Professor Neil Strickland
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Full contact details
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Hicks Building
Hounsfield Road
S3 7RH
- Profile
Neil Strickland was awarded his PhD by the University of Manchester in 1992. He was then a C.L.E. Moore Instructor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, then a Research Fellow at Trinity College Cambridge, before moving to Sheffield in 1998. He was awarded the Whitehead Prize of the London Mathematical Society in 2005.
- Research interests
Prof Strickland works in stable homotopy theory, a branch of topology in which one studies phenomena that occur uniformly in all sufficiently high dimensions. On the one hand, the subject involves many direct geometrical constructions with interesting spaces such as complex algebraic varieties, coset spaces of Lie groups, spaces of subsets of Euclidean space, and so on. On the other hand, one can use generalised cohomology theories to translate problems in stable homotopy theory into questions in pure algebra, in a strikingly rich and beautiful way. The algebra involved centres around the theory of formal groups, which is essentially a branch of algebraic geometry, although not one of the most familiar branches. It has connections with commutative algebra, Galois theory, the study of elliptic curves, finite and profinite groups, modular representation theory, and many other areas. To translate efficiently between algebra and topology we need to make heavy use of category theory, and this also has applications both on the purely algebraic and the purely topological side, so it forms another significant part of Prof Strickland's research. Students considering research with Prof Strickland are encouraged to consult his personal home page.
- Publications
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Journal articles
- A combinatorial model for the known Bousfield classes. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 19(6), 2677-2713. View this article in WRRO
- An abelian embedding for Moore spectra. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 13(4), 2101-2139.
- Chains on suspension spectra. ALGEBR GEOM TOPOL, 9(3), 1681-1725.
- Triangulated categories without models. Inventiones Mathematicae, 170(2), 231-241.
- Comodules and Landweber exact homology theories. Advances in Mathematics, 192(2), 427-456.
- Local cohomology of BP*BP-comodules. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 90(2), 521-544.
∞ map. American Journal of Mathematics, 126(2), 247-334.
The sigma orientation is an H - Realising formal groups. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 3, 187-205 (electronic).
- Common subbundles and intersections of divisors. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 2, 1061-1118 (electronic).
- The Hopf rings for KO and KU. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 166(3), 247-265.
- Complex cobordism of involutions. Geometry and Topology, 5, 335-345.
- MODEL CATEGORIES (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 63). Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 32(4), 497-499.
- The BP
cohomology of elementary abelian groups . Journal of London Mathematical Society, 61, 93-109. - Morava E-theory of symmetric groups. Topology, 37, 757-779.
- Phantom maps and homology theories. Topology, 37, 339-364.
- Finite subgroups of formal groups. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 121, 161-208.
- Rational Morava E-theory and DS^0. Topology, 36, 137-151.
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- Axiomatic Stable Homotopy, Axiomatic, Enriched and Motivic Homotopy Theory (pp. 69-98). Springer Netherlands
- On the $p$-adic interpolation of stable homotopy groups, Adams Memorial Symposium on Algebraic Topology, 2 (Manchester, 1990) (pp. 45-54). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Conference proceedings papers
Website content
- A combinatorial model for the known Bousfield classes. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 19(6), 2677-2713. View this article in WRRO
- Research group
- Grants
Past grants, as Principal Investigator
Symmetric Powers of Spheres EPSRC Equivariant elliptic cohomology and class field theory EPSRC Past grants, as Coinvestigator
Higher Structures on Elliptic Cohomology EPSRC
- Teaching activities
MAS334 Combinatorics MAS435 Algebraic Topology