Professor Chris Burton
School of Medicine and Population Health
Professor of Primary Medical Care

+44 114 222 0704
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
Room 3024
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
I am a GP and researcher whose primary interest is in persistent physical symptoms and functional somatic disorders. I lead the research group in the Academic Unit of Primary Medical Care at the University of Sheffield.
- Research interests
Persistent Physical Symptoms: this includes the current Multiple Symptoms Study3 trial and work to better understand both the mechanisms of persistent (or functional) symptoms and clinical communication about them.
Health Services Research: this typically involves analysis of large scale data to understand clinical practice (diagnosis and testing) and healthcare use (particularly of urgent and unscheduled care). I am particularly interested in examining healthcare use from the perspective of the science of complex systems.
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- FAIRSTEPS study - Framework Addressing Inequities in pRimary care using STakEholder PerspectiveS: Integrative evidence review and Delphi consensus. Public Health, 237, 307-315.
- Cost-effectiveness of an extended-role general practitioner clinic for persistent physical symptoms: results from the Multiple Symptoms Study 3 (MSS3) pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Value in Health.
- Effectiveness of a symptom-clinic intervention delivered by general practitioners with an extended role for people with multiple and persistent physical symptoms in England: the Multiple Symptoms Study 3 pragmatic, multicentre, parallel-group, individually randomised controlled trial. The Lancet, 403(10444), 2619-2629.
- Persistent physical symptoms: definition, genesis, and management. The Lancet, 403(10444), 2649-2662.
- Explanation for symptoms and biographical repair in a clinic for persistent physical symptoms. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 5, 100438-100438.
- Stigmatisation in medical encounters for persistent physical symptoms/functional disorders: Scoping review and thematic synthesis. Patient Education and Counseling, 123, 108198-108198.
- Recognition, explanation, action, learning: teaching and delivery of a consultation model for persistent physical symptoms.. Patient Education and Counseling, 115. View this article in WRRO
- Within and between-day variation and associations of symptoms in Long Covid: Intensive longitudinal study. PLoS ONE, 18(1).
- Heterogeneity of reasons for attendance in frequent attenders of emergency departments and its relationship to future attendance. Emergency Medicine Journal, 39(1), 10-15. View this article in WRRO
- Frequent attendance at the emergency department shows typical features of complex systems : analysis of multicentre linked data. Emergency Medicine Journal, 39(1), 3-9. View this article in WRRO
- Functional somatic disorders: discussion paper for a new common classification for research and clinical use. BMC Medicine, 18(1). View this article in WRRO
- Contribution of primary care organisation and specialist care provider to variation in GP referrals for suspected cancer : ecological analysis of national data. BMJ Quality & Safety. View this article in WRRO
- Do healthcare services behave as complex systems? Analysis of patterns of attendance and implications for service delivery.. BMC Medicine, 16. View this article in WRRO
- Distinguishing variation in referral accuracy from referral threshold: analysis of a national dataset of referrals for suspected cancer. BMJ Open, 7. View this article in WRRO
- The value of different aspects of person-centred care: a series of discrete choice experiments in people with long-term conditions. BMJ Open, 7. View this article in WRRO
- “Medically unexplained” symptoms and symptom disorders in primary care: prognosis-based recognition and classification. BMC Family Practice, 18(1). View this article in WRRO
- A taxonomy of explanations in a general practitioner clinic for patients with persistent “medically unexplained” physical symptoms. Pat EducCouns. View this article in WRRO
- General practice performance in referral for suspected cancer: influence of number of cases and case-mix on publicly reported data. British Journal of Cancer, 112, 1791-1798. View this article in WRRO
- Changes in telemonitored physiological variables and symptoms prior to exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 21(1), 29-36.
- Explaining the variation between practices in the duration of new antidepressant treatment: a database cohort study in primary care. British Journal of General Practice, 65(631), e114-e120.
- Individual variation in temporal relationships between stress and functional somatic symptoms. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 77(1), 34-39.
- Reassurance After Diagnostic Testing With a Low Pretest Probability of Serious Disease. JAMA Internal Medicine, 173(6), 407-407.
- Healthcare costs incurred by patients repeatedly referred to secondary medical care with medically unexplained symptoms: A cost of illness study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 72(3), 242-247.
- General practice as a complex system: a novel analysis of consultation data. Family Practice, 22(3), 347-352.
- Recognising and explaining functional neurological disorder. BMJ, m3745-m3745.
- Enhanced care by generalists for functional somatic symptoms and disorders in primary care. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
- Heavy Tailed Distributions of Effect Sizes in Systematic Reviews of Complex Interventions. PLoS ONE, 7(3), e34222-e34222. View this article in WRRO
All publications
Edited books
Journal articles
- The overlooked burden of persistent physical symptoms: a call for action in European healthcare. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, 48, 101140-101140.
- FAIRSTEPS study - Framework Addressing Inequities in pRimary care using STakEholder PerspectiveS: Integrative evidence review and Delphi consensus. Public Health, 237, 307-315.
- Cost-effectiveness of an extended-role general practitioner clinic for persistent physical symptoms: results from the Multiple Symptoms Study 3 (MSS3) pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Value in Health.
- The Body Multiple: Conceptualizing the Body to Explain Functional Somatic Symptoms. BJPsych Open, 10(S1), S78-S79.
- Sources of diagnostic delay for people with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis: qualitative research study. PLOS ONE, 19(6). View this article in WRRO
- Participatory design of An interactive web resource to explain multisystem functional somatic symptoms. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 111827-111827.
- Effectiveness of a symptom-clinic intervention delivered by general practitioners with an extended role for people with multiple and persistent physical symptoms in England: the Multiple Symptoms Study 3 pragmatic, multicentre, parallel-group, individually randomised controlled trial. The Lancet, 403(10444), 2619-2629.
- Persistent physical symptoms: definition, genesis, and management. The Lancet, 403(10444), 2649-2662.
- Explanation for symptoms and biographical repair in a clinic for persistent physical symptoms. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 5, 100438-100438.
- Stigmatisation in clinical consultations for persistent physical symptoms/functional disorders: A best fit framework synthesis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 111828-111828.
- Can-Pain - eine digitale Intervention zur Optimierung der Schmerzkontrolle bei Krebs im häuslichen Umfeld: Entwicklung und Machbarkeitsprüfung. Kompass Onkologie, 11(1), 44-53.
- Stigmatisation in medical encounters for persistent physical symptoms/functional disorders: Scoping review and thematic synthesis. Patient Education and Counseling, 123, 108198-108198.
- Recognition, explanation, action, learning: teaching and delivery of a consultation model for persistent physical symptoms.. Patient Education and Counseling, 115. View this article in WRRO
- Examining the effect of interventions in emergency care for older people using a system dynamics decision support tool. Age and Ageing, 52(1).
- Within and between-day variation and associations of symptoms in Long Covid: Intensive longitudinal study. PLoS ONE, 18(1).
- Factors associated with longer wait times, admission and reattendances in older patients attending emergency departments: an analysis of linked healthcare data. Emergency Medicine Journal.
- Explanations for functional somatic symptoms across European treatment settings: a mixed methods study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 166.
- Study protocol for the Multiple Symptoms Study 3: a pragmatic, randomised controlled trial of a clinic for patients with persistent (medically unexplained) physical symptoms. BMJ Open, 12(11). View this article in WRRO
- Resistance narratives in patients' accounts of a mandatory pre-operative health optimisation scheme: a qualitative study. Frontiers in Health Services, 2. View this article in WRRO
- Learning from COVID-19 related trial adaptations to inform efficient trial design—a sequential mixed methods study. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 22(1). View this article in WRRO
- Power dynamics among health professionals in Nigeria: a case study of the global fund policy process. International Journal of Health Policy and Management.
- Heterogeneity of reasons for attendance in frequent attenders of emergency departments and its relationship to future attendance. Emergency Medicine Journal, 39(1), 10-15. View this article in WRRO
- Frequent attendance at the emergency department shows typical features of complex systems : analysis of multicentre linked data. Emergency Medicine Journal, 39(1), 3-9. View this article in WRRO
- Performance and impact of disposable and reusable respirators for healthcare workers during pandemic respiratory disease: a rapid evidence review.. Occup Environ Med.
- The efficacy of PPE for COVID-19-type respiratory illnesses in primary and community care staff. British Journal of General Practice, 70(697), 413-416.
- Functional somatic disorders: A new common classification for research and clinical use. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 133, 110073-110073.
- Can-Pain-a digital intervention to optimise cancer pain control in the community : development and feasibility testing. Supportive Care in Cancer. View this article in WRRO
- The social life of self-harm in general practice. Social Theory and Health. View this article in WRRO
- Clinical features in primary care electronic records before diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis : a nested case-control study. BMC Family Practice, 21(1).
- Functional somatic disorders: discussion paper for a new common classification for research and clinical use. BMC Medicine, 18(1). View this article in WRRO
- Patients’ descriptions of the relation between physical symptoms and negative emotions : a qualitative analysis of primary care consultations. British Journal of General Practice, 70(691), e78-e85. View this article in WRRO
- Steps to benefit from social prescription : a qualitative interview study. British Journal of General Practice. View this article in WRRO
- Contribution of primary care organisation and specialist care provider to variation in GP referrals for suspected cancer : ecological analysis of national data. BMJ Quality & Safety. View this article in WRRO
- The use, quality and effectiveness of pelvic examination in primary care for the detection of gynaecological cancer : a systematic review. Family Practice, 36(4), 378-386. View this article in WRRO
- Statistical complexity of reasons for encounter in high users of out of hours primary care: analysis of a national service. BMC Health Services Research, 19. View this article in WRRO
- Bayesian hierarchical vector autoregressive models for patient-level predictive modeling. PLoS ONE, 13(12). View this article in WRRO
- Influences of socioeconomic deprivation on GPs’ decisions to refer patients to cardiology: a qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice, 68(677), e826-e834. View this article in WRRO
- Professional resilience in GPs working in areas of socio-economic deprivation: a qualitative study.. British Journal of General Practice. View this article in WRRO
- Improving prediction of risk of hospital admission in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: application of machine learning to telemonitoring data (Preprint). Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(9). View this article in WRRO
- Do healthcare services behave as complex systems? Analysis of patterns of attendance and implications for service delivery.. BMC Medicine, 16. View this article in WRRO
- Epigenetics and primary care. British Journal of General Practice, 68(666), 8-9. View this article in WRRO
- Pointers to earlier diagnosis of endometriosis: a nested case-control study using primary care electronic health records. British Journal of General Practice, 67(665), e816-e823. View this article in WRRO
- Can patient-reported measurements of pain be used to improve cancer pain management? A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 7. View this article in WRRO
- Core Outcome Domains for Clinical Trials on Somatic Symptom Disorder, Bodily Distress Disorder, and Functional Somatic Syndromes: European Network on Somatic Symptom Disorders Recommendations. Psychosomatic Medicine, 79(9), 1008-1015. View this article in WRRO
- What do guidelines and systematic reviews tell us about the management of medically unexplained symptoms in primary care?. BJGP Open, 1(3). View this article in WRRO
- Do patients have a worse outcome with heart failure than cancer? A primary care based cohort study with 10-year follow-up in Scotland. European Journal of Heart Failure, 19(9), 1095-1104. View this article in WRRO
- Distinguishing variation in referral accuracy from referral threshold: analysis of a national dataset of referrals for suspected cancer. BMJ Open, 7. View this article in WRRO
- Associations of treatment effects between follow-up times and between outcome domains in interventions for somatoform disorders: Review of three Cochrane reviews. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 98, 10-18. View this article in WRRO
- What are the current challenges of managing cancer pain and could digital technologies help?. BMJ Support Palliat Care. View this article in WRRO
- The value of different aspects of person-centred care: a series of discrete choice experiments in people with long-term conditions. BMJ Open, 7. View this article in WRRO
- “Medically unexplained” symptoms and symptom disorders in primary care: prognosis-based recognition and classification. BMC Family Practice, 18(1). View this article in WRRO
- A taxonomy of explanations in a general practitioner clinic for patients with persistent “medically unexplained” physical symptoms. Pat EducCouns. View this article in WRRO
- Negotiating explanations: doctor–patient communication with patients with medically unexplained symptoms—a qualitative analysis. Family Practice, 34(1), 107-113.
- Pilot randomised controlled trial of Help4Mood, an embodied virtual agent-based system to support treatment of depression. J.Telemed.Telecare, 22(6), 348-355.
- Outcome measures for intervention trials in somatic symptom disorders. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 85, 58-59.
- Resilience of primary healthcare professionals: a systematic review. Br.J Gen.Pract., 66(647), e423-e433.
- Developmental study of treatment fidelity, safety and acceptability of a Symptoms Clinic intervention delivered by General Practitioners to patients with multiple medically unexplained symptoms. J.Psychosom.Res., 84, 37-43.
- General Practitioners' Accounts of Patients Who Have Self-Harmed. Crisis, 37(1), 42-50. View this article in WRRO
- Enhanced care by generalists for functional somatic symptoms and disorders in primary care, a Cochrane systematic review. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 78(6), 621.
- General practice performance in referral for suspected cancer: influence of number of cases and case-mix on publicly reported data. British Journal of Cancer, 112, 1791-1798. View this article in WRRO
- Explaining symptoms after negative tests: towards a rational explanation. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 108(3), 84-88.
- Op weg naar een ideale uitleg. Huisarts en wetenschap, 58(9), 468-470.
- Is self-monitoring an effective option for people receiving long-term vitamin K antagonist therapy? A systematic review and economic evaluation. BMJ Open, 5(6), e007758-e007758. View this article in WRRO
- Changes in telemonitored physiological variables and symptoms prior to exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 21(1), 29-36.
- Restarting antidepressant treatment following early discontinuation—a primary care database study. Family Practice, 32(5), 520-524.
- Explaining the variation between practices in the duration of new antidepressant treatment: a database cohort study in primary care. British Journal of General Practice, 65(631), e114-e120.
- Physical Disease and Resilient Outcomes: A Systematic Review of Resilience Definitions and Study Methods. Psychosomatics, 56(2), 168-180. View this article in WRRO
- PP23 The role of physical disease in the development of resilience and resilient outcomes: a systematic review of resilience definitions, study methods and findings. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 68(Suppl 1), a56-a56.
- Individual variation in temporal relationships between stress and functional somatic symptoms. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 77(1), 34-39.
- Resilience does matter: evidence from a 10-year cohort record linkage study. BMJ Open, 4(1), e003917-e003917. View this article in WRRO
- Can we explain medically unexplained symptoms?. Family Practice, 31(6), 623-624.
- A qualitative study of primary care professionals' views of case finding for depression in patients with diabetes or coronary heart disease in the UK. BMC Family Practice, 14. View this article in WRRO
- Reassurance After Diagnostic Testing With a Low Pretest Probability of Serious Disease. JAMA Internal Medicine, 173(6), 407-407.
- Diagnosis and treatment of depression following routine screening in patients with coronary heart disease or diabetes: a database cohort study. Psychological Medicine, 43(3), 529-537.
- Activity monitoring in patients with depression: A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 145(1), 21-28.
- Incidence and drug treatment of emotional distress after cancer diagnosis: a matched primary care case–control study. British Journal of Cancer, 107(9), 1644-1651. View this article in WRRO
- Is co-morbid depression adequately treated in patients repeatedly referred to specialist medical services with symptoms of a medical condition?. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 72(6), 419-421.
- Psychosocial implications of avatar use in supporting therapy for depression. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 181, 329-333.
- Healthcare costs incurred by patients repeatedly referred to secondary medical care with medically unexplained symptoms: A cost of illness study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 72(3), 242-247.
- A primary care Symptoms Clinic for patients with medically unexplained symptoms: pilot randomised trial. BMJ Open, 2(1), e000513-e000513. View this article in WRRO
- Factors associated with duration of new antidepressant treatment: analysis of a large primary care database. British Journal of General Practice, 62(595), e104-e112.
- Help4Mood: avatar-based support for treating people with major depression in the community. International Journal of Integrated Care, 12(4).
- Depression and anxiety in patients repeatedly referred to secondary care with medically unexplained symptoms: a case-control study. Psychological Medicine, 41(3), 555-563.
- Depression and anxiety in patients repeatedly referred to secondary care with medically unexplained symptoms: A case-control study. Psychological Medicine, 41(3), 555-563.
- The interpretation of low mood and worry by high users of secondary care with medically unexplained symptoms. BMC Family Practice, 12(1). View this article in WRRO
- A New Approach to Tracking the Harmfulness of Medical Errors in Health Care Systems. Quality Management in Health Care, 19(4), 298-303.
- The quality, safety and content of telephone and face-to-face consultations: a comparative study. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 19(4), 298-303.
- Patients repeatedly referred to secondary care with symptoms unexplained by organic disease: prevalence, characteristics and referral pattern. Family Practice, 27(5), 479-486.
- Understanding the experiences of allergy testing: a qualitative study of people with perceived serious allergic disorders. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 86(1020), 591-596.
- The identification in primary care of patients who have been repeatedly referred to hospital for medically unexplained symptoms: A pilot study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 67(3), 207-211.
- Functional Somatic Symptoms and Psychological States: An Electronic Diary Study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 71(1), 77-83.
- Reduced complexity of activity patterns in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a case control study. BioPsychoSocial Medicine, 3(1), 7-7. View this article in WRRO
- Providing a community-based cancer risk assessment service for a socially and ethnically diverse population. Familial Cancer, 6(2), 189-195.
- Are electronic diaries useful for symptoms research? A systematic review. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 62(5), 553-561.
- General practice as a complex system: a novel analysis of consultation data. Family Practice, 22(3), 347-352.
- . Journal of Cardiovascular Risk, 8(5), 307-309.
- Royal college of physicians of Edinburgh, consensus conference on lipid lowering to prevent vascular event, 17 and 18 March 1999. Journal of Public Health, 21(4), 464-467.
- A 69-year-old man with atrial fibrillation, previous duodenal ulcer and peripheral arterial disease. Coronary Health Care, 2(2), 91-98.
- Developing and Testing Complex Interventions in Psychosomatic Medicine. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1-5.
- GPs’ experience of difficult decisions in patients with dementia and an acute illness. BJGP Open, BJGPO.2024.0074-BJGPO.2024.0074.
- Use of emergency departments by children and young people following telephone triage: a large database study. Emergency Medicine Journal.
- Barriers to help-seeking, accessing and providing mental health support for medical students: a mixed methods study using the candidacy framework. BMC Health Services Research, 24(1).
- What are medical students taught about persistent physical symptoms? A scoping review of the literature. BMC Medical Education, 24(1).
- Identifying models of care to improve outcomes for older people with urgent care needs: a mixed methods approach to develop a system dynamics model. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 1-183.
- What influences the performance of pelvic examination in primary care: a qualitative investigation. British Journal of General Practice, BJGP.2022.0363-BJGP.2022.0363.
- Understanding the consequences of GP referral thresholds: taking the instrumental approach. BMJ Quality & Safety.
- Recognising and explaining functional neurological disorder. BMJ, m3745-m3745.
- Extended use or reuse of single-use surgical masks and filtering face-piece respirators during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: A rapid systematic review. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 1-9.
- The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of open mesh repairs in adults presenting with a clinically diagnosed primary unilateral inguinal hernia who are operated in an elective setting: systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment, 19(92), 1-142.
- The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of point-of-care tests (CoaguChek system, INRatio2 PT/INR monitor and ProTime Microcoagulation system) for the self-monitoring of the coagulation status of people receiving long-term vitamin K antagonist therapy, compared with standard UK practice: systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment, 19(48), 1-172.
- Engaging the citizenship of the homeless—a qualitative study of specialist primary care providers: Table 1.. Family Practice, cmv036-cmv036.
- Enhanced care by generalists for functional somatic symptoms and disorders in primary care. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
- Clinical implications of the Royal College of Physicians three questions in routine asthma care: a real-life validation study. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 21(3), 288-294.
- Heavy Tailed Distributions of Effect Sizes in Systematic Reviews of Complex Interventions. PLoS ONE, 7(3), e34222-e34222. View this article in WRRO
- UK Resuscitation Council guidelines on emergency treatment of anaphylactic reactions: a primary care perspective. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 17(2), 60-61.
- Extended use or re-use of single-use surgical masks and filtering facepiece respirators: A rapid evidence review.
- Performance and impact of disposable and reusable respirators for healthcare workers during pandemic respiratory disease: a rapid evidence review..
- Antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract infection: exploring drivers of cognitive effort and factors associated with inappropriate prescribing. Family Practice.
- Current state of management and organisation of care, Medically Unexplained Symptoms, Somatisation and Bodily Distress (pp. 97-123). Cambridge University Press
Conference proceedings papers
- Interpreter costs across clinical commissioning groups in England 2017–2018 : a cross sectional survey using ‘freedom of information’ requests. British Journal of General Practice, Vol. 70(Suppl 1). London, UK, 12 March 2020 - 12 March 2020. View this article in WRRO
- Evolving Power Dynamics in Global Health: From Biomedical Hegemony to Market Dynamics in Global Health Financing; A Response to the Recent Commentaries. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 12, 8264-8264.
- The European Training Network ETUDE (Encompassing Training in fUnctional Disorders across Europe) : a new research and training program of the EURONET-SOMA network recruiting 15 early stage researchers. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 141.
- ICPM NEWS: The European Training Network ETUDE (Encompassing Training in Functional Disorders across Europe) Is Recruiting 15 Early-Stage Researchers. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1-2.
- Symptom variation, correlations, and relationship to physical activity in Long Covid: intensive longitudinal study, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Improving prediction of risk of hospital admission in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: application of machine learning to telemonitoring data (Preprint), JMIR Publications Inc..
- High use of the emergency department shows typical features of complex systems: analysis of multicentre linked data.
- FAIRSTEPS study - Framework Addressing Inequities in pRimary care using STakEholder PerspectiveS: Integrative evidence review and Delphi consensus. Public Health, 237, 307-315.
- Research group
My current PhD students (first supervisor) are Hani Al-Ghamdi (ScHARR) and Ben Jackson (AUPMC). I am keen to supervise PhD students from any relevant discipline interested in clinical communication and physical symptoms or health services research.
- Grants
Burton C, Bath P, Kadirkamanathan V: Re-engineering Services for Health to maximise person-centred care (RESHAPE-CARE) NIHR SEISMIC Systems Engineering Development Award £198,000 September 2023 for 15 months
Burton C, Leaviss J, Booth A, Davis S, Dawes H, Deary V, Fryer K, Ren S, Sutton A Effectiveness of Interventions For Fatigue in Long Term Conditions (EIFFEL) NIHR HTA July 2023 for 18 months
Guthrie E, Burton C, Mason S, Bojke C, West R, Ariss S, van der Feltz-Cornelis C, Relton S, Lee W, Dykes S. Frequent users of the Emergency Department: Improving and standardizing services- a mixed methods study NIHR HS&DR £1,327,296 March 2022 for 36 months
Jackson B, Ariss S, Burton C, Mitchell C. Framework development for action on health inequities in primary care NHS England £258,900 April 2021 for 18 months
Oliver P, Burton C, Huddy V, Horspool M. Joining up primary and specialist care for people with complex mental health problems: a mixed methods study NIHR RfPB £293,575 January 2021 for 19 months
Bath P, Strong M, Burton C, Weich S, Alvarez Lopez M, Willkinson M, Hopfgartner F Using Artificial Intelligence to Tackle Multiple Long-Term Conditions - Multimorbidity in South Yorkshire, NIHR £107,968 January 2021 for 12 months
Burton C, Walker T, Rosmalen JGR. ETUDE – Encompassing Training in Functional Disorders across Europe. EU Marie Curie Integrated Training Network, £265,016 January 2021 for 4 years
Jackson B, O’Hara R, Burton C. Integrating Advanced Clinical Practitioners into General Practice teams through clinical supervision: a realist evaluation. Royal College of GPs, £11,978 January 2021 for 24 months
Nagel C, Marshall M, Burton C. In-Practice Fellowship. NIHR, £123,921 September 2020 for 30 months
Cooper C, Burton C. Supporting reach and inclusivity in research in primary care. Sheffield CCG (RCF) £19,888 October 2020 for 6 months
Chatters R, Burton C, O’Cathain A, Cooper C. Learning from COVID-19 related trial adaptations to inform efficient trial design - a sequential mixed methods study. NIHR £70,579 October 2020 for 12 months
Burton C, Dickson JM, Booth A. Association of persistent physical symptoms and socio-economic deprivation Sheffield CCG (RCF) £25,128 October 2019 for 6 months
Conroy S, Mason S, Martin G, Street A, Burton C, Brailsford S, Preston L, Riley P, Jagruti L, Identifying models of care to improve outcomes for older people with emergency and urgent care NIHR HS&DR £931,654, September 2018 for 36 months
Burton C, Deary DV, Rowlands GR, Waheed W, Greco M, Nielson A, Cooper C, Dawson J, White D, Thomas R. Thomas S. Multiple Symptoms Study 3: pragmatic trial of a community based clinic for patients with persistent (medically unexplained) physical symptoms) NIHR HS&DR £1,194,291; February 2018 for 40 months.
Burton C, Hodges V, Jackson B, Sanders T. Wiser Testing Sheffield CCG (RCF) £9,859 October 2017 for 6 months
Burton C, Weich S, Christensen H, Blackmore C, Easton K. Technology Assisted Recovery Goal Elicitation and Transaction (TARGET) Preparatory Work.Sheffield Health & Social Care Trust. £20,000, September 2017 for 6 months.
Burton C, Bhattacharya S, Iversen L, Ayansina, D, Saraswat L, Sleeman D. Longitudinal History Patterns For Earlier Diagnosis Of Endometriosis, Chief Scientist Office, £28,500, August 2015 for 6 months.
McKinstry B, Anderson S, Agakov F, Pinnock H, Burton C. Learning to Care. MRC Confidence in Concept £65,361 August 2014 for 6 months
Burton C, Entwistle V, Ryan M, Elliott A, Krucien N, Porteous T. Discrete Choice Experiment to value patient preferences for self-management. The Health Foundation £159,000 March 2014 for 15 months.
Burton C, Elliott A, Deary V, Thomas R, Multiple Symptoms Study 2. A feasibility study to manualise, teach and demonstrate the delivery of the Symptoms Clinic intervention. Chief Scientist Office £139,962 March 2014 for one year
Platt S, Burton C, Chandler A. General Practitioner understanding and management of patients who self-harm: a qualitative study. Chief Scientist Office £47,084. March 2013 for 15 months.
McKinstry B, Burton C, Wolters M, Pagliari C, Matheson C, in partnership with institutions in Spain, Italy and Romania. Help4Mood, a computational distributed system to support the treatment of patients with major depression. European Union (FP7 programme). January 2010 to June 2014 (total €2.8M, Edinburgh €455,398)
Burton C, Simpson C. Analysis of antidepressant prescribing data using the Scottish Primary Care Clinical Informatics Unit database. Scottish Government Directorate of Health Delivery. 2010 (£6,875)
- Teaching activities
MBChB: I lead the Critical Appraisal SSC in Phase 1 and contribute to teaching on evidence based medicine. I contribute to the introductory lectures to the Research Attachment SSC in Phase 2 and regularly host groups of students on attachment. In later years I’m interested to teach advanced clinical communication techniques including effective reassurance.