Professor Fraser McLeay
Management School
Chair in Marketing

+44 114 222 9662
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Management School
Sheffield University Management School
Conduit Road
S10 1FL
- Profile
Professor Fraser McLeay is Dean of Sheffield University Management School. Since joining the University of Sheffield in 2018 as Professor and Chair in Marketing he has also been Associate Dean Education, Head of Marketing and Creative and Cultural Industries and Head of the Marketing, International Enterprise and Strategy division.
Fraser has received research funding from numerous external businesses or organisations as well as research councils such as the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (ESPRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and has won prizes globally for his research and contribution to practice. In 2023, Fraser and his co-authors were awarded a Wiley Top Cited Paper award for papers published between January 2021 an December 2022 for "Corporate Responses to the Coronavirus Crisis and their Impact on Electronic‐Word‐of‐Mouth and Trust Recovery: Evidence from Social Media,” a paper published in the British Journal of Management. He was the winner of the 2019 Martin Oppermann Article of the Year Award for the best paper of the year published in the Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing (2018), while in 2017 he gained the prestigious Emerald Citations of Excellence Award for an article on online reviews and electronic word of mouth.
Fraser’s research is habitually interdisciplinary; with his current focus on barriers and enablers to the adoption of innovative new products driven by information technology such as robots in service environments and driverless cars.
He is also actively involved with research projects in the areas of sustainability, hedonic consumption, digital marketing, branding, entrepreneurship, innovation and co-creativity.
He has recently been chair of the prestigious Academy of Marketing annual conference and co-chair the Global Branding conference held at Newcastle in 2018 and has been co-editor of special editions of the Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Business Ethics and other leading journals.
Prior to joining Sheffield University Management School Fraser was Professor of Strategic Marketing Management at Newcastle Business School and also held roles as Associate Pro Vice Chancellor of Strategic Planning and Engagement, Associate Dean of Business and Engagement and Head of Corporate Development for the Faculty of Business and Law at the Faculty of Business and Law.
Fraser also has over ten years of practitioner experience, holding senior management and leadership positions globally.
While working in industry, Fraser has assisted over 250 businesses in more than 60 countries to implement successful start-up, commercialisation, business expansion, marketing, branding, strategic planning and new product/service introduction strategies in industry sectors that vary from education to renewable energy, engineering, agri-food and graphene.
His clients range from SMEs to MNEs and have included Nestlé, Royal Numico, Parker, Thomas Swan, Bank of Montana, Sage, UKTI, Nexus and Greggs, plus organisations such as the World Bank, USDA, and EU. Fraser has also held academic positions at Lincoln University (New Zealand); Newcastle University (UK); Northumbria University (UK), Macquarie University (Australia) the University of Montana (US), and Peter the Great St Petersburg University (Russia).
- Research interests
Fraser’s current research interests involve social media and communities of consumption, hedonic versus sustainable consumption and the role that digital marketing can play in driving consumers’ to adopt innovative nascent technologies.
His research has been published in journals in Marketing Management, Tourism Management, the Journal of Travel Research, Food Policy, The Journal of Consumer Behaviour the Journal of Brand Management and elsewhere.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Slimy tactics: the covert commercialisation of child-targeted content. Journal of Strategic Marketing.
- Service robots in long-term care: a consumer-centric view. Journal of Service Research, 25(4), 667-685. View this article in WRRO
- Understanding pre‐teen consumers social media engagement. International Journal of Consumer Studies.
- (In)compatibilities in sustainable luxury signals. Ecological Economics, 196.
- A multi-analytical approach to studying customers motivations to use innovative totally autonomous vehicles. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174, 121252-121252.
- Corporate responses to the Coronavirus crisis and their impact on electronic-word-of-mouth and trust recovery : evidence from social media. British Journal of Management, 32(4), 1184-1202. View this article in WRRO
- What business schools do to support academic entrepreneurship : a systematic literature review and future research agenda. Studies in Higher Education, 46(5), 988-999.
- Perspectives, opportunities and tensions in ethical and sustainable luxury: Introduction to the thematic symposium. Journal of Business Ethics, 169(2), 201-210. View this article in WRRO
- Replaced by a robot: Service implications in the age of the machine. Journal of Service Research, 24(1), 104-121. View this article in WRRO
- Seeking sustainable futures in marketing and consumer research. European Journal of Marketing, 54(11), 2911-2939. View this article in WRRO
- Negative emotions, positive actions : food safety and consumer intentions to purchase ethical food in China. Food Quality and Preference, 85.
- Guest editorial. Internet Research, 30(1), 19-22.
- Branding in the digital age : a '2020' vision for brand management. Internet Research, 30(1), 19-22. View this article in WRRO
- The SME ‘styling’ of HEI – HR of management of international mobility: motivations, benefits and barriers as drivers of innovation. Employee Relations: The International Journal, 43(2), 571-588.
- Insights for a post-Brexit era: marketing the UK as a study destination – an analysis of Arab, Chinese and Indian student choices. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 28(2), 161-175. View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
- Co-creation of the ski-chalet community experiencescape. Tourism Management, 74, 413-424. View this article in WRRO
- To meat or not to meat? Comparing empowered meat consumers’ and anti-consumers’ preferences for sustainability labels. Food Quality and Preference, 77, 109-122. View this article in WRRO
- Consumer Perceptions of Information Helpfulness and Determinants of Purchase Intention in Online Reviews of Services. Information and Management, 55(8), 956-970. View this article in WRRO
- Bleisure: motivations and typologies. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(4), 517-530.
- Risks and drivers of hybrid car adoption: A cross-cultural segmentation analysis
. Journal of Cleaner Production, 189, 519-528. View this article in WRRO
- The Core Value Compass: visually evaluating the goodness of brands that do good. Journal of Brand Management, 25(1), 68-83.
- ‘Radical marketing, meet Newcastle upon Tyne’: reflections on a memorable AM2016. Journal of Marketing Management, 33(9-10), 673-678.
- New applications for importance-performance analysis (IPA) in higher education: Understanding student satisfaction. Journal of Management Development, 36(6), 780-800.
- Should we stop meating like this? Reducing meat consumption through substitution. Food Policy, 65, 74-89. View this article in WRRO
- It's not vegetarian, it's meat-free! Meat eaters, meat reducers and vegetarians and the case of Quorn in the UK. Social Business, 6(3), 267-290.
- Tough times, difficult choices and public entrepreneurship: Is sponsorship a winning solution?. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 6, 37-59.
- Why do travelers trust TripAdvisor? Antecedents of trust towards consumer-generated media and its influence on recommendation adoption and word of mouth. Tourism Management, 51, 174-185.
- Dimensions driving business student satisfaction in higher education. Quality Assurance in Education, 23(1), 86-104.
- Chinese versus UK marketing students' perceptions of peer feedback and peer assessment. The International Journal of Management Education, 12(2), 142-150.
- E-WOM and Accommodation. Journal of Travel Research, 53(1), 44-57.
- Social marketing, parental purchasing decisions, and unhealthy food in developing countries: A Nigerian typology. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 12(3), 232-242.
- Alive and kicking. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 19(1), 5-18.
- Transferring social marketing knowledge through third sector CoPs. The Marketing Review, 12(4), 381-401.
- The art of SME export marketing: a case study. The Marketing Review, 10(3), 239-258.
- Perfect weddings abroad. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 16(3), 249-262.
- The Diversity of Farmers' Risk Management Strategies in a Deregulated New Zealand Environment. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 49(2), 218-233.
- Factors affecting choice of cash sales versus forward marketing contracts. Agribusiness, 14(4), 299-309.
- Farm business marketing behavior and strategic groups in agriculture. Agribusiness, 12(4), 339-351.
- Bleisure, Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing (pp. 306-308). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Antecedents of Travellers’ Satisfaction and Purchase Intention from Social Commerce Websites, Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017 (pp. 517-528). Springer International Publishing
- Museums as playful venues in the leisure society BABAK TAhERI AND ALIAKBAR JAFARI, Contemporary Tourist Experience (pp. 217-232). Routledge
Conference proceedings papers
- View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
- Slimy tactics: the covert commercialisation of child-targeted content. Journal of Strategic Marketing.
- Research group
Behavioural Research for Inclusivity, Sustainability and Technological Transformation (BRISTT)
- Teaching interests
Fraser is a passionate teacher with a focus on integrating learning with problem solving and distinctive research of the highest quality that matters for society and business.
His focus is on experiential learning with links to interdisciplinary distinctive research themes and research informed teaching.
Fraser’s approach is closely aligned to the vision of the Division which is “to become world-leading in terms of research, learning and teaching in our subjects, and in cross-cutting thematic areas”.
In his previous role at Newcastle Business School Fraser was responsible for enhancing student employability and improving the student experience.
Fraser has delivered bespoke executive programmes globally in Poland, US, China, Russia, France, Germany, and Hong Kong, as well as in the UK for companies such as Sage, Nexus, Northumbria Police, Greggs and numerous local government organisations.
He has recently taught programmes, modules or workshops in:
- Research Methods
- Strategic Innovation
- Strategic Marketing Management
- Marketing for Revenue Generation in the Public Sector Executive
- Value Propositions
- Developing Brand Values and Identity
- Marketing Planning and Research
- Creating and Managing Competitive Organisations
- Entrepreneurship and Business Planning
- Global Marketing and Communication
- Global Marketing Management
- Dissertation Preparation
- Pricing for Value
- Digital Marketing
- Brand Development
- PhD Supervision
Fraser has successfully supervised 12 doctoral students to completion in the areas of branding, sustainable marketing, digital marketing, the consumer experience and strategic marketing management.
In addition to these areas, he is also seeking to supervise doctoral student dissertations interested in researching:
- Consumers' adoption of nascent technology e.g. driverless cars/autonomous vehicle
- Consumers' perceptions of robots replacing humans in service encounters
- Communities of Consumption
- Hedonic Consumption
- Online reviews/electronic word of mouth
- Social media
- Big data
Fraser is currently supervising:
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