Dr Dahlia El-Manstrly
Management School
Senior Lecturer in Marketing

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Management School
Sheffield University Management School
Conduit Road
S10 1FL
- Profile
Dr Dahlia El-Manstrly BSc (First Class Honours), MSc (Huddersfield University), MRes, AHEA, PhD (Glasgow University).
Dahlia El-Manstrly is an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Marketing and the Director of Research for the MCCI group at the University of Sheffield Management School, UK. Before this role, she was Co-Director of the Center for Service Excellence and a Marketing lecturer at the University of Edinburgh.
Her research focuses on services marketing, with publications in leading international journals such as the Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research, Tourism Management, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Service Management, and International Marketing Review. Dahlia also serves on the editorial boards of top marketing and services journals, including the International Marketing Review, Journal of Services Marketing, and Journal of Service Theory and Practice. Her work is frequently presented at prominent academic conferences worldwide. She has been honoured with the "Highly Recommended Paper" Award at the AMA SERVSIG conference in 2014 and has received three Teaching Excellence Awards at the University of Edinburgh for best feedback, overall course satisfaction, and inspirational teaching.
- Research interests
- Service Recovery and Complaint Management (e.g., service failure, service recovery, coping mechanisms and the service recovery paradox).
- Relationships in Services (e.g., customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, service quality, customer commitment, trust and perceived switching costs).
- International Marketing in Services (e.g., service customers’ attitudes and behaviours across cultures).
- Transformative Services (e.g., the impact of service interactions and servicescape on consumers’ well-being).
- Tourism Services (e.g., medical tourism and online travel communities).
- Publications
Journal articles
- Going Beyond Philanthropy: A Dual Process Approach to Examine How Consumers Punish Brand Misanthropy. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 29(4).
- Should online retailers emphasize efficiency or experience? First insights on the evolution and heterogeneity of website attributes. Journal of Retailing.
- Would you forgive me? From perceived justice and complaint handling to customer forgiveness and brand credibility-symmetrical and asymmetrical perspectives. Journal of Business Research, 166, 114138-114138.
- Risk, Trust, and the Roles of Human Versus Virtual Influencers. Journal of Travel Research.
- Social isolation and social anxiety as drivers of generation Z's willingness to share personal information on social media. Psychology and Marketing.
- Customers who misbehave: identifying restaurant guests “acting out” via asymmetric case models. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 66.
- Shoppers’ neural responses to the mere social presence of others: insights from an enclosed mall. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 31(3), 281-298.
- Proactive Handling of Flight Overbooking: How to Reduce Negative eWOM and the Costs of Bumping Customers. Journal of Service Research, 24(2), 206-225.
- Severe service failures and online vindictive word of mouth: The effect of coping strategies. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 95, 102911-102911.
- The impact of termination severity on customers' emotional, attitudinal and behavioral reactions. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 31(1), 65-81.
- Control, use and ownership of big data: A reciprocal view of customer big data value in the hospitality and tourism industry. Tourism Management, 80, 104106-104106.
- Whose experience is it anyway? Toward a constructive engagement of tensions in patient-centered health care. Journal of Service Management, 31(5), 979-1013.
- Sustaining customer engagement behavior through corporate social responsibility: The roles of environmental concern and green trust. Journal of Cleaner Production, 262, 121348-121348.
- Virtual travel community members’ stickiness behaviour: How and when it develops. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 88, 102535-102535.
- Customers’ reactions to different organizational tactics in a service termination context. European Journal of Marketing, 54(1), 26-48.
- The influence of goal attainment and switching costs on customers’ staying intentions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 51, 51-61.
- Beyond reciprocal: the role of platforms in diffusing data value across multiple stakeholders. Journal of Service Management, 30(4), 507-518.
- Encouraging male participation in cancer resource centers. The Service Industries Journal, 38(1-2), 114-126.
- Enhancing customer loyalty: critical switching cost factors. Journal of Service Management, 27(2).
- Cross-cultural validation of switching costs: a four-country assessment. International Marketing Review, 31(4), 413-437.
- A critical examination of service loyalty measures. Journal of Marketing Management, 29(15-16), 1834-1861.
- An empirical investigation of the relative effect of trust and switching costs on service loyalty in the UK retail banking industry. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 16(2), 101-110.
- Customers’ Attitudinal, Emotional and Behavioural Responses to Firm-Initiated Service Termination: An Abstract, Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value (pp. 567-567). Springer International Publishing
- Abstract: An Empirical Examination of the Effectiveness of Different Types of Compensation in a Service Termination Context, Creating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends (pp. 865-865). Springer International Publishing
- An Improved Understanding of the Moderator Effects of Switching Costs Types on the Relationships Between Customer-Perceived Value, Trust, and Customer Loyalty, Marketing Challenges in a Turbulent Business Environment (pp. 227-228). Springer International Publishing
- An Empirical Examination of the Interrelationships Between Service Recovery Paradox and Its Key Antecedents and Outcomes, Marketing Challenges in a Turbulent Business Environment (pp. 245-245). Springer International Publishing
- An Empirical Examination of Firm-Initiated Service Termination: A Perceived Justice Perspective, Celebrating America’s Pastimes: Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Marketing? (pp. 587-588). Springer International Publishing
- The Moderator Effect of Switching Costs Dimemsions on the Relatioships Between Customer Value, Trust and Loyalty, Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science (pp. 575-575). Springer International Publishing
- Should i stay or should i go? The case of loyalty in the UK retail banking industry, The Routledge Companion to Financial Services Marketing (pp. 166-176).
- Going Beyond Philanthropy: A Dual Process Approach to Examine How Consumers Punish Brand Misanthropy. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 29(4).
- Research group
Marketing and Creative & Cultural Industries (MCCI)
- Grants
- The University of Edinburgh Strategic platforms
- The British Academy Quantitative Skills Acquisition Award
- The ESRC Seminar Series
- The Carnegie Trust Small Research Grants
- PhD supervision
- Transformative services research
- Service failure and recovery
- Relationship marketing
- Tourism services
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