Next steps in statistics

These resources are designed to help understand some key concepts in statistics.

 VideoWritten Resource

Variance and standard deviation

Introduction to formulaeVideoWebpage
Sample varianceSample variance video 
Why we divide by (n-1)Why we divide by (n-1) 

Confidence intervals

Calculating confidence intervals for the meanVideoStat Book webpage

Relative risk and odds ratios

Relative risk and Odds ratiosVideoMASH Resource

Introduction to correlation

Introduction to correlation

Correlation - the basic idea

Pearson's correlation coefficient

JMP webpage


Different measures of correlation Measures of correlation
Pearson's Correlation Webpage
Spearman's Correlation Webpage


Introduction to Simple Linear RegressionStat Trek video



Making predictionsVideoMaking predictions
Multiple RegressionVideoWebpage - Simple vs multiple LInear Regression
Logistic RegressionVideoWritten Resource

Hypothesis testing Introduction

Principles of hypothesis testing

Hypotheses and Hypothesis tests

P-Values simply explained

MASH Webpage
Choosing a Hypothesis testVideoMASH Webpage

Type I and II errors: power, sample Size, effect size, etc

Power analysisStatQuest video



Sample size calculations 

Basic principles

Power Based Sample Size Calculations

An Introductin to Sample Size Calculations

Type I and Type II errorsIntroductionMASH Webpage
Cohen d (effect size)Calculating Cohen's d 

Hypothesis tests 

Paired vs unpaired dataPaired and independent samples 
One-Sample T-test  
T-tests (paired)T-test in paired samples

JMP webpage 

Paired t-tests booklet (PDF, XKB)

T-tests (unpaired)T-test in unpaired samples

Laerd Statistics webpage


Chi-squared testVideo

Stat Book exercise

Chi-square test

Fisher's exact testVideoFisher’s Exact test (Word, XKB)
Mann-Whitney U testVideoBooklet
Kruskall-Wallis testVideo 
Test of two proportionsVideoWebpage
Testing for NormalityVideoWebpage
Wilcoxon sign rank testVideoWebpage


Introducting ANOVAUnderstanding ANOVAMASH booklet (PDF, XKB)
ANOVA - Post Hoc testsVideoMASH booklet (PDF, XKB)
One Way ANOVAIntroducing ANOVALecture Notes
Repeated Measures ANOVAVideoLaerd Statistics Webpage
Two-way ANOVA

Without Repeated Measures

With Repeated Measures

Mixed ANOVAVideoLaerd Statistics Webpage

Two people sitting at a table looking at some work together
Two people sitting at a table looking at some work together

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Three people sat around a table drinking from coffee cups and smiling

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