Dr Michael Hippler
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Chemistry Level 2 Coordinator
Senior Lecturer in Physical Chemistry

+44 114 222 9505
Full contact details
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Dainton Building
13 Brook Hill
S3 7HF
- Profile
Dr. Hippler obtained his Dipl. Phys. (diploma degree in Physics) from the Technical University of Karlsruhe, Germany in 1989. Subsequently, after his PhD in Chemistry from Heriot-Watt University in 1993, he became Postdoctoral research assistant and head teaching assistant at the Laboratorium für Physikalische Chemie of the ETH Zürich in Switzerland.
In 2001 he did his "Habilitation" and "venia legendi" in Physical Chemistry at the ETH Zürich, after which he became a Lecturer in Physical Chemistry (Privatdozent) at the same institution. In 2005 he was appointed as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield.
In 2023, he was a visiting Professor at the ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Since 2024, he has been appointed as Privatdozent (lecturer) at the ETH Zürich, Switzerland, with teaching a block course Bio-analytical Applications of Advanced Optical Spectroscopies with associated workshops.
- Ruzicka Prize in Chemistry (2002) for "contributions to high-resolution spectroscopy, in particular experimental development of mass - and isotope-selective spectroscopy and theoretical description of high-resolution two-photon spectroscopy".
- Nernst-Haber-Bodenstein Prize of the Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie (2004).
- Research interests
The aim of my research is the development of new methods and applications of ultra-sensitive, high-resolution laser spectroscopy to study the structure and dynamics of molecules and clusters. The understanding of intramolecular primary processes in polyatomic molecules at the fully quantum dynamical level remains among the most challenging research questions in physics and chemistry, with applications also in biology and environmental sciences. High-resolution spectroscopy is among the most powerful tools in advancing such research and it is crucial in this context to develop new and ever more powerful spectroscopic experiments.
In my work in Zürich, I successfully developed new experimental techniques for the infrared laser spectroscopy of gas-phase molecules. These techniques have been applied to the study of intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution, vibrational mode-specific tunnelling of hydrogen-bonded clusters and stereomutation dynamics.
In one class of experiments, pulsed IR laser systems are used to excite vibrational transitions and a second, subsequent UV laser pulse to ionise the excited molecules. Ionisation detection of IR excitation has been coupled with a mass spectrometer thus adding a second dimension to optical spectroscopy. In another class of experiments, the extreme sensitivity of cavity-ring-down (CRD) spectroscopy (effective absorption path lengths of several km) is combined with the very high resolution of continuous wave (cw) diode lasers (100 kHz). This technique has been applied to measure accurately the transition strengths and weak overtone transitions of molecules (nitrous oxide, methane) and of hydrogen-bonded clusters (HF dimer).
So far in Sheffield, I have studied molecular association by FTIR, Raman spectroscopy and high-level quantum-chemical calculations. For this purpose, I set up a very sensitive stimulated Raman experiment with photoacoustic detection ('PARS'). Among the intermolecular forces, the hydrogen-bond X-H...Y is particularly relevant. A hydrogen bond usually exhibits a characteristic 'red'-shift (shift to lower wavenumbers) of the X-H stretching vibration, but more unconventional 'blue'-shifting hydrogen bonds also occur and have become a hot topic of current research.
In Sheffield, I have recently studied some unusual, "blue-shifting" hydrogen bonds (e.g., CHCl3...SO2 in the gas phase and open HCOOH structures in liquid formic acid) by theory and experiment.
- Publications
Journal articles
- The first HyDRA challenge for computational vibrational spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
- Mode‐Selective Vibrational‐Tunneling Dynamics in the N=2 Triad of the Hydrogen‐Bonded (HF)2 Cluster. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 63(7-8).
- Hydrogen production in the presence of oxygen by Escherichia coli K-12. Microbiology, 168(3).
- Advanced spectroscopic analysis and 15N-isotopic labelling study of nitrate and nitrite reduction to ammonia and nitrous oxide by E. coli. Analyst, 146(22), 7021-7033.
- Tuning the properties of hydrogen-bonded block copolymer worm gels prepared via polymerization-induced self-assembly. Chemical Science. View this article in WRRO
- Using activities to correct the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. Bunsenmagazin, 22(5), 102-105.
- Cavity-enhanced raman and helmholtz resonator photoacoustic spectroscopy to monitor the mixed sugar metabolism of E. coli. Analytical Chemistry, 91(20), 13096-13104. View this article in WRRO
- Diode laser photoacoustic spectroscopy of CO2, H2S and O2 in a differential Helmholtz resonator for trace gas analysis in the biosciences and petrochemistry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 411(17), 3777-3787. View this article in WRRO
- A thiol-reactive Ru(II) ion, not CO release, underlies the potent antimicrobial and cytotoxic properties of CO-releasing molecule-3. Redox Biology, 18, 114-123. View this article in WRRO
- Mechanism of Hydrogen-Bonded Complex Formation between Ibuprofen and Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite. Langmuir, 33(12), 2965-2976. View this article in WRRO
- Cavity-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in the Biosciences: In Situ, Multicomponent, and Isotope Selective Gas Measurements To Study Hydrogen Production and Consumption by Escherichia coli. Analytical Chemistry, 89(3), 2147-2154. View this article in WRRO
- Dynamic NMR and Quantum-Chemical Study of the Stereochemistry and Stability of the Chiral MoO2(acac)2 Complex in Solution. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120(34), 6677-6687. View this article in WRRO
- Antimicrobial Activity of the Manganese Photoactivated Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecule [Mn(CO) 3 (tpa-κ 3 N )] + Against a Pathogenic Escherichia coli that Causes Urinary Infections. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 24(14), 765-780. View this article in WRRO
- Cavity-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Natural Gas with Optical Feedback cw-Diode Lasers. Analytical Chemistry, 87(15), 7803-7809. View this article in WRRO
- Coordination Polymer Flexibility Leads to Polymorphism and Enables a Crystalline Solid-Vapour Reaction: A Multi-technique Mechanistic Study. Chemistry - A European Journal, 21(24), 8799-8811. View this article in WRRO
- Cavity-enhanced Raman spectroscopy with optical feedback cw diode lasers for gas phase analysis and spectroscopy.. Analyst, 137(20), 4669-4676.
- Trace gas detection of molecular hydrogen H(2) by photoacoustic stimulated Raman spectroscopy (PARS).. Analyst, 137(6), 1384-1388.
- Quantum-chemical study and FTIR jet spectroscopy of CHCl(3)-NH(3) association in the gas phase.. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 12(41), 13555-13565.
- Cavity-enhanced resonant photoacoustic spectroscopy with optical feedback cw diode lasers: A novel technique for ultratrace gas analysis and high-resolution spectroscopy.. J Chem Phys, 133(4), 044308.
- Inexpensive raman spectrometer for undergraduate and graduate experiments and research. Journal of Chemical Education, 87(3), 326-330.
- Reversible gas uptake by a nonporous crystalline solid involving multiple changes in covalent bonding.. J Am Chem Soc, 129(50), 15606-15614.
- High-resolution continuous-wave-diode laser cavity ring-down spectroscopy of the hydrogen fluoride dimer in a pulsed slit jet expansion: two components of the N=2 triad near 1.3 microm.. J Phys Chem A, 111(49), 12659-12668.
- Quantum chemical study and infrared spectroscopy of hydrogen-bonded CHCl(3)-NH(3) in the gas phase.. J Chem Phys, 127(8), 084306.
- Infrared spectroscopy of hydrogen-bonded CHCl3-SO2 in the gas phase.. J Chem Phys, 124(21), 214316.
- Quantum-chemical study of CHCl3-SO2 association.. J Chem Phys, 123(20), 204311.
- Does a photochemical reaction have a kinetic order? Reply. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, 82(1), 37-U2.
- Isotopomer-selective overtone spectroscopy of jet-cooled benzene by ionization detected IR + UV double resonance: The N = 2 CH chromophore absorption of 12C
6 H6 and 13C12C5 H6 near 6000 cm-1. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 107(49), 10743-10752. - Physical Methods for Molecular and Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. Chimia, 57(10), 659-666.
- High-resolution Fourier transform infrared and cw-diode laser cavity ringdown spectroscopy of the ν
2 +2ν3 band of methane near 7510 cm-1 in slit jet expansions and at room temperature. Journal of Chemical Physics, 116(14), 6045-6055. - Proton relaxation and intermolecular structure of liquid formic acid: A nuclear magnetic resonance study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 4(8), 1457-1463.
- Cw cavity ring-down infrared absorption spectroscopy in pulsed supersonic jets: Nitrous oxide and methane. Chemical Physics Letters, 314(3-4), 273-281.
- Interference in two-photon rotational line strengths of diatomic molecules. Molecular Physics, 97(1-2), 105-116.
- Electronic spectroscopy of the C state of NO by laser multiphoton ionization: rotational structure of the C 2II (v = 0) ← X 2II (v'' = 0) two-photon band. Molecular Physics, 94(2), 313-323.
- Isotopomer-selective overtone spectroscopy by ionization detected IR + UV double resonance of jet-cooled aniline. Chemical Physics Letters, 298(4-6), 320-328.
- High-resolution cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy of nitrous oxide and chloroform using a near-infrared cw diode laser. Chemical Physics Letters, 289(5-6), 527-534.
- Electronic spectroscopy of the C state of NO by laser multiphoton ionization: Rotational structure of the C2Pi(v'=0)«-X2Pi(v"=0) two-photon band. Molecular Physics, 94(2), 313-323.
- Intramolecular energy transfer from isotope selective overtone spectroscopy by vibrationally assisted dissociation and photofragment ionization. Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft/Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 101(3), 356-362.
- Infrared multiphoton excitation, dissociation and ionization of C
60 . Chemical Physics Letters, 278(1-3), 111-120. - Isotope selective overtone spectroscopy of CHCl
3 by vibrationally assisted dissociation and photofragment ionization. Journal of Chemical Physics, 104(19), 7426-7430. - Detection and probing of nitric oxide (NO) by two-colour laser photoionisation (REMPI) spectroscopy on the A ← X transition. Chemical Physics Letters, 243(5-6), 500-505.
- Overtone spectroscopy by vibrationally assisted dissociation and photofragment ionization. Chemical Physics Letters, 231(1), 75-80.
- General discussion. Faraday Discussions, 96, 349-368.
- Optogalvanic spectroscopy of argon and wavelength calibration in the near-ultraviolet. Optics Communications, 97(5-6), 347-352.
- Structured absorption spectrum and vibrational state-selectivity in the photodissociation of methyl nitrite in the near-UV. Chemical Physics Letters, 198(1-2), 168-176.
- Photodissociation of jet-cooled methyl and t-butyl nitrite near 380 nm. Chemical Physics Letters, 192(2-3), 173-178.
- The 355 nm laser photolysis of jet-cooled methyl nitrite (CH
3 ONO). Internal energy distributions of the NO fragment. Chemical Physics Letters, 200(5), 451-458. - Faraday communications. Electronic absorption spectrum of methyl nitrite in the near-ultraviolet. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions, 88(14), 2109-2110.
- General discussion. Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society, 91, 111-172.
- High-resolution FTIR spectroscopy and analysis of the
= 0 ← 1 subbands of the fundamentals
of the dimer (HF)
2. Molecular Physics.
- On-line analysis and in situ pH monitoring of mixed acid fermentation by Escherichia coli using combined FTIR and Raman techniques. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.
- Isotope Selective Infrared Spectroscopy and Intramolecular Dynamics, Isotope Effects In Chemistry and Biology (pp. 305-360). CRC Press
- Mass and Isotope-Selective Infrared Spectroscopy John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- Isotope Effects In Chemistry and Biology CRC Press
Conference proceedings papers
- Helmholtz resonator diode laser photoacoustic spectroscopy for trace gas analysis in the environment and the biosciences. Advanced Photonics 2018 (BGPP, IPR, NP, NOMA, Sensors, Networks, SPPCom, SOF), 2018.
Website content
- Unwrapping the ciliary coat: high-resolution structure and function of the ciliary glycocalyx, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- The first HyDRA challenge for computational vibrational spectroscopy, American Chemical Society (ACS).
- The first HyDRA challenge for computational vibrational spectroscopy, American Chemical Society (ACS).
- Hydrogen production in an aerobic environment by Escherichia coli K-12, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- The first HyDRA challenge for computational vibrational spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
- Teaching interests
Physical Chemistry, Kinetics, Theory.
- Teaching activities
Undergraduate and postgraduate taught modules
- Chemical Reaction Kinetics (Level 1)
This course develops an understanding of the factors governing chemical reactions and their rates and how this information can be used to predict reaction mechanisms. - Theory of Spectroscopy (Level 2)
This lecture course shows how it is possible to gain a detailed, accurate understanding of the energy levels of molecules by spectroscopy, and how this understanding can be used to extract information concerning fundamental problems (quantum theory), the population of quantum energy levels, the total concentration (analytical applications), the structure and the internal motions of molecules. - Further Spectroscopy (Level 3)
This course expands on the information at Level 2 to explain how UV-vis spectroscopy is connected to subjects as diverse as the process of vision, how lasers work, the origin of the orange/red colour of street lamps, and the composition of the universe. - Advanced Spectroscopy and Theory (Level 4)
This course gives an introduction to the theory of interaction between light and matter. It introduces some of the most sensitive and selective spectroscopic techniques, and works through selected examples where these techniques are used to extract structural and dynamic information, and to test theory.
Support Teaching:
- Tutorials: Level 2 Physical Chemistry.
- Level 3 Literature Review
Laboratory Teaching:
- Level 3 Physical Chemistry Laboratories
- Level 4 Research Project
- Chemical Reaction Kinetics (Level 1)