory research approaches to ensure that my research involves stakeholders and influences practice. I have worked as a researcher since 2011, mainly based in the Health and Care Research Unit. Before then, I worked in and with the third sector. I am still actively involved in the third sector including as a charity trustee.

Recent/current projects include:

NIHR Research Fellow (2021-2022)- I am a NIHR Research Fellow exploring different methods of evaluation within the third sector. This develops my NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow work, where I conducted a mixed methods study working with a variety of stakeholders to explore the implementation of outcomes measures including supporting organisations with using them. Outputs included a toolkit: https://issuu.com/niftyfoxcreative/docs/proms_booklet_final

Evaluation of the national Green Social Prescribing Project- Funded by DEFRA and NHS England, I am part of a multi-university team evaluating green social prescribing within England. I am leading a work package focused on developing the collection and use of process and outcome data within social prescribing projects and green activities.

Evaluations of wellbeing interventions- I regularly undertake Knowledge Exchange projects where I evaluate wellbeing services on behalf of the NHS and charities. For example, evaluating the British Red Cross Community Connector programme and a Primary Care Network’s mental health provision.

Supporting the workforce- I led a review identifying interventions that were used to support mental health nurses manage workplace stress. I am currently developing research focused on the third sector workforce.

Stakeholder Involvement- I am passionate about ensuring stakeholders are actively involved in research studies especially patients and members of the public. I am currently the stakeholder lead for a health literacy and for a study exploring the use of pre-alerts for ambulance staff.

Research Design Service- I work as an advisor for the Research Design Service. I support researchers and practitioners with developing their study ideas. I specialise in social care and public health research. For example, leading the RDS support for the NIHR call on Extending Working Lives.

Journal articles- I have published over 20 articles on a variety of topics including 6 as lead author. The articles report on a range of methods, especially mixed methods and reviews. They have been published in a number of journals including the BMJ. Selected publications from the last 5 years include:
• Foster A, Clowes M & Wood E (2021) Identifying the evidence base of interventions supporting mental health nurses to cope with stressful working environments: a scoping review. Journal of Nursing Management.
• Foster A, Thompson J, Holding E, Ariss S, Mukuria C, Jacques R, Akparido R & Haywood A (2020) Impact of social prescribing to address loneliness: a mixed methods evaluation of a national social prescribing programme. Health & Social Care in the Community.
• Foster A, OCathain A & Harris J (2020) How do third sector organisations or charities providing health and wellbeing services in England implement patient reported outcome measures (PROMs)?: A qualitative interview study. BMJ Open, 10.
Foster A, Croot L, Brazier J, Harris J & O'Cathain A (2018) The facilitators and barriers to implementing patient reported outcome measures in organisations delivering health related services: a systematic review of reviews. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes.


BA (Politics and Social Studies), 1st Class Hons- University of Sheffield
MPH- Distinction- University of Sheffield
PhD- Health Services Research, University of Sheffield

Research interests

My key area of interest is the third sector. I evaluate third sector delivered interventions and explore sector-wide issues including workforce development needs and impact measurement.

I have experience of a range of research methods including qualitative, randomised controlled trials, secondary analysis and reviews. I am passionate about using mixed-methods which draw upon participatory approaches.


Journal articles

Conference proceedings papers


  • Haywood A, Dayson C, Garside R, Foster A, Lovell R, Husk K, Holding E, Thompson J, Shearn K, Hunt H , Dobson J et al (2023) National Evaluation of the Preventing and Tackling Mental Ill Health through Green Social Prescribing Project View this article in WRRO RIS download Bibtex download
Research group

Medical Care Research Unit, ScHARR


I have been successful at securing two NIHR fellowships including a Doctoral Fellowship exploring the implementing of outcomes measures in third sector organisations (2017-2020).

I have secured funding both as a Principal Investigator and Co-Applicant to evaluate wellbeing services delivered by third sector organisations. This includes for DEFRA, Cruse bereavement and the British Red Cross.

I have been a co-applicant on a number of research projects where I am responsible for leading stakeholder engagement and the co-production elements of the study. For example: NIHR HS&DR Project (Co-app) - Identifying health literacy interventions that reduce the use of primary care and emergency services for minor problems: a systematic review (2020-2021).

Teaching interests

I am involved in the teaching on the Master's in Public Health especially in relation to knowledge mobilisation and third sector related dissertations.

Teaching activities

I am involved in delivering various aspects of Master level programs in ScHARR including:
• Deputy module lead- Knowledge mobilisation in healthcare
• Delivering teaching, supervising and marking dissertations for the Masters in Public Health/Masters in Clinical Research students.
• Personal tutor to Master’s level students.
• Providing research attachments for undergraduate medical students.
• Leading a peer network for supervisors of qualitative post-graduate dissertations.

Much of my teaching involves taking a collaborative approach with community organisations, providing opportunities for students to get hands on experience of addressing health and wellbeing through taking a holistic wellbeing approach. For example, organising dissertation placements at local charities

Professional activities and memberships

I am a member of ScHARR’s Athena SWAN Committee.

I sit on the Executive for the Centre for Wellbeing in Public Policy.

I review funding applications for the NIHR and review articles for a variety of journals.

I mentor early career researchers and clinicians/ public health workers.