Dr Diego Ruiz-Hernandez
Management School
Senior Lecturer in Management Science

+44 114 222 3211
Full contact details
Management School
Room B064
Sheffield University Management School
Conduit Road
S10 1FL
- Profile
The great delusion of modernity is that the laws of nature explain the universe for us. The laws of nature describe the universe, they describe the regularities. But they explain nothing.
L. Wittgenstein
'anything goes' is not a 'principle', I hold... but the terrified exclamation of a rationalist who takes a closer look at history.
P. Feyerabend
Diego Ruiz-Hernández holds a PhD in Operational Research from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Catalonia.
He is currently Senior Lecturer in Management Science at Sheffield University Management School and Programme Director of MSc Management.
He developed his academic career at the following institutions: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (1998-2009), Universidad de Navarra (2006-2009), and the University College for Financial Studies (2009 to 2018).
He has been visiting scholar at the universities of Edinburgh, Strathclyde and Lancaster in the United Kingdom. He has been visiting lecturer at Kedge Business School in Bordeaux for several years.
His research covers, but is not limited to, fields in the areas of mathematical programming, combinatorial optimisation, discrete and network location, stochastic scheduling and dynamic resource allocation.
He has published scientific articles in international journals as Advances in Applied Probability, Computers and Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, Expert Systems with Applications and Transportation Research B, among others.
Diego is member of the Catalan Statistics Society (SCE); the Operational Research Society of the United Kingdom (OR); the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS); the Spanish Association of
Statistics and Operational Research (SEIO); the European Working Group on Locational Analysis (EWGLA); and the Spanish Network on Locational Analysis and Related Problems (RedLoca).
He currently leads a research project on bank network restructuring in collaboration with the Spanish bank BBVA.
- Research interests
Over the last few years Diego's research has focused on the wide area of facility location and related problems.
In particular, inspired by the current trend in banking services, he and his coauthors have addressed the problem of restructuring branch networks, where the most important decision is how many and which branches should be closed and/or resized in order to better service their customers while reducing the size of a, typically, oversized network. This has been referred to in location literature as the "delocation" problem.
In a different vein, Diego has recently approached a new and challenging topic: the problem of numerousness or proliferation in the supply chain.
Over the last couple of decades, in the quest for growth in highly competitive and slow-growing markets, firms have proliferated almost everything: products, channels, and markets.
Notwithstanding this proliferation has pushed their revenues up, the problem is that this growth is not reflected in the bottom line. The monster eating the businesses profits is commonly referred to as "complexity".
Diego and his co-authors have proposed an entropy-based measure for complexity that satisfies the double logical-consistency requirement for any model of the real world: internal (i.e. has no paradoxes or contradictions) and external consistency (is an adequate representation of the world it aims at representing).
Moreover, they have established its empirical relevance in collaborations with three renowned forms of global presence.
Their work is now is heading towards the identification of mechanisms for controlling complexity and lessening its impact on the firm's finances.
Finally, Diego continues his work on stochastic scheduling and dynamic resource allocation.
In this regard, he is currently working on the problem of scheduling preventative maintenance interventions for systems consisting in a large number of independently deteriorating equipment.
The main research question is the design of efficient scheduling rules that are robust to errors or imperfections incurred during the execution of the maintenance tasks.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Multi-channel distribution in the banking sector and the branch network restructuring. Expert Systems with Applications, 238, 122294-122294.
- The Capacitated Product Portfolio Mix-and-Allocation problem with integrity constraints. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 187, 109845-109845.
- Competitive network restructuring with spatially loyal customers. A bilevel facility delocation problem. Computers & Operations Research, 161, 106418-106418.
- Market proliferation and the impact of locational complexity on network restructuring. Applied Mathematical Modelling.
- On the validity and practical relevance of a measure for structural complexity. International Journal of Production Economics, 240, 108243-108243.
- Exact and approximate heuristics for the rectilinear Weber location problem with a line barrier. Computers & Operations Research, 132.
- Multi-machine preventive maintenance scheduling with imperfect interventions: A restless bandit approach. Computers & Operations Research, 119. View this article in WRRO
- A probabilistic patient scheduling model for reducing the number of no-shows. Journal of the Operational Research Society. View this article in WRRO
- An information-content based measure of proliferation as a proxi for structural complexity. International Journal of Production Economics, 212, 78-91. View this article in WRRO
- Computerized adaptive test and decision trees: a unifying approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 117, 358-366. View this article in WRRO
- Designing Supply Chains via locating knapsacks in a business-to-business environment.. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(13), 1705-1709.
- A survey of artificial neural network in wind energy systems. Applied Energy, 228, 1822-1836. View this article in WRRO
- Cournot–Stackelberg games in competitive delocation. Annals of Operations Research, 256(1), 149-170.
- A One-Sample per Individual Face Recognition Algorithm Based on Multiple One-Dimensional Projection Lines. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 31(07), 1756012-1756012.
- Economic viability analysis for icing blades detection in wind turbines. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 1150-1160.
- The stochastic capacitated branch restructuring problem. Annals of Operations Research, 246(1-2), 77-100.
- A rough-cut approach for evaluating location-routing decisions via approximation algorithms. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 87, 89-106.
- The component commonality problem in a real multidimensional space: An algorithmic approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 249(1), 105-116.
- Short Personality and Life Event scale for detection of suicide attempters. Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental (English Edition), 8(4), 199-206.
- Restructuring bank networks after mergers and acquisitions: A capacitated delocation model for closing and resizing branches. Computers & Operations Research, 62, 316-324.
- Escala Abreviada de Personalidad y Acontecimientos Vitales para la detección de los intentos de suicidio. Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, 8(4), 199-206.
- Pattern recognition by wavelet transforms using macro fibre composites transducers. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 48(1-2), 339-350.
- Combining scales to assess suicide risk. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 46(10), 1272-1277.
- Some indexable families of restless bandit problems. Advances in Applied Probability, 38(03), 643-672.
- Some indexable families of restless bandit problems. Advances in Applied Probability, 38(3), 643-672.
- Spinning plates and squad systems: policies for bi-directional restless bandits. Advances in Applied Probability, 38(01), 95-115.
- Spinning plates and squad systems: policies for bi-directional restless bandits. Advances in Applied Probability, 38(1), 95-115.
- Floating Offshore Wind Farm Maintenance Assessment Policies for Vessels Assignment, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies (pp. 1591-1600). Springer Nature Singapore
- Artificial Intelligence Reshapes Supply Chain and Lean: Framework and Main Insights, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (pp. 61-74). Springer Nature Switzerland
- Joint Maintenance and Spare Machines Management Policies Assessment, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies (pp. 158-163). Springer International Publishing
- Assessment of Joint Maintenance and Inventory Management Policies, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (pp. 789-798). Springer International Publishing
- Addressing Structural Complexity in Facility Location, Organizational Engineering in Industry 4.0 (pp. 119-126).
Conference proceedings papers
- The Battle to Decrease the Impact of the Structural Complexity in Supply Chains: An Algorithmic Approach (pp 57-67)
- A Metaheuristic Approach for Quantifying the Effects of the Structural Complexity in Facility Location Problems (pp 45-56)
- View this article in WRRO
- Cost/Efficiency Assessment of Alternative Maintenance Management Policies (pp 1395-1406)
- Market proliferation and the impact of locational complexity on network restructuring, arXiv.
- Multi-channel distribution in the banking sector and the branch network restructuring. Expert Systems with Applications, 238, 122294-122294.
- Research group
Operations Management and Decision Sciences (OMDS)
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Teaching interests
I am looking forward to interacting with potential students that may share my interest in the problem of supply chain complexity, its measure, and the mechanisms for mitigating it.
I would also like to attract students interested on facility location and delocation problems, network restructuring problems or any other problem that can be addressed using facility location models or techniques (median, centre or covering models, etc.) are more than welcome to talk with me.
Finally, I will be happy to talk to students with a strong mathematical background (dynamic programming, Markov decision processes) which may be interested in dynamic resource allocation or stochastic scheduling problems (with particular focus on -but not limited to- machine maintenance problems) will also get my attention.
- Teaching activities
Diego Ruiz-Hernandez is module leader of MGT253 Principles of Operations Management and MGT6122 Company Project.
- PhD Supervision
Diego has previously supervised:
Name Thesis title Year of completion Xiaochen Feng The Quickest Evacuation Location Problem (QELP) in Humanitarian Operations: Introduction, Multi-Objective Modelling and Matheuristic Solution 2024 Are you interested in applying for a PhD?