Sam Farley

Programme Director for Occupational Psychology and Work Psychology

Sam Farley delivering a seminar.

As Programme Director for the MSc courses in Work Psychology and Occupational Psychology, my role is to ensure that you are supported in all your academic requirements while you're studying in Sheffield. I look forward to giving you an overview of the course during intro week and my aim is to ensure that you develop strong connections with your peers on the course. I will be your first point of contact should you have any course related questions and I'm ably supported by a wonderful team of module leaders and colleagues in the student and programmes support team, who will all work hard to ensure that your experience is a positive one.

Coming to study in a new environment can feel daunting, but I'm looking forward to meeting you all during Intro Week and to ensuring that you feel well oriented as you start the MSc journey. We have put together a great programme of events to ensure that you get to know your fellow students and our group in IWP.

Sam Farley