Professor Alan Brennan
BSc (London), MSc (London), PhD (Sheffield)
School of Medicine and Population Health
Professor of Health Economics and Decision Modelling
+44 114 222 0684
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School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
I am Professor of Health Economics and Decision Modelling at ScHARR, University of Sheffield, England.
I studied for BSc Mathematics at Imperial College London and then MSc Operational Research at the London School of Economics before joining the NHS to work in and then lead the Trent Operational Research Unit. Since 1994 I have been leading the modelling team at ScHARR.
I lead a large group of around 35 academic staff, undertaking methodological and applied research and consultancy using mathematical modelling in health and healthcare.
I have been developing and applying modelling in support of healthcare decision-making nationally and internationally, across a large range of diseases, interventions, service planning and policy issues for over 25 years. Together we have now built a large, high-quality team of around 35 or more health economic modelling researchers.
I am a regular expert on several NICE Scientific Advice Programme panels, providing input to the design of phase III studies from an economic/NICE perspective, usually for global pharmaceutical and device manufacturers.
I lead programmes of research on mathematical modelling in health and healthcare focusing on health economics and decision modelling.
I lead and contribute to the strategic development of research collaborations and programmes within the University, the White Rose, nationally and internationally for funders including NIH (US), MRC, ESRC, NICE, DH and EU.
I undertake substantial applied research/consultancy with healthcare organisations around public health, service development and policy, and with the pharmaceutical industry in the UK and internationally on the cost-effectiveness of interventions.
I contribute to PhD and Masters programmes in ScHARR including the Wellcome Doctoral Training Centre in Public Health Economics and Decision Science and working on new courses and curriculum development around MSc Health Economics and Decision Modelling, and the online course MSc International Health Technology Assessment and Reimbursement.
- Research interests
My fundamental interest is in mathematical modelling approaches to inform decision making in health and healthcare.
I am currently principal investigator or co-investigator involved in over 19 research programmes and projects. Current government / national policy research.
Alcohol Policy
I have been involved in modelling alcohol behaviours and policy since 2008, when we began a programme of research for UK research bodies and policy makers. With Prof Meier, we have developed the Sheffield Alcohol Research Group, a leading international centre for alcohol policy and epidemiological modelling research. Our work has influenced government policy on minimum unit pricing for alcohol; shaping and informing policy in UK, Scotland, Canada, Wales, EU Commission, and Republic of Ireland.Public Health - Health Economics and Decision Modelling
I am co-applicant (Health Economics and Decision Modelling leader) on large research grants for the NIHR School of Public health research and the ESRC funded UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies.I have a wider portfolio of public health work including work around screening and prevention of diabetes, linking smoking and alcohol behaviours and developing a joint smoking and alcohol policy analysis model, encouraging behaviours in physical activity and general lifestyle risk reductions. This entire programme relates to the central methodological interest which is in developing and using novel mathematical modelling approaches to support and inform decision making around health and healthcare for international impact.
Health Technology Assessment
I have been heavily involved in health technology assessment and health economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals and interventions for both government bodies in the UK eg NICE and internationally, and also with the pharmaceutical industry.
I direct a programme of research in Health Economic Modelling / Health Technology Assessment which involves a large team of modelling staff and their collaborators. We are recognized as a leading national and international centre for HTA modelling research. I have been involved in direct leadership of over 30 research projects within the last five years, working closely with ScHARR-TAG and DSU.
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Computing the expected value of sample information efficiently: practical guidance and recommendations for four model-based methods. Value in Health. View this article in WRRO
- Assessing the contribution of alcohol-specific causes to socio-economic inequalities in mortality in England and Wales 2001-16. Addiction. View this article in WRRO
- How can health economics be used in the design and analysis of adaptive clinical trials? A qualitative analysis. Trials, 21(1). View this article in WRRO
- The normative underpinnings of population-level alcohol use: An individual-level simulation model. Health Education and Behavior. View this article in WRRO
- Evaluating the causal impact of individual alcohol licensing decisions on local health and crime using natural experiments with synthetic controls. Addiction. View this article in WRRO
- Reweighting national survey data for small area behaviour estimates : modelling alcohol consumption in local authorities in England. Population Health Metrics, 18(1). View this article in WRRO
- How Uncertain is the Survival Extrapolation? A Study of the Impact of Different Parametric Survival Models on Extrapolated Uncertainty About Hazard Functions, Lifetime Mean Survival and Cost Effectiveness. PharmacoEconomics, 38(2), 193-204. View this article in WRRO
- Modeling the Potential Impact of Changing Access Rates to Specialist Treatment for Alcohol Dependence for Local Authorities in England: The Specialist Treatment for Alcohol Model (STreAM).. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Supplement(Sup 18), 96-109. View this article in WRRO
- Cost-effectiveness of insulin pumps compared with multiple daily injections both provided with structured education for adults with type 1 diabetes: a health economic analysis of the Relative Effectiveness of Pumps over Structured Education (REPOSE) randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 8(4). View this article in WRRO
- The HTA Risk Analysis Chart: Visualising the Need for and Potential Value of Managed Entry Agreements in Health Technology Assessment. PharmacoEconomics, 35(12), 1287-1296. View this article in WRRO
- A statistical model to describe longitudinal and correlated metabolic risk factors: the Whitehall II prospective study.. J Public Health (Oxf), 38(4), 679-687. View this article in WRRO
- Cost-effectiveness of structured education in children with type-1 diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 32(4), 203-211. View this article in WRRO
- Deconstructing the Alcohol Harm Paradox: A Population Based Survey of Adults in England.. PLoS One, 11(9), e0160666-e0160666. View this article in WRRO
- Temporal patterns of alcohol consumption and attempts to reduce alcohol intake in England. BMC Public Health, 16(1). View this article in WRRO
- Local policies to tackle a national problem: comparative qualitative case studies of an English local authority alcohol availability intervention.. Health and Place, 41, 11-18. View this article in WRRO
- Are recent attempts to quit smoking associated with reduced drinking in England? A cross-sectional population survey. BMC Public Health, 16:535. View this article in WRRO
- Estimated Effects of Different Alcohol Taxation and Price Policies on Health Inequalities: A Mathematical Modelling Study. PLOS Medicine, 13(2), e1001963-e1001963. View this article in WRRO
- Comparison of brief interventions in primary care on smoking and excessive alcohol consumption: a population survey in England. British Journal of General Practice, 66(642), e1-e9. View this article in WRRO
- Valuing Trial Designs from a Pharmaceutical Perspective Using Value-Based Pricing. Health Economics (United Kingdom), 24(11), 1468-1482. View this article in WRRO
- Estimating the Expected Value of Sample Information Using the Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis Sample. Medical Decision Making, 35(5), 570-583. View this article in WRRO
- Alcohol tax pass-through across the product and price range: do retailers treat cheap alcohol differently?. Addiction, 109(12), 1994-2002. View this article in WRRO
- Potential benefits of minimum unit pricing for alcohol versus a ban on below cost selling in England 2014: modelling study. BMJ, 349. View this article in WRRO
- Effects of minimum unit pricing for alcohol on different income and socioeconomic groups: a modelling study.. Lancet, 383(9929), 1655-1664. View this article in WRRO
- Estimation of own and cross price elasticities of alcohol demand in the UK--A pseudo-panel approach using the Living Costs and Food Survey 2001-2009.. J Health Econ, 34, 96-103. View this article in WRRO
- Modeling using discrete event simulation: A report of the ISPOR-SMDM modeling good research practices task force-4. Medical Decision Making, 32(5), 701-711.
- Estimated effect of alcohol pricing policies on health and health economic outcomes in England: an epidemiological model.. Lancet, 375(9723), 1355-1364.
- Expected value of sample information for Weibull survival data.. Health Econ, 16(11), 1205-1225.
- Modelling the cost effectiveness of TNF-alpha antagonists in the management of rheumatoid arthritis: results from the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Registry.. Rheumatology (Oxford), 46(8), 1345-1354. View this article in WRRO
- Calculating partial expected value of perfect information via Monte Carlo sampling algorithms.. Med Decis Making, 27(4), 448-470.
- Efficient computation of partial expected value of sample information using Bayesian approximation.. J Health Econ, 26(1), 122-148.
- A taxonomy of model structures for economic evaluation of health technologies.. Health Econ, 15(12), 1295-1310.
- The cost-effectiveness of testing strategies for type 2 diabetes: a modelling study. Health Technology Assessment, 19(33), 1-80.
All publications
Journal articles
- Public health economic modelling in evaluations of salt and/or alcohol policies: a systematic scoping review. BMC Public Health, 25(1). View this article in WRRO
- MSR169 Health Technology Decision-Making in an Imperfect World: A Unifying Framework of Value of Information and Implementation Metrics Based on a Narrative Review. Value in Health, 27(12), S471-S472.
- Using Bayesian networks to explore differences in the relationships of factors related to mental health for LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+ adolescents in a UK cohort study.. The Lancet, 404, S13-S13.
- Estimated lifetime impact of a school-based intervention for mental health: A microsimulation study. European Journal of Public Health, 34(Supplement_3).
- The PHEM-B toolbox of methods for incorporating the influences on behaviour into public health economic models. BMC Public Health, 24(1). View this article in WRRO
- Estimating the effect of transitioning to a strength-based alcohol tax system on alcohol consumption and health outcomes: a modelling study of tax reform in England. The Lancet Public Health. View this article in WRRO
- A tutorial on value-based adaptive designs: Could a value-based sequential two-arm design have created more health economic value for the Big CACTUS trial?. Value in Health.
- Estimating the lifetime costs and benefits of the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management intervention using data from 30 months follow up of the STARS Trial. Value in Health.
- Erratum. Identifying Preferred Features of Weight Loss Programs for Adults With or at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Discrete Choice Experiment With 3,960 Adults in the U.K. Diabetes Care 2024;47:739–746. Diabetes Care, 47(7), 1239-1239.
- Cross-model validation of public health microsimulation models; comparing two models on estimated effects of a weight management intervention. BMC Public Health, 24. View this article in WRRO
- Estimating quality-adjusted life expectancy (QALE) for local authorities in Great Britain and its association with indicators of the inclusive economy: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 14(3), e076704-e076704.
- Commentary on Antosz et al. (2023): The role of macro-micro-macro frameworks and critical realism in agent-based modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 173, 105959-105959.
- SA18 Public Health Economic Modelling in Evaluations of Salt and Alcohol Policies: A Scoping Review. Value in Health, 26(12), S544-S544.
- Estimation of integrated price elasticities for alcohol and tobacco in the
United Kingdom using the living costs and food survey 2006–2017. Drug and Alcohol Review. - Mapping alcohol and tobacco tax policy interventions to inform health and economic impact analyses: A United Kingdom based qualitative framework analysis. International Journal of Drug Policy, 122, 104247-104247.
- Estimation of HbA1c after weight loss using a beta-regression for an economic evaluation of a behavioural weight management programme from the GLoW trial: a methodological study. The Lancet, 402, S75-S75.
- Exploring the relationship between food advertising and consumption of foods high in fat, salt, and sugar in England: an agent-based modelling study. Appetite, 189, 106933-106933.
- Feasibility and acceptability of an acceptance-based guided self-help programme for weight loss maintenance. Appetite, 189, 106907-106907.
- Evaluating the effects of minimum unit pricing in Scotland on the prevalence of harmful drinking: a controlled interrupted time series analysis. Public Health, 220, 43-49.
- Guidance on the use of complex systems models for economic evaluations of public health interventions. Health Economics.
- Can social norms explain long-term trends in alcohol use? Insights from inverse generative social science. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 26(2).
- Effectiveness of subnational implementation of minimum unit price for alcohol: policy appraisal modelling for local authorities in England. Addiction.
- Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of referral to a commercial open group behavioural weight management programme in adults with overweight and obesity: 5-year follow-up of the WRAP randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Public Health, 7(10), e866-e875.
- The 12-Item Hypoglycemia Impact Profile (HIP12): psychometric validation of a brief measure of the impact of hypoglycemia on quality of life among adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 10(4).
- The health, cost and equity impacts of restrictions on the advertisement of high fat, salt and sugar products across the transport for London network: a health economic modelling study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19. View this article in WRRO
- Hypo-METRICS: Hypoglycaemia – MEasurement, ThResholds and ImpaCtS – A multi-country clinical study to define the optimal threshold and duration of sensor-detected hypoglycaemia that impact the experience of hypoglycaemia, quality of life and health economic outcomes: the study protocol. Diabetic Medicine. View this article in WRRO
- Acceptability and feasibility of an acceptance and commitment therapy-based guided self-help intervention for weight loss maintenance in adults who have previously completed a behavioural weight loss programme: the SWiM feasibility study protocol.. BMJ Open, 12(4), e058103.
- Print and online textual news media coverage of UK low-risk drinking guidelines from 2014 to 2017 : a review and thematic analysis. Drug and Alcohol Review. View this article in WRRO
- Using health economic modelling to inform the design and development of an intervention : estimating the justifiable cost of weight loss maintenance in the UK. BMC Public Health, 22(1). View this article in WRRO
- Investigating the day-to-day impact of hypoglycaemia in adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes: design and validation protocol of the Hypo-METRICS application. BMJ Open, 12(2). View this article in WRRO
- Development of a Web-Based, Guided Self-help, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-Based Intervention for Weight Loss Maintenance: Evidence-, Theory-, and Person-Based Approach.. JMIR Form Res, 6(1), e31801.
- Expected value of sample information to guide the design of group sequential clinical trials. Medical Decision Making. View this article in WRRO
- Behavioural interventions to promote physical activity in a multiethnic population at high risk of diabetes: PROPELS three-arm RCT.. Health Technology Assessment, 25(77).
- An integrated dual process simulation model of alcohol use behaviours in individuals, with application to US population-level consumption, 1984-2012. Addictive Behaviors, 107094-107094.
- Observational cohort study in older women with early breast cancer: use of radiation therapy and impact on health-related quality of life and mortality. Radiotherapy and Oncology.
- Promoting physical activity in a multi-ethnic population at high risk of diabetes: the 48-month PROPELS randomised controlled trial. BMC Medicine, 19. View this article in WRRO
- Bridging The Age Gap: observational cohort study of effects of chemotherapy and trastuzumab on recurrence, survival and quality of life in older women with early breast cancer.. British Journal of Cancer. View this article in WRRO
- The role of alcohol use in the aetiology and progression of liver disease: a narrative review and a quantification. Drug and Alcohol Review.
- Bridging the age gap in breast cancer : impact of omission of breast cancer surgery in older women with oestrogen receptor-positive early breast cancer on quality-of-life outcomes. British Journal of Surgery, 108(3), 315-325. View this article in WRRO
- Impact of body mass and alcohol consumption on all‐cause and liver mortality in 240 000 adults in the United States. Drug and Alcohol Review.
- Potential effects of minimum unit pricing at local authority level on alcohol-attributed harms in North West and North East England: a modelling study. Public Health Research, 9(4).
- Bridging the Age Gap in breast cancer: Impact of chemotherapy on quality of life in older women with early breast cancer. European Journal of Cancer, 144, 269-280.
- Cost-Effectiveness Modeling of Surgery Plus Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy Versus Primary Endocrine Therapy Alone in UK Women Aged 70 and Over With Early Breast Cancer. Value in Health.
- Bridging the age gap in breast cancer. Impacts of omission of breast cancer surgery in older women with oestrogen receptor positive early breast cancer. A risk stratified analysis of survival outcomes and quality of life. European Journal of Cancer, 142, 48-62.
- Multiple deprivation and geographic distance to community physical activity events — achieving equitable access to parkrun in England. Public Health, 189, 48-53. View this article in WRRO
- The impact of promoting revised UK low-risk drinking guidelines on alcohol consumption: interrupted time series analysis. Public Health Research, 8(14). View this article in WRRO
- Evaluating the ability of economic models of diabetes to simulate new cardiovascular outcomes trials : a report on the Ninth Mount Hood Diabetes Challenge. Value in Health. View this article in WRRO
- Evaluating alcohol intoxication management services: the EDARA mixed-methods study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 8(24). View this article in WRRO
- Multiobjective genetic programming can improve the explanatory capabilities of mechanism-based models of social systems. Complexity, 2020. View this article in WRRO
- Developing Markov models from real-world data: A case study of heart failure modeling using administrative data. Value in Health, 23(6), 743-750. View this article in WRRO
- Psychological interventions to improve self-management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes: a systematic review. Health Technology Assessment, 24(28). View this article in WRRO
- A software architecture for mechanism-based social systems modelling in agent-based simulation models. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 23(3). View this article in WRRO
- Computing the expected value of sample information efficiently: practical guidance and recommendations for four model-based methods. Value in Health. View this article in WRRO
- Clinical and cost-effectiveness of a diabetes education and behavioural weight management programme versus a diabetes education programme in adults with a recent diagnosis of type 2 diabetes : study protocol for the glucose lowering through weight management (GLoW) randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 10(4). View this article in WRRO
- Psychological interventions to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, 8(1). View this article in WRRO
- Assessing the contribution of alcohol-specific causes to socio-economic inequalities in mortality in England and Wales 2001-16. Addiction. View this article in WRRO
- How can health economics be used in the design and analysis of adaptive clinical trials? A qualitative analysis. Trials, 21(1). View this article in WRRO
- Expanding attributable fraction applications to outcomes wholly attributable to a risk factor. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. View this article in WRRO
- Developing logic models to inform public health policy outcome evaluation : an example from tobacco control. Journal of Public Health. View this article in WRRO
- The normative underpinnings of population-level alcohol use: An individual-level simulation model. Health Education and Behavior. View this article in WRRO
- Evaluating the causal impact of individual alcohol licensing decisions on local health and crime using natural experiments with synthetic controls. Addiction. View this article in WRRO
- Systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials of psychological interventions to improve glycaemic control in children and adults with type 1 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine. View this article in WRRO
- Modelling the effects of alcohol pricing policies on alcohol consumption in subpopulations in Australia. Addiction. View this article in WRRO
- Reweighting national survey data for small area behaviour estimates : modelling alcohol consumption in local authorities in England. Population Health Metrics, 18(1). View this article in WRRO
- How Uncertain is the Survival Extrapolation? A Study of the Impact of Different Parametric Survival Models on Extrapolated Uncertainty About Hazard Functions, Lifetime Mean Survival and Cost Effectiveness. PharmacoEconomics, 38(2), 193-204. View this article in WRRO
- A systematic review of methods to predict weight trajectories in health economic models of behavioral weight management programs : the potential role of psychosocial factors. Medical Decision Making. View this article in WRRO
- The SIPHER consortium : introducing the new UK hub for systems science in public health and health economic research. Wellcome Open Research, 4. View this article in WRRO
- OP87 A comprehensive evaluation of the impact of recent english tobacco control policy using secondary data. Oral Presentations.
- Examining the relationship between energy poverty and measures of deprivation. Energy Policy, 130, 206-217. View this article in WRRO
- The effects of alcohol pricing policies on consumption, health, social and economic outcomes, and health inequality in Australia : a protocol of an epidemiological modelling study. BMJ Open, 9(6). View this article in WRRO
- Drinking guidelines and the need for evidence beyond the epidemiological. Addiction, 114(4), 607-608.
- A Review of Clinical Trials with an Adaptive Design and Health Economic Analysis. Value in Health. View this article in WRRO
- Modeling the Potential Impact of Changing Access Rates to Specialist Treatment for Alcohol Dependence for Local Authorities in England: The Specialist Treatment for Alcohol Model (STreAM).. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Supplement(Sup 18), 96-109. View this article in WRRO
- Migraine day frequency in migraine prevention: longitudinal modelling approaches. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 19. View this article in WRRO
- Cost-effectiveness of strategies to improve delivery of brief interventions for heavy drinking in primary care: results from the ODHIN trial. European Journal of Public Health, 29(2), 219-225. View this article in WRRO
- How dependent is the alcohol industry on heavy drinking in England?. Addiction, 113(12), 2225-2232. View this article in WRRO
- Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in Police Custody Suites: Pilot Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial (AcCePT). Alcohol and Alcoholism, 53(5), 548-559. View this article in WRRO
- How should we set consumption thresholds for low risk drinking guidelines? Achieving objectivity and transparency using evidence, expert judgement and pragmatism. Addiction. View this article in WRRO
- Estimating the clinical effectiveness and value-based price range of erenumab for the prevention of migraine in patients with prior treatment failures: a US societal perspective. Journal of Medical Economics, 21(7), 666-675. View this article in WRRO
- Response to: ‘Synthetic control methodology as a tool for evaluating population-level health interventions’ by Bouttell et al. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 72(9), 864-864.
- The impact of a local sugar sweetened beverage health promotion and price increase on sales in public leisure centre facilities. PLoS ONE, 13(5). View this article in WRRO
- Computer Modeling of Diabetes and Its Transparency: A Report on the Eighth Mount Hood Challenge. Value in Health. View this article in WRRO
- Cost-effectiveness of insulin pumps compared with multiple daily injections both provided with structured education for adults with type 1 diabetes: a health economic analysis of the Relative Effectiveness of Pumps over Structured Education (REPOSE) randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 8(4). View this article in WRRO
- NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme in England: formative evaluation of the programme in early phase implementation. BMJ Open, 8(2), e019467-e019467. View this article in WRRO
- Scotland's policy on minimum unit pricing for alcohol: the legal barriers are gone, so what are the implications for implementation and evaluation?. Addiction, 113(2), 203-204.
- Commentary on Apostolopoulos et al
. (2018): Systems and complex systems approaches for public health planning-back to the future?. Addiction, 113(2), 372-373.
- The HTA Risk Analysis Chart: Visualising the Need for and Potential Value of Managed Entry Agreements in Health Technology Assessment. PharmacoEconomics, 35(12), 1287-1296. View this article in WRRO
- Minimum unit pricing for alcohol clears final legal hurdle in Scotland.. BMJ, 359. View this article in WRRO
- Discrete Event Simulation-Based Resource Modelling in Health Technology Assessment. PharmacoEconomics, 35(10), 989-1006. View this article in WRRO
- The intervention effect of local alcohol licensing policies on hospital admission and crime: a natural experiment using a novel Bayesian synthetic time-series method. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 71, 912-918. View this article in WRRO
- Simulation Modelling in Healthcare: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Literature Reviews. PharmacoEconomics, 35(9), 937-949. View this article in WRRO
- Assessing the potential return on investment of the proposed UK NHS diabetes prevention programme in different population subgroups: an economic evaluation. BMJ Open, 7. View this article in WRRO
- Cost‐effectiveness of population‐based, community, workplace and individual policies for diabetes prevention in the UK. Diabetic Medicine, 34(8), 1136-1144. View this article in WRRO
- Processes of local alcohol policy-making in England: Does the theory of policy transfer provide useful insights into public health decision-making?. Health & Place. View this article in WRRO
- Typology and Dynamics of Heavier Drinking Styles in Great Britain: 1978–2010. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 52(3), 372-381. View this article in WRRO
- The impact of Type 2 diabetes prevention programmes based on risk‐identification and lifestyle intervention intensity strategies: a cost‐effectiveness analysis. Diabetic Medicine, 34(5), 632-640. View this article in WRRO
- Mapping Patterns and Trends in the Spatial Availability of Alcohol Using Low-Level Geographic Data: A Case Study in England 2003–2013. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 4. View this article in WRRO
- Understanding the alcohol harm paradox: an analysis of sex- and condition-specific hospital admissions by socioeconomic group for alcohol-associated conditions in England.. Addiction, 112(5), 808-817. View this article in WRRO
- A cluster randomised trial, cost-effectiveness analysis and psychosocial evaluation of insulin pump therapy compared with multiple injections during flexible intensive insulin therapy for type 1 diabetes: the REPOSE Trial. Health Technology Assessment, 21(20), 1-278. View this article in WRRO
- Estimating the cost-effectiveness of brief interventions for heavy drinking in primary health care across Europe. European Journal of Public Health, 27(2), 345-351. View this article in WRRO
- Relative effectiveness of insulin pump treatment over multiple daily injections and structured education during flexible intensive insulin treatment for type 1 diabetes: cluster randomised trial (REPOSE). BMJ, 356. View this article in WRRO
- Proceedings of the 14th annual conference of INEBRIA. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 12(S1). View this article in WRRO
- A statistical model to describe longitudinal and correlated metabolic risk factors: the Whitehall II prospective study.. J Public Health (Oxf), 38(4), 679-687. View this article in WRRO
- The Impact of Diabetes-Related Complications on Preference-Based Measures of Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults with Type I Diabetes. Medical Decision Making, 36(8), 1020-1033. View this article in WRRO
- The cost-effectiveness of an updated theory-based online health behavior intervention for new university students: U@Uni2. Journal of Public Health & Epidemiology, 8(10), 191-203. View this article in WRRO
- Cost-effectiveness of structured education in children with type-1 diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 32(4), 203-211. View this article in WRRO
- Deconstructing the Alcohol Harm Paradox: A Population Based Survey of Adults in England.. PLoS One, 11(9), e0160666-e0160666. View this article in WRRO
- Temporal patterns of alcohol consumption and attempts to reduce alcohol intake in England. BMC Public Health, 16(1). View this article in WRRO
- Local policies to tackle a national problem: comparative qualitative case studies of an English local authority alcohol availability intervention.. Health and Place, 41, 11-18. View this article in WRRO
- An economic evaluation of contingency management for completion of hepatitis B vaccination in those on treatment for opiate dependence. Addiction, 111(9), 1616-1627. View this article in WRRO
- Developing a social practice-based typology of British drinking culture in 2009–2011: implications for alcohol policy analysis. Addiction, 111(9), 1568-1579. View this article in WRRO
- Testing the impact of local alcohol licencing policies on reported crime rates in England. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, jech-2016-207753-jech-2016-207753. View this article in WRRO
- Cost Utility of Omalizumab Compared with Standard of Care for the Treatment of Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria. PharmacoEconomics, 34(8), 815-827. View this article in WRRO
- Are recent attempts to quit smoking associated with reduced drinking in England? A cross-sectional population survey. BMC Public Health, 16:535. View this article in WRRO
- Modeling the Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Upper Age Limits for Breast Cancer Screening in England and Wales. Value in Health, 19(4), 404-412.
- Measurable effects of local alcohol licensing policies on population health in England. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 70(3), 231-237. View this article in WRRO
- Estimated Effects of Different Alcohol Taxation and Price Policies on Health Inequalities: A Mathematical Modelling Study. PLOS Medicine, 13(2), e1001963-e1001963. View this article in WRRO
- Developing policy analytics for public health strategy and decisions—the Sheffield alcohol policy model framework. Annals of Operations Research, 236(1), 149-176. View this article in WRRO
- Comparison of brief interventions in primary care on smoking and excessive alcohol consumption: a population survey in England. British Journal of General Practice, 66(642), e1-e9. View this article in WRRO
- Propensity score matching for selection of local areas as controls for evaluation of effects of alcohol policies in case series and quasi case–control designs. Public Health, 132, 40-49. View this article in WRRO
- Retracted:Impact of Type 2 diabetes prevention programmes based on risk identification and lifestyle intervention intensity strategies: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Diabetic Medicine, 33(8), 1155-1163.
- Effectiveness of the Kids in Control of Food (KICk-OFF) structured education course for 11-16 year olds with Type 1 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine, 33(2), 192-203.
- Who gains clinical benefit from using insulin pump therapy? A qualitative study of the perceptions and views of health professionals involved in the Relative Effectiveness of Pumps over MDI and Structured Education (REPOSE) trial. Diabetic Medicine, 33(2), 243-251.
- A theory-based online health behaviour intervention for new university students (U@Uni:LifeGuide): Results from a repeat randomized controlled trial. Trials, 16. View this article in WRRO
- Valuing Trial Designs from a Pharmaceutical Perspective Using Value-Based Pricing. Health Economics (United Kingdom), 24(11), 1468-1482. View this article in WRRO
- Incorporating Psychological Predictors of Treatment Response into Health Economic Simulation Models: A Case Study in Type 1 Diabetes. Medical Decision Making, 35(7), 872-887. View this article in WRRO
- The Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model - A Mathematical Description. Health Economics, 24(10), 1368-1388. View this article in WRRO
- Estimating the Expected Value of Sample Information Using the Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis Sample. Medical Decision Making, 35(5), 570-583. View this article in WRRO
- A pilot feasibility trial of alcohol screening and brief intervention in the police custody setting (ACCEPT): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 1(1). View this article in WRRO
- An integrated extrapolation of long-term outcomes in systemic lupus erythematosus: analysis and simulation of the Hopkins Lupus Cohort. Rheumatology, 54(4), 623-632.
- Alcohol tax pass-through across the product and price range: do retailers treat cheap alcohol differently?. Addiction, 109(12), 1994-2002. View this article in WRRO
- Investigating local policy drivers for alcohol harm prevention: a comparative case study of two local authorities in England. The Lancet, 384, S52-S52.
- Reporting the characteristics of the policy context for population-level alcohol interventions: A proposed ‘Transparent Reporting of Alcohol Intervention ContExts’ (TRAICE) checklist. Drug and Alcohol Review, 33(6), 596-603. View this article in WRRO
- Perceptions and experiences of using automated bolus advisors amongst people with type 1 diabetes: A longitudinal qualitative investigation. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 106(3), 443-450. View this article in WRRO
- Potential benefits of minimum unit pricing for alcohol versus a ban on below cost selling in England 2014: modelling study. BMJ, 349. View this article in WRRO
- The impact of spatial and temporal availability of alcohol on its consumption and related harms: A critical review in the context of UK licensing policies. Drug and Alcohol Review, 33(5), 515-525. View this article in WRRO
- Substantial reductions in the number of diabetic ketoacidosis and severe hypoglycaemia episodes requiring emergency treatment lead to reduced costs after structured education in adults with Type 1 diabetes.. Diabet Med, 31(7), 847-853. View this article in WRRO
- A theory-based online health behaviour intervention for new university students (U@Uni): Results from a randomised controlled trial. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 563-563. View this article in WRRO
- Modelling the economics of type 2 diabetes mellitus prevention: a literature review of methods.. Appl Health Econ Health Policy, 12(3), 239-253.
- Effects of minimum unit pricing for alcohol on different income and socioeconomic groups: a modelling study.. Lancet, 383(9929), 1655-1664. View this article in WRRO
- Estimating Multiparameter Partial Expected Value of Perfect Information from a Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis Sample: A Nonparametric Regression Approach. Medical Decision Making, 34(3), 311-326. View this article in WRRO
- Assessing the cost-effectiveness of type 1 diabetes interventions: the Sheffield type 1 diabetes policy model.. Diabet Med, 31(4), 477-486.
- Estimation of own and cross price elasticities of alcohol demand in the UK--A pseudo-panel approach using the Living Costs and Food Survey 2001-2009.. J Health Econ, 34, 96-103. View this article in WRRO
- Cost-effectiveness of a programme of screening and brief interventions for alcohol in primary care in Italy.. BMC Fam Pract, 15, 26. View this article in WRRO
- Trend analysis and modelling of gender-specific age, period and birth cohort effects on alcohol abstention and consumption level for drinkers in Great Britain using the General Lifestyle Survey 1984-2009.. Addiction, 109(2), 206-215. View this article in WRRO
- The cost-effectiveness of a theory-based online health behaviour intervention for new university students: an economic evaluation. BMC Public Health, 14(1). View this article in WRRO
- Evolutionary parameter estimation for a theory of planned behaviour microsimulation of alcohol consumption dynamics in an English birth cohort 2003 to 2010. Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation - GECCO '14.
- Estimation of usual occasion-based individual drinking patterns using diary survey data. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 134(1), 136-143.
- Designing clinical research into the treatment of breast cancer in the elderly - the advantages and challenges of a value of information approach. Trials, 14(S1).
- Fast efficient computation of expected value of sample information from a probabilistic sensitivity analysis sample: a non-parametric regression approach. Trials, 14(S1).
- Home telemonitoring or structured telephone support programmes after recent discharge in patients with heart failure: systematic review and economic evaluation.. Health Technol Assess, 17(32), 1-vi. View this article in WRRO
- Adjusting for unrecorded consumption in survey and per capita sales data: quantification of impact on gender- and age-specific alcohol-attributable fractions for oral and pharyngeal cancers in Great Britain.. Alcohol Alcohol, 48(2), 241-249. View this article in WRRO
- The cost-effectiveness of the Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating (DAFNE) structured education programme: an update using the Sheffield Type 1 Diabetes Policy Model. DIABETIC MEDICINE, 30(10), 1236-1244.
- Modelling the cost-effectiveness of alcohol screening and brief interventions in primary care in England.. Alcohol Alcohol, 48(2), 180-188.
- Does an intensive self-management structured education course improve outcomes for children and young people with type 1 diabetes? The Kids In Control OF Food (KICk-OFF) cluster-randomised controlled trial protocol.. BMJ Open, 3(1). View this article in WRRO
- Telemonitoring after discharge from hospital with heart failure: cost-effectiveness modelling of alternative service designs.. BMJ Open, 3(9), e003250. View this article in WRRO
- Using Whole Disease Modeling to Inform Resource Allocation Decisions: Economic Evaluation of a Clinical Guideline for Colorectal Cancer Using a Single Model. Value in Health.
- Innovation in health economic modelling of service improvements for longer-term depression: demonstration in a local health community.. BMC Health Serv Res, 13, 150. View this article in WRRO
- A theory-based online health behavior intervention for new university students: study protocol.. BMC Public Health, 13, 107. View this article in WRRO
- The cost of Type 1 diabetes mellitus in the United Kingdom: a review of cost-of-illness studies.. Eur J Health Econ, 14(6), 887-899. View this article in WRRO
- Whole disease modeling to inform resource allocation decisions in cancer: a methodological framework.. Value Health, 15(8), 1127-1136.
- Modeling using discrete event simulation: A report of the ISPOR-SMDM modeling good research practices task force-4. Medical Decision Making, 32(5), 701-711.
- Non-pharmacological interventions to reduce the risk of diabetes in people with impaired glucose regulation: a systematic review and economic evaluation.. Health Technol Assess, 16(33), 1-iv.
- Modeling using discrete event simulation: A report of the ISPOR-SMDM modeling good research practices task force-4. Value in Health, 15(6), 821-827.
- The temporal relationship between per capita alcohol consumption and harm: A systematic review of time lag specifications in aggregate time series analyses. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 123(1-3), 7-14. View this article in WRRO
- The Sheffield rheumatoid arthritis health economic model.. Rheumatology (Oxford), 50 Suppl 4, iv26-iv31.
- O4-6.4 The development of models to underpin public health guidance. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 65(Suppl 1), A47-A47.
- Estimating expected value of sample information for incomplete data models using Bayesian approximation.. Med Decis Making, 31(6), 839-852.
- Assessing the cost-effectiveness of the rivastigmine transdermal patch for Alzheimer's disease in the UK using MMSE- and ADL-based models.. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 26(5), 483-494.
- Self management of diabetes Authors' reply. BRIT MED J, 341.
- Decision Modeling to Inform Decision Making: Seeing the Wood for the Trees. MED DECIS MAKING, 30(3), E20-E22.
- Simulation sample sizes for Monte Carlo partial EVPI calculations.. J Health Econ, 29(3), 468-477. View this article in WRRO
- A cost-utility analysis of clopidogrel in patients with ST elevation acute coronary syndromes in the UK. INT J CARDIOL, 140(3), 315-322.
- Estimated effect of alcohol pricing policies on health and health economic outcomes in England: an epidemiological model.. Lancet, 375(9723), 1355-1364.
- Policy options for alcohol price regulation: response to the commentaries.. Addiction, 105(3), 400-401.
- Policy options for alcohol price regulation: the importance of modelling population heterogeneity.. Addiction, 105(3), 383-393. View this article in WRRO
- Delivering the diabetes education and self management for ongoing and newly diagnosed (DESMOND) programme for people with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: cost effectiveness analysis.. BMJ, 341, c4093.
- The cost-effectiveness of an RCT to establish whether 5 or 10 years of bisphosphonate treatment is the better duration for women with a prior fracture.. Med Decis Making, 29(6), 678-689. View this article in WRRO
- The cost-utility of the rivastigmine transdermal patch in the management of patients with moderate Alzheimer's disease in the US. Aktuelle Neurologie, 36(S 02).
- Introducing a methodology to use activities of daily living outcomes in the assessment of the cost-effectiveness of AD treatments: a case study using rivastigmine patch. Aktuelle Neurologie, 36(S 02).
- The Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Development Model: a case study in Bayesian clinical trial simulation. PHARM STAT, 8(4), 371-389. View this article in WRRO
- Systematic review of economic evidence for the detection, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of colorectal cancer in the United Kingdom.. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 25(4), 470-478.
- Using short-term evidence to predict six-month outcomes in clinical trials of signs and symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis. PHARM STAT, 8(2), 150-162.
- P2-284: Introducing a methodology to use activities of daily living outcomes in the assessment of the cost-effectiveness of Alzheimer's disease treatments: A case study using rivastigmine patch. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 4, T455-T455.
- Comment on: Modelling the cost effectiveness of TNF-alpha antagonists in the management of rheumatoid arthritis: results from the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Registry: reply. RHEUMATOLOGY, 47(7), 1107-1107.
- Modelling the cost-effectiveness and capacity impact of changes to colposcopy referral guidelines for women with mild dyskaryosis in the UK Cervical Screening Programme. BJOG-INT J OBSTET GY, 115(6), 749-757.
- Biologic drugs for rheumatoid arthritis in the Medicare program: a cost-effectiveness analysis.. Arthritis Rheum, 58(4), 939-946.
- Cost-effectiveness and value of information analyses of neuraminidase inhibitors for the treatment of influenza.. Value Health, 11(2), 160-171.
- Expected value of sample information for Weibull survival data.. Health Econ, 16(11), 1205-1225.
- Modelling the cost effectiveness of TNF-alpha antagonists in the management of rheumatoid arthritis: results from the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Registry.. Rheumatology (Oxford), 46(8), 1345-1354. View this article in WRRO
- The efficacy of inhibiting tumour necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 1 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a meta-analysis and adjusted indirect comparisons. RHEUMATOLOGY, 46(7), 1140-1147.
- Calculating partial expected value of perfect information via Monte Carlo sampling algorithms.. Med Decis Making, 27(4), 448-470.
- A critique and impact analysis of decision modeling assumptions.. Med Decis Making, 27(4), 491-499.
- The cost-effectiveness of sibutramine in non-diabetic obese patients: evidence from four Western countries.. Obes Rev, 8(4), 363-371.
- Computer modeling of diabetes and its complications - A report on the Fourth Mount Hood Challenge Meeting. DIABETES CARE, 30(6), 1638-1646.
- Using mixed treatment comparisons and meta-regression to perform indirect comparisons to estimate the efficacy of biologic treatments in rheumatoid arthritis. STAT MED, 26(6), 1237-1254.
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- Efficient computation of partial expected value of sample information using Bayesian approximation.. J Health Econ, 26(1), 122-148.
- The cost-effectiveness of lanthanum carbonate in the treatment of hyperphosphatemia in patients with end-stage renal disease.. Value Health, 10(1), 32-41.
- Assessment of clinical and economic benefits of weight management with sibutramine in general practice in Germany.. Eur J Health Econ, 7(4), 276-284.
- A taxonomy of model structures for economic evaluation of health technologies.. Health Econ, 15(12), 1295-1310.
- Estimating the cost and health status consequences of treatment with TNF antagonists in patients with psoriatic arthritis.. Rheumatology (Oxford), 45(8), 1029-1038.
- A cost-utility analysis of clopidogrel in patients with non-ST-segment-elevation acute coronary syndromes in the UK.. Int J Cardiol, 109(3), 307-316.
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- Can we use routine data to evaluate organizational change? Lessons from the evaluation of business process re-engineering in a UK teaching hospital.. Health Serv Manage Res, 18(4), 265-276.
- A pharmacoeconomic review of adalimumab in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res, 5(5), 519-529.
- Cost effectiveness of adalimumab in the treatment of patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis in Sweden.. Ann Rheum Dis, 64(7), 995-1002.
- Incorporation of uncertainty in health economic modelling studies. PharmacoEconomics, 23(8), 851-853.
- The NICE reappraisal of biologics in 2005: what rheumatologists need to know. RHEUMATOLOGY, 44(1), 3-4.
- Incorporation of uncertainty in health economic modelling studies.. Pharmacoeconomics, 23(6), 529-536.
- Should patients have a greater role in valuing health states?. Appl Health Econ Health Policy, 4(4), 201-208.
- An overview of economic evaluations for drugs used in rheumatoid arthritis : focus on tumour necrosis factor-alpha antagonists.. Drugs, 65(4), 473-496.
- Modelling the long term cost effectiveness of clopidogrel for the secondary prevention of occlusive vascular events in the UK.. Curr Med Res Opin, 21(1), 101-112.
- Re: Wolfe et al. Do rhematology cost-effectiveness analyses make sense?. RHEUMATOLOGY, 43(5), 677-678.
- Modelling the cost-effectiveness of etanercept in adults with rheumatoid arthritis in the UK.. Rheumatology (Oxford), 43(1), 62-72.
- Cost-effectiveness of sibutramine in the treatment of obesity.. Med Decis Making, 24(1), 9-19.
- Evaluation of the impact of a technology appraisal process in England: the South and West Development and Evaluation Committee.. J Health Serv Res Policy, 8(1), 18-24.
- Commentary on Coyle et al., "The assessment of the economic return from controlled clinical trials".. Eur J Health Econ, 4(3), 239-240.
- Evaluation of the Impact of a Technology Appraisal Process in England: The South and West Development and Evaluation Committee. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 8(1), 18-24.
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- Estimating the potential health gain and cost consequences of introducing a pre-school DTPa pertussis booster into the UK child vaccination schedule.. Vaccine, 20(13-14), 1778-1786.
- Is it feasible to plan secondary care services for coronary heart disease rationally? A quantified modelling approach for a UK Health Authority.. J Epidemiol Community Health, 55(7), 521-527.
- Triaging patients with serious head injury: results of a simulation evaluating strategies to bypass hospitals without neurosurgical facilities.. Injury, 32(4), 267-274.
- Modelling in health economic evaluation. What is its place? What is its value?. Pharmacoeconomics, 17(5), 445-459.
- Glucose Lowering through Weight management (GLoW): a randomised controlled trial of the clinical and cost effectiveness of a diabetes education and behavioural weight management programme vs a diabetes education programme in adults with a recent diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia.
- Quantile regression of tobacco tax pass-through in the UK 2017–2021: how have manufacturers passed through tax changes for different tobacco products in small retailers? Analysis at the national level and by neighbourhood of deprivation. Tobacco Control.
- Expanding our understanding of long‐term trends in alcohol abstention and consumption in England (2001–19) using two age–period–cohort approaches. Addiction.
- Uptake of self-management education programmes for people with type 2 diabetes in primary care through the embedding package: a cluster randomised control trial and ethnographic study. BMC Primary Care, 25(1).
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- Geographical differences in the financial impacts of different forms of tobacco licence fees on small retailers in Scotland. Tobacco Control.
- View this article in WRRO
- Options for modifying UK alcohol and tobacco tax: A rapid scoping review of the evidence over the period 1997–2018. NIHR Open Research, 3, 26-26.
- Options for modifying UK alcohol and tobacco tax: A rapid scoping review of the evidence over the period 1997–2018. NIHR Open Research, 3, 26-26.
- Assessing the Content Validity, Acceptability, and Feasibility of the Hypo-METRICS App: Survey and Interview Study. JMIR Diabetes, 8, e42100-e42100.
- Options for modifying UK alcohol and tobacco tax: A rapid scoping review of the evidence over the period 1997–2018 [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. NIHR Open Research, 3.
- Simulating the impact of a fee scheme to regulate tobacco sales on retailers profits: a case study from Scotland. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 9(Supplement).
- Improved estimates for individual and population-level alcohol use in the United States, 1984-2020. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research.
- Estimating the impact of changes in weight and BMI on EQ-5D-3L: a longitudinal analysis of a behavioural group-based weight loss intervention. Quality of Life Research.
- Improving outcomes for women aged 70 years or above with early breast cancer: research programme including a cluster RCT. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 10(6), 1-114.
- Exploring Structural Uncertainty and Impact of Health State Utility Values on Lifetime Outcomes in Diabetes Economic Simulation Models: Findings from the Ninth Mount Hood Diabetes Quality-of-Life Challenge. Medical Decision Making, 0272989X2110654-0272989X2110654.
- Alcohol policy and gender: a modelling study estimating gender‐specific effects of alcohol pricing policies. Addiction.
- Quantile regression of tobacco tax pass-through in the UK 2013–2019. How have manufacturers passed through tax changes for different tobacco products?. Tobacco Control.
- Effects on alcohol consumption of announcing and implementing revised UK low-risk drinking guidelines: findings from an interrupted time series analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
- Where should new parkrun events be located? Modelling the potential impact of 200 new events on socio-economic inequalities in access and participation.. View this article in WRRO
- Agile Development of an Attitude-Behaviour Driven Simulation of Alcohol Consumption Dynamics. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 18(3). View this article in WRRO
- Improving management of type 1 diabetes in the UK: the Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE) programme as a research test-bed. A mixed-method analysis of the barriers to and facilitators of successful diabetes self-management, a health economic analysis, a cluster randomised controlled trial of different models of delivery of an educational intervention and the potential of insulin pumps and additional educator input to improve outcomes. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 2(5), 1-188. View this article in WRRO
- Introducing CASCADEPOP: an open-source sociodemographic simulation platform for US health policy appraisal. International Journal of Microsimulation, 13(2), 21-60.
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- The SPECTRUM Consortium: a new UK Prevention Research Partnership consortium focussed on the commercial determinants of health, the prevention of non-communicable diseases, and the reduction of health inequalities. Wellcome Open Research, 6, 6-6.
- The cost-effectiveness of testing strategies for type 2 diabetes: a modelling study. Health Technology Assessment, 19(33), 1-80.
- Do dual purchasers behave differently? An analysis of purchasing data for households that buy both alcohol and tobacco in the United Kingdom. Addiction.
- Controlled observational study and economic evaluation of the effect of city-centre night-time alcohol intoxication management services on the emergency care system compared with usual care. Emergency Medicine Journal.
- A protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of the DAFNEplus (Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating) intervention compared with 5x1 DAFNE: A lifelong approach to promote effective self-management in adults with type 1 diabetes. BMJ Open.
- The effect of alcohol tax changes on retail prices: how do on-trade alcohol retailers pass through tax changes to consumers?. The European Journal of Health Economics.
- Commentary on Robinson
et al
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- Understanding long‐term trends in smoking in England, 1972‐2019: an age‐period‐cohort approach. Addiction.
- Value of Information and Implementation, Value of Information for Healthcare Decision-Making (pp. 251-263).
- Value of Information and Implementation, Value of Information for Healthcare Decision-Making (pp. 251-264). Chapman and Hall/CRC
- Value of Information for Healthcare Decision-Making Chapman and Hall/CRC
Conference proceedings papers
- P35 Estimating the lifetime costs and benefits of the incredible years teacher classroom management intervention for primary school children. SSM Annual Scientific Meeting (pp A63.1-A63)
- OP36 Quality-adjusted life expectancy (QALE) and its association with economic inclusion: a study of local authorities in England, Scotland, and Wales. SSM Annual Scientific Meeting
- Facilitating hospital discharge through housing support : a mixed-methods evaluation of a housing association support service in two UK hospitals. The Lancet, Vol. 398(Supplement 2) (pp S53-S53). Virtual conference, 25 November 2021 - 25 November 2021. View this article in WRRO
- Exploring the cost effectiveness of behavioural weight-management interventions based on the expected impact on mechanisms of action : a pre-trial health economic modelling study. The Lancet, Vol. 398(Supplement 2) (pp 23-23). Virtual conference, 26 November 2021 - 26 November 2021. View this article in WRRO
- Estimating the health impact of individual's dietary change across multiple physiological outcomes: a conceptual and simulation model. The Lancet, Vol. 398 (pp S27-S27)
- 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making Portland, Oregon, October 20–23, 2019. Medical Decision Making, Vol. 40(1) (pp E1-E379)
- Effects on alcohol consumption of announcing revised UK low-risk drinking guidelines : findings from a monthly cross-sectional survey. The Lancet, Vol. 394 (pp S54-S54). London, UK, 29 November 2019 - 29 November 2019. View this article in WRRO
- Who has access and who participates in parkrun? - implications for selecting future event locations. European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 29(Supplement_4)
- Mapping alcohol and tobacco tax interventions for health in the UK: a qualitative framework analysis. The Lancet, Vol. 394 (pp S51-S51)
- Evaluating the impact of individual alcohol licensing decisions on local health and crime: a natural experiment with synthetic controls. The Lancet, Vol. 394 (pp S35-S35)
- Why is the early intervention development phase for complex health care interventions important? An overview of new guidance. Trials, Vol. 20(Supplement 1) (pp 99-99). Brighton, UK, 6 October 2019 - 9 October 2019. View this article in WRRO
- Considerations concerning the use of health economics in the design and analysis of adaptive clinical trials - a qualitative study. Trials, Vol. 20(Supplement 1) (pp 109-109). Brighton, UK, 6 October 2019 - 9 October 2019. View this article in WRRO
- Toward inverse generative social science using multi-objective genetic programming. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
- Modeling the Reduction in the Clinical Burden of Migraine with Erenumab Treatment. Value in Health, Vol. 21 (pp S206-S206)
- Expected Value of Sample Information For Individual Level Simulation Models To Inform Stop/Go Decision Making By Public Research Funders: A Methodology for The Dafneplus Diabetes Education Cluster Rct. Value in Health, Vol. 20(9) (pp A776-A776) View this article in WRRO
- Investigating local policy drivers for alcohol harm prevention: a comparative case study of two local authorities in England. BMC Public Health, Vol. 17(1) View this article in WRRO
- A Comprehensive Economic Model for Dementia: Diagnosis, Disease Progression and Service Delivery. Value in Health, Vol. 19(7) (pp A853-A853)
- Parametric Simulation of Headache Day Frequency Using A Negative Binomial Distribution: A Case Study of Erenumab in Episodic Migraine. Value in Health, Vol. 19(7) (pp A361-A361)
- P66 Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between alcohol licensing policies, outlet density and deprivation and population health and crime in England. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Vol. 70(Suppl 1) (pp A83.1-A83)
- Estimating the measurable impact of local alcohol licensing policies on population health in England using ecological longitudinal data. The Lancet, Vol. 386 (pp S33-S33)
- How to Calculate Value of Information in Seconds Using ‘Savi’, the Sheffield Accelerated Value of Information Web App. Value in Health, Vol. 18(7) (pp A725-A726) View this article in WRRO
- Cost-Utility of Omalizumab Compared With Standard of Care for The Treatment of Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria (Csu). Value in Health, Vol. 18(7) (pp A423-A423)
- Choosing between different alcohol pricing and taxation strategies: a comparative policy appraisal using the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model. The Lancet, Vol. 384 (pp S51-S51)
- Cost-effectiveness modelling of telemonitoring after discharge from hospital with heart failure.. Value Health, Vol. 16(3) (pp A290). United States
- The expected value of sample information from the pharmaceutical perspective under conditions of value based pricing.. Value Health, Vol. 16(3) (pp A29). United States
- Decision Analytic Modelling in the Economic Evaluation of Health Technologies. PharmacoEconomics, Vol. 17(5) (pp 443-444)
- View this article in WRRO
- The cost-effectiveness of the KIds in control of food structured education programme for adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Endocrine Abstracts
- Financial modelling for telemonitoring. International Journal of Integrated Care, Vol. 13(7)
- Incorporating psychosocial characteristics in cost-effectiveness modelling of Type 1 diabetes
- View this article in WRRO
- Smoking and the risks of adult diseases View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
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- Alcohol attributable fractions for England
- Smoking attributable fractions for adult diseases in England
- Archived data for ‘Conceptualising the alcohol-tobacco policy system: A qualitative problem structuring methodology study to inform health economics modelling’.
- Understanding the use of transition probabilities in health economic models of smoking: A review to support development of the Sheffield Tobacco Policy Model.
- The Sheffield Tobacco Policy Model technical report.
- Does your measure matter? A comparison of alcohol availability measures in Great Britain, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- View this article in WRRO
- Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials of Psychological Interventions to Improve Glycaemic Control in Children and Adults with Type 1 Diabetes.
- Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials of Psychological Interventions to Improve Glycaemic Control in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes.
- Development of a Web-Based, Guided Self-help, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy–Based Intervention for Weight Loss Maintenance: Evidence-, Theory-, and Person-Based Approach (Preprint), JMIR Publications Inc..
- Computing the expected value of sample information efficiently: practical guidance and recommendations for four model-based methods. Value in Health. View this article in WRRO
- Research group
Sheffield Alcohol Research Group
Sheffield Accelerated Value of Information
Collaborative Network for Value of Information (CONVOI) website
- Grants
Current and Recent Research Grants
NIHR School for Public Health Research 2 - including leadership of the cross cutting theme on efficient and equitable public health systems
UK Prevention Research Programme
UK Prevention Research Programme (led by Petra Meier and Robin Purshouse)
SIPHER - systems science in public health and health economic research
US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
With results available here:- Asset bank on minimum unit pricing for each Local Authority in North of England (MUPLocal project)
Innovative Medicines Initiative
Hypo-RESOLVE working on new solutions to handle hypoglycaemia in diabetes
Laura Gray MRC Skills Development Fellowship
Ines Henriques-Cadby MRC Skills Development Fellowship
Magdalena Opazo-Breton MRC Skills Development Fellowship on tobacco econometrics
NIHR (led by Amy Ahern in Cambridge)
Scalable behavioural weight management programmes for the prevention and treatment of diabetes
Department of Health Policy Research Programme via NIHR (led by Tessa Langley in Nottingham)
Tobacco control measures in England: secondary analyses to monitor trends and outcomes
NIHR Programme Grant (led by Prof Simon Heller, Sheffield)
DAFNEPlus study of muliti-component ongoing support to people with Type 1 diabetes
NHS Health Scotland (led by John Holmes, Sheffield)
Evaluating impact of Minimum Unit Pricing in Scotland
UK Centre for Alcohol and Tobacco Studies. - Funding completed May 2018 but ongoing work on other grants especially SYNTAX and SPECTRUM
This work has developed the Sheffield Tobacco and Alcohol Policy Model (STAPM) led by Duncan Gillespie
NIHR (led by Prof Melanie Davies, Leicester)
Embedding patient education Diabetes
NIHR (led by Tom Yates Leicester)
Public Health England
Support to Non Communicable Disease Modelling Unit
Public Health England
Health and Work - estimating the impact of 11 chronic conditions on labour market outcomes
- Professional activities and memberships
I am a member of SMDM, ISPOR, HTAi, iHEA, HESG, Operational Research Society, MASHnet Advisory Circle and Institute of Mathematics and Applications.
I am currently a co-editor for the journal Value in Health.
Alan Brennan on google scholar Open Access Publications (Full Text) ResearchGate Gateway to Research Cost-effectiveness Modelling for International HTA Four-year Wellcome PhD studentships in Public Health Economics and Decision Sci… @Alan_Brennan Alan Brennan LinkedIn Brennan Chick Davies Appendix