Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics
This cluster brings together researchers using mathematics to model the key physical processes affecting our planet, our star and our universe.

The Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics cluster brings together researchers using mathematics to model the key physical processes affecting our planet, our star and our universe. We have particular expertise in Gravitation and Cosmology, Plasma Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Solar Physics.
The cluster brings together cutting-edge research in:
- Dr Istvan Ballai - Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) waves in solar and interplanetary plasmas.
- Professor Carsten van de Bruck - Cosmology, dynamical dark energy, and dark matter.
- Dr Sam Dolan - Black holes, relativity and gravitational wave astronomy.
- Professor Robertus von Fay-Siebenburgen - Space plasma physics, stellar atmospheres, the magnetosphere and space weather.
- Professor Viktor Fedun - MHD wave theory for solar and astrophysics, magnetic fields and plasma instabilities.
- Dr Steffen Gielen - Group field theory, quantum gravity and cosmology.
- Dr Alexander Hague - Teaching Fellow
- Dr Rekha Jain - Solar physics, wave propagation, magnetic loops and reconnection.
- Dr Yi Li - Turbulence and chaotic systems, bubble dynamics, data-intensive methods.
- Dr Wodu Majin - Teaching Fellow
- Dr Nils Mole - Turbulent diffusion, concentration modelling, atmospheric dispersion.
- Dr Julia Rees - Microfluidics, rheology, interfacial flows.
- Dr Dimitrios Roxanas - Inverse problems, applied and computational harmonic analysis, and statistical signal processing.
- Dr Eleonora di Valentino - Cosmology, the Hubble tension and dark energy.
- Dr Gary Verth - Solar physics, MHD waves and the atmosphere of the Sun.
- Dr Ashley Willis - Transition and chaotic dynamics, shear flows, magnetohydrodynamics.
- Professor Elizabeth Winstanley - General relativity, black holes and quantum field theory in curved space-time.