Professor Earl Campbell

School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Professor of Quantum Computation

PHY Earl Campbell
Profile picture of PHY Earl Campbell
+44 114 222 4288

Full contact details

Professor Earl Campbell
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Hicks Building
Hounsfield Road
S3 7RH

The quintessentially quantum features of nature are superposition and entanglement of quantum states.

I am interested in how these properties can be exploited to realise practical quantum technologies with capabilities beyond those allowed by classical, pre-20th century understanding of physics. See the research tab for more information.

My research team has one postdoc (Mark Howard) and one PhD student (Luke Heyfron).

Career history

  • Research Fellow funded by Royal Commission of Great Exhibition of 1851 (2008-2010, University College London)
  • Research Associate (2010-2013, Potsdam University and Frei University Berlin, Germany)
  • Research Associate (2014-2015, University of Sheffield)
  • EPSRC early career Research Fellow (2015-, University of Sheffield)
  • Physics & Philosophy MSc (2001-2005, Bristol University)
  • Quantum computing PhD (2005-2008, Oxford University)
Research interests
  • Architectures for fault-tolerant quantum computing
  • Topological error correcting codes
  • Magic states
  • Gate synthesis
  • Majorana fermions and anyonic quantum computing
  • Non-locality and foundations of quantum mechanics
  • Qudit quantum computation

The central question behind my research programme is 'What are the optimal blue-prints for large-scale, reliable quantum technologies?'.

My main focus is fault-tolerance of quantum computation. My group designs protocols and software needed to operate future quantum computers, ensuring they would work reliably despite noise and decoherence.

This includes development of error correction codes and decoders, design of magic state factories and compilation of algorithms into machine level commands.

Magic state factories determine the processing speed of a quantum computers, so can be considered analogous to the CPU of conventional devices.


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Research group
  • EPSRC early career fellow project "Towards fault-tolerant quantum computing with minimal resources." EP/M024261/1 value: £675,867
  • Royal Commission of Great Exhibition of 1851 fellowship funding. value: ~£100,000
Teaching activities
  • PHY101 Academic tutor
  • 3rd and 4th year project supervisor
Professional activities and memberships
  • Active member of EPSRC Peer Review College.
  • Institute of Physics QQQ (Quantum Optics, Quantum Information and Quantum Control) group Committee.
  • Organiser of FTQT2016 (Fault-tolerant quantum technologies) workshop in Benasque, Spain.