Pre-arrival information for new undergraduate maths students

Welcome to the University of Sheffield! Congratulations on securing your place to study with us in the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences - we can’t wait to meet you! On this page you’ll find useful information and tasks to help make your transition to university as smooth as possible.

Teacher at blackboard in front of maths students

We know it’s a busy and exciting time for you, and we want to make preparing for starting your degree as straightforward as possible.  

You’ll be receiving lots of information about how to register as a student at Sheffield, and all the exciting university-wide activities that all students can get involved with once you arrive.

This pre-arrival page is just for new mathematics and statistics students. Here you’ll find information and tasks to complete specific to you and your course.

School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

We’re so excited that you’ll be joining us in the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences! You might have noticed that our name is a bit different now, as we’ve joined forces with similar departments. There won’t be any changes to your course, but it’ll mean you’ll be part of a wider community to learn from and make friends in.

Complete your registration

The first thing you need to do is complete your registration.

Welcome week timetable

There are lots of events taking place across the University during Welcome Week. Here’s a list of the events that are specifically for mathematics and statistics students. These are compulsory and will ensure you get the best start to your time at Sheffield.

Please note that this timetable might change before you arrive, so make sure you keep checking back! 

Welcome and introduction

Date: Monday 23 September 

Time: 11am - 1pm

Location: Hicks Building, Lecture Theatre 1

In this session you will be introduced to some of the key people who will play a major role in the next three years of your life; be given an overview of the essential IT services that you will have to use during your studies; and we will have a social mixer so you can meet other mathematics students. Our aim is for you to leave this session feeling comfortable about beginning your studies. If you can, please bring a digital device. 

First tutorial 

Date: Wednesday 25 September 

Time: 11am - 1pm

Location: Arts Tower, Lecture Theatre 1

In this session you will meet your academic tutor and begin working on your first mathematical assignment. You’ll leave the session with an understanding of the learning environment in mathematics and statistics. You’ll also have some fun - as we’ll end the session with a big bang!

Essential study skills and information 

Date: Friday 27 September

Time: 11am - 1pm

Location: Hicks Building, Lecture Theatre 1

In this session you will be given some essential content from your Core Mathematics module; learn about the different module content and be introduced to the lecturers who will teach you; and learn how lectures, problems classes, office hours and tutorials work, as well as how to engage with your studies. You’ll leave this session with an overview of what your first year as a mathematics student will look like.

Choose your modules

Your first year (Level 1) is divided into a number of modules. Some modules are compulsory (core modules) and some can be chosen (optional modules) from a specific list. You will take 120 credits worth of modules in each academic year. 

All mathematics modules are compulsory core modules. If you are studying Financial Mathematics, Mathematics with a language, or Mathematics and Philosophy you will have optional modules in your first year. At the beginning of September, you’ll receive an email notifying you to select your optional modules using online module selection as part of your pre-registration tasks. A link to the Online Module Choice system will also appear within the pre-registration system.

Don’t worry if you’re undecided about your optional modules, you can change them at any time during the first two weeks of each semester. The important thing is that you are enrolled in 120 credits of modules - this will enable you to complete your registration.

Mathematics and statistics student intranet

The mathematics and statistics student intranet is an online handbook containing a brief summary of information related to your studies, and is updated throughout the year. You’ll need to make sure that you are signed into your University of Sheffield MUSE account to access the mathematics and statistics student intranet.

Student handbook 

Our School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences student handbook has all the information you'll need to guide you through your undergraduate studies in the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

Student societies

Our Students’ Union has been voted number 1 in the UK by our students and is home to over 350 societies and sports clubs. Mathematics and statistics students can join the Sheffield University Maths Society (SUMS), who organise a wide range of events, from chess socials and pub quizzes to charity football events and the SUMS Ball!

Get in touch

If you have any problems working through these pre-arrival tasks, or you know that you’ll be arriving late to Sheffield in September, please let us know.


Please include your name, programme of study and registration number (if you know it).

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Sheffield is a research university with a global reputation for excellence. We're a member of the Russell Group: one of the 24 leading UK universities for research and teaching.