Professor Nigel Clarke
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Professor of Condensed Matter Physics Theory
E17, Hicks Building
Full contact details
Professor Nigel Clarke
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Hicks Building
Hounsfield Road
S3 7RH
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Hicks Building
Hounsfield Road
S3 7RH
- Research interests
- Theoretical Polymer and Soft Matter Physics
- Rheology of Polymers and Gels
- Neutron Scattering from Polymers under Flow and Polymer Nanocomposites
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Modeling photo-generated charge extraction in bulk heterojunction nanoparticles. Soft Matter. View this article in WRRO
- Controlling the morphology in epoxy/thermoplastic systems. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4(3), 2091-2104.
- Diffusio-osmosis and wetting on solid surfaces: a unified description based on a virtual work principle. Soft Matter, 16(14), 3485-3497.
- Extrinsic Wrinkling and Single Exfoliated Sheets of Graphene Oxide in Polymer Composites. Chemistry of Materials, 28(6), 1698-1704. View this article in WRRO
- Distortion of Chain Conformation and Reduced Entanglement in Polymer–Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites. ACS Macro Letters, 5(4), 430-434. View this article in WRRO
- Entanglements in polymer nanocomposites containing spherical nanoparticles. Soft Matter, 12(9), 2567-2574. View this article in WRRO
- Polymer conformations in polymer nanocomposites containing spherical nanoparticles. Soft Matter, 11(2), 382-388. View this article in WRRO
- Pattern Formation in Polymer Blend Thin Films: Surface Roughening Couples to Phase Separation. Physical Review Letters, 113. View this article in WRRO
- Fast Polymer Diffusion through Nanocomposites with Anisotropic Particles. ACS Macro Letters, 3(9), 886-891.
- Are hot charge transfer states the primary cause of efficient free-charge generation in polymer:fullerene organic photovoltaic devices? A kinetic Monte Carlo study.. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 16(38), 20310-20320.
All publications
Journal articles
- Revealing microscale bulk structures in polymer–carbon nanocomposites using spin-echo SANS. Soft Matter. View this article in WRRO
- Modeling photo-generated charge extraction in bulk heterojunction nanoparticles. Soft Matter. View this article in WRRO
- From ionic nanoparticle organic hybrids to ionic nanocomposites: structure, dynamics, and properties: a review. Nanomaterials, 13(1).
- Controlling the morphology in epoxy/thermoplastic systems. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4(3), 2091-2104.
- Microwave-Promoted Continuous Flow Systems in Nanoparticle Synthesis—A Perspective. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9(30), 9988-10015.
- Diffusio-osmosis and wetting on solid surfaces: a unified description based on a virtual work principle. Soft Matter, 16(14), 3485-3497.
- The mechanics of cilium beating: quantifying the relationship between metachronal wavelength and fluid flow rate. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 891.
- Liquid–liquid phase separation morphologies in ultra-white beetle scales and a synthetic equivalent. Communications Chemistry, 2(1). View this article in WRRO
- Nanorod Diffusion in Polymer Nanocomposites by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Macromolecules, 52(6). View this article in WRRO
- Miscibility and nanoparticle diffusion in ionic nanocomposites. Polymers, 10(9). View this article in WRRO
- Controlled Structure Evolution of Graphene Networks in Polymer Composites. Chemistry of Materials, 30(5), 1524-1531. View this article in WRRO
- Nanorod Mobility Influences Polymer Diffusion in Polymer Nanocomposites. ACS Macro Letters, 6(8), 869-874.
- Grafted polymer chains suppress nanoparticle diffusion in athermal polymer melts. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 146(20). View this article in WRRO
- Polymer and spherical nanoparticle diffusion in nanocomposites. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 146(20). View this article in WRRO
- A Journey along the Extruder with Polystyrene:C60 Nanocomposites: Convergence of Feeding Formulations into a Similar Nanomorphology. Macromolecules, 50(8), 3301-3312. View this article in WRRO
- Polymer Diffusion from Attractive and Athermal Substrates. Macromolecules, 50(7), 3038-3042.
- Influence of the Bound Polymer Layer on Nanoparticle Diffusion in Polymer Melts. ACS Macro Letters, 5(10), 1141-1145.
- Temperature-Dependent Suppression of Polymer Diffusion in Polymer Nanocomposites. ACS Macro Letters, 5(6), 735-739.
- Extrinsic Wrinkling and Single Exfoliated Sheets of Graphene Oxide in Polymer Composites. Chemistry of Materials, 28(6), 1698-1704. View this article in WRRO
- Modeling of Polymer Structure and Conformations in Polymer Nanocomposites from Atomistic to Mesoscale: A Review. Polymer Reviews, 56(3), 385-428.
- Distortion of Chain Conformation and Reduced Entanglement in Polymer–Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites. ACS Macro Letters, 5(4), 430-434. View this article in WRRO
- Spontaneous Nanoparticle Dispersal in Polybutadiene by Brush-Forming End-Functional Polymers. Macromolecules, 49(4), 1434-1443.
- Entanglements in polymer nanocomposites containing spherical nanoparticles. Soft Matter, 12(9), 2567-2574. View this article in WRRO
- Anisotropic Polymer Conformations in Aligned SWCNT/PS Nanocomposites. ACS Macro Letters, 4(9), 916-920.
- Fast Nanorod Diffusion through Entangled Polymer Melts. ACS Macro Letters, 4(9), 952-956.
- Polymer conformations in polymer nanocomposites containing spherical nanoparticles. Soft Matter, 11(2), 382-388. View this article in WRRO
- The Interplay between Cell Wall Mechanical Properties and the Cell Cycle in Staphylococcus aureus. Biophysical Journal, 107(11), 2538-2545. View this article in WRRO
- Pattern Formation in Polymer Blend Thin Films: Surface Roughening Couples to Phase Separation. Physical Review Letters, 113. View this article in WRRO
- Dynamics of polymer film formation during spin coating. Journal of Applied Physics, 116(12), 123513-123513. View this article in WRRO
- Fast Polymer Diffusion through Nanocomposites with Anisotropic Particles. ACS Macro Letters, 3(9), 886-891.
- Macromolecular Diffusion through a Polymer Matrix with Polymer-Grafted Chained Nanoparticles. Macromolecules, 47(15), 5357-5364.
- Are hot charge transfer states the primary cause of efficient free-charge generation in polymer:fullerene organic photovoltaic devices? A kinetic Monte Carlo study.. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 16(38), 20310-20320.
- Lateral phase separation in polymer-blend thin films: surface bifurcation.. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, 89(6), 062603.
- Nanoparticle brush architecture controls polymer diffusion in nanocomposites. Macromolecules, 47(7), 2404-2410.
- Multihydroxyl end functional polyethylenes: Synthesis, bulk and interfacial properties of polymer surfactants. Macromolecules, 47(6), 2062-2071.
- Structure, dynamics and primitive path network of polymer nanocomposites containing spherical nanoparticles. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1619.
- Breakup of a transient wetting layer in polymer blend thin films: unification with 1D phase equilibria.. Phys Rev Lett, 111(12), 125702.
- Polymer chain conformations in CNT/PS nanocomposites from small angle neutron scattering. Macromolecules, 46(13), 5345-5354.
- Do attractive polymer-nanoparticle interactions retard polymer diffusion in nanocomposites?. Macromolecules, 46(11), 4502-4509.
- Direct observation of morphological development during the spin-coating of polystyrene-poly(methyl methacrylate) polymer blends. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 51(11), 875-881.
- Topological entanglement length in polymer melts and nanocomposites by a DPD polymer model. Soft Matter, 9(14), 3877-3884.
- Temperature dependence of polymer diffusion in MWCNT/PS nanocomposites. Macromolecules, 46(6), 2317-2322.
- Universal scaling of polymer diffusion in nanocomposites. ACS Macro Letters, 2(6), 485-490.
- The relative importance of domain size, domain purity and domain interfaces to the performance of bulk-heterojunction organic photovoltaics. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 5(6), 7657-7663.
- Acid-labile core-layer-shell polymer nanoparticles: Modeling particle disintegration and subsequent drug release. Soft Matter, 8(34), 8891-8895.
- Entanglements and dynamics of polymer melts near a SWCNT. Macromolecules, 45(17), 7274-7281.
- Polymer diffusion in a polymer nanocomposite: effect of nanoparticle size and polydispersity. SOFT MATTER, 8(24), 6512-6520.
- Synthesis and surface activity of high and low surface energy multi-end functional polybutadiene additives. Soft Matter, 8(12), 3487-3496.
- Surface modification of polyethylene with multi-end-functional polyethylene additives. Langmuir, 28(11), 5125-5137.
- Anion tuning of chiral bis(urea) low molecular weight gels. Soft Matter, 8(1), 204-216.
- In situ imaging and height reconstruction of phase separation processes in polymer blends during spin coating.. ACS Nano, 5(6), 5124-5131.
- Macromolecular Diffusion in a Crowded Polymer Nanocomposite. MACROMOLECULES, 44(9), 3494-3501.
- Controlling the Radial Position of Nanoparticles in Amphiphilic Block-Copolymer Assemblies. J PHYS CHEM C, 115(16), 7836-7842.
- Rheology and silver nanoparticle templating in a bis(urea) silver metallogel. Soft Matter, 7(6), 2412-2418.
- Structure and conformations of polymer/SWCNT nanocomposites. Macromolecules, 44(24), 9830-9838.
- The quantitative effect of surface wetting layers on the performance of organic bulk heterojunction photovoltaic devices. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(45), 22572-22577.
- A theoretical model for the prediction of diffusion in polymer/SWCNT nanocomposites. Soft Matter, 7(16), 7334-7341.
- Wetting induced instabilities in miscible polymer blends. Soft Matter, 6(15), 3517-3523.
- Shear induced gelation in a copper(II) metallogel: new aspects of ion-tunable rheology and gel-reformation by external chemical stimuli. Soft Matter, 6(15), 3541-3547.
- Apparatus for simultaneous rheology and small-angle neutron scattering from high-viscosity polymer melts and blends. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 620(2-3), 437-444.
- Anion-switchable supramolecular gels for controlling pharmaceutical crystal growth. Nature Chemistry, 2(12), 1037-1043.
- Metal-induced gelation in dipyridyl ureas. New Journal of Chemistry, 34(10), 2261-2274.
- Equilibrium Phases for Thin Films of Polymer Blend Solutions. Macromolecules, 43(12), 5433-5441.
- Chain Deformation in Entangled Polymer Melts at Re-entrant Corners. Macromolecules, 43(3), 1539-1542.
- Nanoparticle-Directed Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers. Langmuir, 26(17), 14345-14350.
- Pyridine-Functionalized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Gelators for Poly(acrylic acid) Hydrogels. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(44), 15814-15819.
- Metal- and Anion-Binding Supramolecular Gels. Chemical Reviews, 110(4), 1960-2004.
- Polymer Diffusion Exhibits a Minimum with Increasing Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Concentration. Macromolecules, 42(18), 7091-7097.
- Minimum in Diffusion Coefficient with Increasing MWCNT Concentration Requires Tracer Molecules To Be Larger than Nanotubes. Macromolecules, 42(21), 8365-8369.
- Metal Ion and Anion-Based "Tuning" of a Supramolecular Metallogel. Langmuir, 25(15), 8451-8456.
- Phase equilibria in polymer blend thin films: A Hamiltonian approach. Journal of Chemical Physics, 131(24).
- Suspension Polymerization of Poly(methyl methacrylate)/Clay Nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 113(2), 1307-1315.
- Actin dynamics and the elasticity of cytoskeletal networks. Express Polymer Letters, 3(9), 579-587.
- Structural similarity of hydrogen-bonded and metal-coordinated abiotic base pairs allows oligonucleotide-like mutual stacking. Crystengcomm, 11(1), 118-121.
- Neutron flow-mapping: Multiscale modelling opens a new experimental window. SOFT MATTER, 5(22), 4426-4432.
- A “Compartmental” Borromean Weave Coordination Polymer Exhibiting Saturated Hydrogen Bonding to Anions and Water Cluster Inclusion. Angewandte Chemie, 120(31), 5845-5848.
- Structure Calculation of an Elastic Hydrogel from Sonication of Rigid Small Molecule Components. Angewandte Chemie, 120(6), 1074-1078.
- Rheological properties of hypermacs - Long chain branched analogues of hyperbranched polymers. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1027, 351-353.
- Modifying and managing the surface properties of polymers. Polymer International, 57(2), 163-170.
- HyperMacs-long chain hyperbranched polymers: A dramatically improved synthesis and qualitative rheological analysis. European Polymer Journal, 44(3), 665-676.
- Gradual transition from NH center dot center dot center dot pyridyl hydrogen bonding to the NH center dot center dot center dot O tape synthon in pyridyl ureas. Crystal Growth & Design, 8(9), 3335-3344.
- Anion hydrogen bond effects in the formation of planar or quintuple helical coordination polymers. Chemical Communications(32), 3720-3722.
- Gelation is crucially dependent on functional group orientation and may be tuned by anion binding. Chemical Communications(23), 2644-2646.
- A "Compartmental" borromean weave coordination polymer exhibiting saturated hydrogen bonding to anions and water cluster inclusion. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 47(31), 5761-5764.
- Structure calculation of an elastic hydrogel from sonication of rigid small molecule components. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 47(6), 1058-1062.
- Neutron flow-mapping of controlled-architecture polymer melts. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1027, 427-429.
- "Bending to stretching" transition in disordered networks. Physical Review Letters, 98(23).
- Computer simulation of polymer solar cells. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 15(2), 13-26.
- Aggregation, adsorption, and surface properties of multiply end-functionalized polystyrenes. Langmuir, 23(8), 4405-4413.
- Ordering polymer blend morphologies via solvent evaporation. Epl, 78(5).
- Novel Hierarchic Structures in Polymer Blends. Macromolecular Symposia, 233(1), 102-107.
- Structural evolution and control of Dutcher films. Soft Matter, 2(8), 678-685.
- Multiscale model of miscible polymer blends in porous media: From flow fields to concentration fluctuations. Physical Review E, 74(4).
- Predicting structure and property relations in polymeric photovoltaic devices. Physical Review B, 74(8).
- Stress-guided self-assembly in Dutcher films. Physical Review E, 73(4).
- Self-diffusion and viscoelastic measurements of polystyrene star polymers. Macromolecules, 39(3), 1290-1296.
- Polymer blends in a contraction-expansion flow. Macromolecules, 39(22), 7607-7616.
- Novel hierarchic structures in polymer blends. Macromolecular Symposia, 233, 102-107.
- Computational phlebology: The simulation of a vein valve. Journal of Biological Physics, 32(6), 507-521.
- Creating structures in polymer blends via a dissolution and phase-separation process. Physical Review E, 72(1).
- Effect of shear flow on polymer blends. Phase Behavior of Polymer Blends, 183, 127-173.
- Toward a model for pattern formation in ultrathin-film binary mixtures. Macromolecules, 38(16), 6775-6778.
- Simulating the dynamics of polydisperse polymer blends: Upshot of polydispersity and reaction kinetics. Macromolecules, 38(21), 8929-8938.
- Target morphologies in polymer blends. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 856, 126-131.
- Instabilities in thin-film binary mixtures. European Physical Journal E, 14(3), 207-210.
- Phase diagram prediction for a blend of Poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene ether) (PPE)/epoxy resin during reaction induced phase separation. POLYMER, 44(13), 3641-3647.
- Effect of oscillatory shear on polymer solutions.. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, 66(4 Pt 1), 041802.
- Target morphologies via a two-step dissolution-quench process in polymer blends. Physical Review Letters, 89(21).
- Erratum: Effects of sample preparation method on mixing and phase separation in binary polymer blends (Polymer (2001) 42 (3475-3487) PII: S0032386101002804). Polymer, 42(19), 8319.
- Early stages of phase separation from polydisperse polymer mixtures. European Physical Journal E, 4(3), 327-336.
- Dynamics of entangled H-polymers: Theory, rheology, and neutron-scattering. Macromolecules, 32(20), 6734-6758.
- Shear flow effects on phase separation of entangled polymer blends. Physical Review E, 57(4), R3731-R3734.
- Thermodynamics of Highly Interacting Blend PCHMA/dPS by TOF-SANS. Macromolecules.
- Correction: Migration of nanoparticles across a polymer–polymer interface: theory and simulation. Soft Matter, 19(17), 3238-3238.
- Machine learning real space microstructure characteristics from scattering data. Soft Matter, 17(42), 9689-9696.
- Migration of nanoparticles across a polymer–polymer interface: theory and simulation. Soft Matter.
- Modeling of Entangled Polymer Diffusion in Melts and Nanocomposites: A Review. Polymers, 11(5), 876-876.
- Dynamics of roughening and growth kinetics of CdS–polyaniline thin films synthesized by the Langmuir–Blodgett technique. RSC Adv., 4(61), 32490-32503.
- Polymer Dynamics in Polymer-Nanoparticle Interface, Theory and Modeling of Polymer Nanocomposites (pp. 81-100). Springer International Publishing
Conference proceedings papers
- Structure, entanglements and dynamics of polymer nanocomposites containing spherical nanoparticles. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 64 (pp 012041-012041)
- Primitive path network, structure and dynamics of SWCNT/polymer nanocomposites. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STRUCTURAL NANO COMPOSITES (NANOSTRUC 2012), Vol. 40
- Modeling photo-generated charge extraction in bulk heterojunction nanoparticles. Soft Matter. View this article in WRRO
- Professional activities and memberships
- Fellow of the American Physical Society
- Chair of the IOP Polymer Physics Group
- Member of the EPSRC e-infrastructure Strategic Advisory Group