Professor Jonathan Potts

School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Mathematics and Statistics Subject Group Head and Head of Mathematical and Statistical Modelling Research Cluster

Professor of Mathematical Biology

Dr Jonathan Potts
Profile picture of Dr Jonathan Potts

Full contact details

Professor Jonathan Potts
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Hicks Building
Hounsfield Road
S3 7RH
Research interests

Most of my research uses mathematical tools to shed light on a few fundamental questions in ecology:

  • Can we construct techniques to help predict the effects of future environmental change on the ability of animal populations to survive?
  • How can we infer the nature of animal interaction mechanisms, both with each other and their environment, from movement data?
  • How do complex systems of animal movements and interactions give rise to emergent population-level patterns?

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Journal articles

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Journal articles




Research group

Mathematical Biology



Measuring resource acquisition to reveal life-history trade-offs over different temporal scales NERC

Previous grants, as Coinvestigator

Dispersal through fitness landscapes in a social bird: from individuals to populations NERC

Previous grants, as Sole Investigator

Multi-species aggregation equations: a bridge between movement ecology and spatial population dynamics EPSRC
Teaching activities
MAS108 Mathematical Modelling