Dr John P Wilson
Management School
University Teacher in Change, Organisations and Change Management

+44 114 222 3355
Full contact details
Management School
Sheffield University Management School
Conduit Road
S10 1FL
- Research interests
My main focus is on teaching and learning and I have written a number of books on education, human resource development and training as well as an encyclopaedia of UK education and training from 1839 – 2010.
I also research the role of sport, and particularly football, and their impact on: communities, economy, education, health, heritage, tourism and wellbeing. I also researched A Northern Culture All-Party Parliamentary Group report ‘A Question of Sport: An inquiry into the cultural value of sport to the North’, and which was recently launched at Westminster.
Although my main focus is on teaching, I have also conducted a wide variety of applied research and have written numerous academic articles, blogged for the CIPD and authored and edited eleven books.
- Publications
- Appreciative Enquiry for Change Management: Using AI to Facilitate Organisational Development. Emerald.
- The Routledge Encyclopaedia of UK Education, Training and Employment. Routledge.
Journal articles
- Core charitable purpose and voluntary CSR activities in charity organisations: do they conflict?. Social Responsibility Journal, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
- Universities and stakeholders: an historical organisational study of evolution and change towards a multi-helix model. Industry and Higher Education. View this article in WRRO
- Homes of sports : a study of cultural heritage tourism and football. Journal of Sport & Tourism.
- Evaluating changes in mental workload in indoor and outdoor ultra-distance cycling. Sports, 10(5).
- Making information measurement meaningful: the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the Social and Human Capital Protocol. Information, 12(8).
- Maintaining competency: a qualitative study of clinical supervision and mentorship as a framework for specialist paramedics. British Paramedic Journal, 3(3), 10-15. View this article in WRRO
- ISO 9001:2015: the evolution and convergence of quality management and knowledge management for competitive advantage. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence.
- Financial functional analysis: a conceptual framework for understanding the changing financial system. Journal of Economic Methodology, 23(4), 413-431.
- Developing a knowledge management policy for ISO 9001: 2015. Journal of Knowledge Management, 20(4), 829-844.
- The triple bottom line. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 43(4/5), 432-447.
- Multi-agency gold incident command training for civil emergencies. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 23(5), 632-648.
- Constructing a sustainable learning organization. The Learning Organization, 21(2), 98-112.
- Human Resource Management in the Public Sector2013 2 Ronald Burke, Andrew J. Noblet and Cary L. Cooper Human Resource Management in the Public Sector Cheltenham Edward Elgar 2013 330 pp. Hardback9780857937315 RRP £90. Industrial and Commercial Training, 45(6), 370-371.
- Honouring heroes by branding in bronze: theorizing the UK's football statuary. Sport in Society, 16(6), 749-771. View this article in WRRO
- A Practical Approach to Performance Interventions and Analysis: 50 Models for Building a High‐performance Culture20132Gene E. Fusch and Richard C. Gillespie. A Practical Approach to Performance Interventions and Analysis: 50 Models for Building a High‐performance Culture. Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT Press 2012. 202 pp., ISBN: 9780133040500. Industrial and Commercial Training, 45(3), 185-186.
- From pitch to plinth: documenting the United Kingdom's football statuary. Sculpture Journal, 22(1), 148-160. View this article in WRRO
- Training and Development Roles and Structures in European Call Centers: The Influence of Strategic Choice, Institutional and Coevolutionary Processes. Thunderbird International Business Review, 54(6), 875-890.
- The Adult Learner: The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development20122Malcolm S. Knowles, Elwood F. Holton and Richard A. Swanson. The Adult Learner: The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development. Oxford: Butterworth‐Heinemann 2011. 406 pp., ISBN: 9781856178112. Industrial and Commercial Training, 44(7), 438-439.
- View this article in WRRO
- Learning and Development Practice. Industrial and Commercial Training, 44(1).
- Delivering E-Learning: A Complete Strategy for Design, Application and Assessment. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(7).
- Learning and Talent Development. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(6), 395-396.
- Learning and Talent Development. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(4).
- NLP: Principles in Practice. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(2).
- Hoof it! 7 Key Lessons on Your Journey of Success. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(2).
- Smile or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(1).
- Learning in the panic zone: strategies for managing learner anxiety. Journal of European Industrial Training, 35(5), 420-438.
- HR Leadership. Industrial and Commercial Training, 42(6), 336-337.
- Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy (2nd ed.). Industrial and Commercial Training, 42(6), 335-336.
- Performance concerns in psychiatrists referred to the National Clinical Assessment Service. The Psychiatrist, 34(9), 371-375.
- The Call-Center Training Handbook: A Complete Guide to Learning and Development in Contact Centers. Human Resource Management International Digest, 18(5).
- Foundations of Human Resource Development (2nd ed.). Industrial and Commercial Training, 42(1), 58-59.
- Learning and Development (5th ed.). Industrial and Commercial Training, 42(1), 57-58.
- Reflecting‐on‐the‐future: a chronological consideration of reflective practice. Reflective Practice, 9(2), 177-184.
- Mapping the context and practice of training, development and HRD in European call centres. Journal of European Industrial Training, 32(8/9), 612-728.
- Different roles, different perspectives: perceptions about the purpose of training needs analysis. Industrial and Commercial Training, 40(1), 38-41.
- Towards a Theory of e-Learning: Experimental Learning. The Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport and Tourism, 6(2), 3-15.
- The Transfer of Learning: Participants' Perspectives of Adult Education and Training20072Sarah Leberman, Lex McDonald and Stephanie Doyle. The Transfer of Learning: Participants' Perspectives of Adult Education and Training. Aldershot: Gower 2006. 146 pp., ISBN: 056608734 £45.00/$89.95 (hardback). Industrial and Commercial Training, 39(4), 232-232.
- Simulations for Assessment, Training and Development. Industrial and Commercial Training, 39(3), 180-181.
- Performance through Learning: Knowledge Management in Practice20071Carol Gorelick, Nick Milton, Kurt April. Performance through Learning: Knowledge Management in Practice. Oxford: Elsevier 2004. 408 pp., ISBN: 9780750675826 £24.99 (paperback). Industrial and Commercial Training, 39(2), 116-117.
- Reconfiguring higher education: the case of foundation degrees. Education + Training, 47(2), 112-123.
- Managing secondary PTSD among personnel deployed in post‐conflict countries. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 13(3), 199-207.
- Understanding the basics of Return on Investment in Training: Assessing the Tangible and Intangible Benefits. Industrial and Commercial Training, 36(6).
- The learning combination lock – an experiential approach to learning design. Journal of European Industrial Training, 27(2/3/4), 88-97.
- Erratum. Career Development International, 6(2), 93-100.
- Citius. Altius. Fortius. Peritius: the Skill Olympics and skill competitions. Industrial and Commercial Training, 32(6), 201-208.
- Performance appraisal: an obstacle to training and development?. Journal of European Industrial Training, 24(7), 384-391.
- National Language Standards: a decade of development. The Language Learning Journal, 22(1), 38-44.
- Implementing personal development plans: a model for trainers, managers and supervisors. Industrial and Commercial Training, 27(6), 25-29.
- Maintaining the energy for commitment to quality. Training for Quality, 3(2), 9-13.
- Outdoor Management Development – Reality or Illusion?. Journal of Management Development, 13(5), 25-37.
- Historical firsts and superlatives: public engagement versus historical accuracy in association football. Soccer & Society, 1-15.
- Social Capital Accounting, Research Anthology on Measuring and Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 173-203). IGI Global
- Social Capital Accounting, Green Finance for Sustainable Global Growth (pp. 107-146). IGI Global View this article in WRRO
- Public Education Institutions as Providers of Private Training Programs: Degree Apprenticeships in the United Kingdom In McGrath S, Mulder M, Papier J & Suart R (Ed.), Handbook of Vocational Education and Training: Developments in the Changing World of Work Switzerland: Springer. View this article in WRRO
- Enhancing Teaching in Higher Education Routledge
- Research group
- Grants
I have been involved with many successful grant applications including the following:
- Higher Education Academy – Discipline Workshop and Seminar Series: Using experiential learning to ensure Business and Management departments successfully survive national and international competition. 30 October 2013. £750
- Heritage Lottery Fund: All Our Stories: Home of Football: £7,400. This award helped enable an additional £40,000 to be awarded from the Arts and Humanities Research Council. (2012)
- Leonardo da Vinci: Training and Educators Academy for Contact Centres; €396,269 (2008/9)
- Leonardo da Vinci Call Centre Training and Knowledge Transfer – €463,616 (2004)
- Department for Education and Skills - Accelerated Learning - £12k (2004)
- West Yorkshire Learning and Skills Council - Work-based Learning - £100k (2002)
- Department for Education and Skills - Research of DfES labour market initiatives £35k (2001).
- European Commission DGIX - Training programme - £15k (1998/9).
- European Regional Development Fund: £75k, plus £75k matched funding (1996).
- Management Update Programme 9 x 12 week programmes (1994 - 1997) Training for Work, Sheffield TEC Income (c. £200k)
- Management Update Programme Six courses (1987-8) Adult Training, Manpower Services Commission: Income (c. £23k)
- Teaching interests
My main focus is on teaching and encouraging successful learning in my classes.
I have consistently received high teaching grades from students and delegates in the institutions where I have worked and am the first and only tutor to achieve 100% scores from all course delegates for a programme at the Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford.
I was also a Continuing Professional Development Manager at the University of Oxford where I continue to be a tutor.
I began my career as a teacher and then taught in Sweden for a number of organisations including: Volvo, Alfa Laval, State Railways, and FFV Defence.
I then taught in Saudi Arabia for an oil company and have since worked in many countries.
Experiential learning underpins my teaching philosophy and I have jointly authored (with Colin Beard) four editions of the core text: Experiential Learning: A Practical Guide for Training, Coaching and Education.
The application of these principles translates into student-centred learning involving: competitions, questionnaires, discussion, Socratic enquiry, problem-based learning, and the provision of core knowledge.
My teaching is underpinned with wide practical work and consultancy experience in many sectors including: aerospace engineering, airlines, banking, defence, health, law, oil, pharmaceuticals, retail, transportation, and for the United Nations Development Programme in Ethiopia and Nigeria.
The result of this ongoing experience is that my teaching connects grounded academic theory with practical relevance to real and current business operations.
I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. I also recently set up a not-for-profit organisation.
- PhD Supervision
I am jointly supervising Stuart Joce who is researching the area of corporate turnaround.
I have previously supervised Dominic Irvine who researched 'A comparison of mental fatigue between ultra-endurance cyclists and senior business leaders', and Nasir Mohammed whose thesis title was 'An examination of the Malaysian Education System'.
I am particularly interested in supervising in the areas of: learning and development; strategic foresight, and knowledge management.
Are you interested in applying for a PhD?