Samet Arslan

BSc, MSc

Management School

Doctoral Researcher (Work Psychology)

Full contact details

Samet Arslan
Management School
Sheffield University Management School
Conduit Road
S10 1FL

Thesis title

Samet's thesis title is: Appraisals and Identity Across Domains: Exploring Leadership and Caregiver Perspective

About the researcher

Samet holds a BSc in Psychology (2015) followed by a Masters in Applied Psychology at Istanbul University (2018). His MSc thesis examined the gender stereotype threat on women in leadership domain. Prior to starting his PhD, he worked as a research assistant at the Karadeniz Technical University.

  • BSc in Psychology
  • MSc in Applied Psychology
Research interests

Samet's research interests are leadership, gender identity, work-life balance. Currently, he is interested in how managers navigate their work and non-work identities.

Professional activities and memberships

Research Assistant at the Karadeniz Technical University.

Teaching at Sheffield University Management School for MGT11001 Future First - Professional Self Management.
