Dr Bidit Dey
Management School
Director of Accreditation
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Marketing

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Management School
Sheffield University Management School
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S10 1FL
- Profile
Dr Bidit Dey is a Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Marketing and the Director of Accreditation. He has strategic oversight of Sheffield University Management School’s international accreditation. As a member of SUMS’s Executive Board, Bidit is responsible for contributing to the development and delivery of the School’s strategic activities aligned with its mission, vision and values. Before joining Sheffield University Management School, Bidit served as the Associate Head of Brunel Business School (Strategy and External Relations). He also successfully led the Brunel MBA for five years.
Bidit has published more than 45 articles in leading business and management journals, such as: Journal of the Association for Information Systems, British Journal of Management, Journal of World Business, International Marketing Review; Industrial Marketing Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change and Journal of Business Research, Information Technology and People.
- Research interests
- Consumer acculturation
- Co-creation
- Digital consumer culture
- Publications
- ICTs in Developing Countries. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Journal articles
- Business model innovation through AI adaptation: The role of Strategic Human Resources Management. British Journal of Management. View this article in WRRO
- Mindfully fashioned: Sustaining style through product value retention. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 81, 103992-103992.
- A typology and model of privacy- and security-concerned users’ attitudes towards digital footprints and consequent influence on their social media adaptation. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 25(5), 1240-1273. View this article in WRRO
- Sustainability starts from within: A critical analysis of internal marketing in supporting sustainable value co-creation in B2B organisations. Industrial Marketing Management, 117, 14-27.
- Omnichannel management capabilities in international marketing: the effects of word of mouth on customer engagement and customer equity. International Marketing Review, 41(1), 42-73. View this article in WRRO
- Exploring big data-driven innovation in the manufacturing sector: evidence from UK firms. Annals of Operations Research, 333(2-3), 689-716.
- Correction: Relationship Quality in Customer-service Robot Interactions in Industry 5.0: An Analysis of Value Recipes (Information Systems Frontiers, (2023), 10.1007/s10796-023-10445-y). Information Systems Frontiers.
- Relationship Quality in Customer-service Robot Interactions in Industry 5.0: An Analysis of Value Recipes. Information Systems Frontiers.
- Strategic orientation, strategic renewal, and the international performance of born global firms. Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
- Political social media marketing: a systematic literature review and agenda for future research. Electronic Commerce Research.
- (Im)migrants’ appropriation of culture: Reciprocal influence of personal and work contexts. Journal of World Business, 58(2), 101417-101417.
- Customers’ motives to co-create in smart services interactions. Electronic Commerce Research, 23(3), 1367-1400.
- Brexit or Brand it? The Effects of Attitude Towards Brexit and Reshored Brands on Consumer Purchase Intention. British Journal of Management, 34(3), 1215-1237.
- Consumers' willingness to share digital footprints on social media: the role of affective trust. Information Technology & People, 36(2), 595-625.
- Exploring multi-stakeholder value co-creation as an entrepreneurial approach to survival and sustainability: The case of Pennine Pubs. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
- Enforced remote working: The impact of digital platform-induced stress and remote working experience on technology exhaustion and subjective wellbeing. Journal of Business Research, 151, 269-286.
- Sustainability in the beer and pub industry during the COVID-19 period: An emerging new normal. Journal of Business Research, 141, 656-672.
- Technological interventions in social business: Mapping current research and establishing future research agenda. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 169, 120818-120818.
- Consumer engagement with social media platforms: A study of the influence of attitudinal components on cutting edge technology adaptation behaviour. Computers in Human Behavior, 121, 106802-106802.
- Digitally enabled value co-creation at the bottom of the pyramid. Journal of Marketing Management, 37(9-10), 813-815.
- The impact of social media on the performance of microfinance institutions in developing countries: a quantitative approach. Information Technology & People, 34(1), 25-49.
- Adoption, Adaptation, Use and Impact of Information Systems during Pandemic Time and Beyond: Research and Managerial Implications. Information Systems Management, 37(4), 298-302.
- Value co-creation through social innovation: A study of sustainable strategic alliance in telecommunication and financial services sectors in Bangladesh. Industrial Marketing Management, 89, 13-27.
- Millennial Chinese consumers' perceived destination brand value. Journal of Business Research, 116, 655-665.
- The impact of social media on consumer acculturation: Current challenges, opportunities, and an agenda for research and practice. International Journal of Information Management, 51, 102026-102026.
- Digital consumer culture and digital acculturation. International Journal of Information Management, 51, 102057-102057.
- The Role of Speed on Customer Satisfaction and Switching Intention: A Study of the UK Mobile Telecom Market. Information Systems Management, 37(1), 2-15.
- Importance of sustainable operations in food loss: evidence from the Belgian food processing industry. Annals of Operations Research, 290(1-2), 47-72.
- Towards a framework for understanding ethnic consumers’ acculturation strategies in a multicultural environment. International Marketing Review, 36(5), 771-804.
- Internal demarketing in the U.K. Civil Service since the 2007–2009 financial crisis. Strategic Change, 28(5), 355-368.
- Technology upgrading through co-creation of value in developing societies: Analysis of the mobile telephone industry in Bangladesh. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 145, 413-425.
- Acculturation in the social media: Myth or reality? Analysing social-media-led integration and polarisation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 145, 426-427.
- Social media led co-creation of knowledge in developing societies: SME’s roles in the adoption, use and appropriation of smartphones in South Asia. Production Planning & Control, 30(10-12), 1019-1031.
- Impact of market orientation on firm’s customer-based performance: the moderating role of employee orientation. Journal of Marketing Management, 35(7-8), 662-692.
- Value Co-Creation as a Dialectical Process: Study in Bangladesh and Indian Province of West Bengal. Information Systems Frontiers, 21(3), 527-545.
- Appraisal of the potential of the growth of e‐retailer based on impact of perceived value on trust for online purchases. Strategic Change, 27(5), 477-487.
- Selfie appropriation by young British South Asian adults. Information Technology & People, 31(2), 482-506.
- From marginal to mainstream: The revival, transformation, and boom of plant medicine. Science and Public Policy, 45(6), 843-852.
- The Impact of Social Media on Consumers’ Acculturation and Purchase Intentions. Information Systems Frontiers, 20(3), 503-514.
- Analysis of Factors that Influence Customers’ Willingness to Leave Big Data Digital Footprints on Social Media: A Systematic Review of Literature. Information Systems Frontiers, 20(3), 559-576.
- The importance of enhancing, maintaining and saving face in smartphone repurchase intentions of Chinese early adopters. Information Technology & People, 30(3), 629-652.
- A quadripartite approach to analysing young British South Asian adults’ dual cultural identity. Journal of Marketing Management, 33(9-10), 789-816.
- Co-creation of value at the bottom of the pyramid: Analysing Bangladeshi farmers' use of mobile telephony. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 29, 40-48.
- An assessment of service quality and resulting customer satisfaction in Pakistan International Airlines. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 32(5), 486-502.
- Energising the political movements in developing countries: The role of social media. Capital & Class, 38(3), 508-515.
- A qualitative enquiry into technology acceptance and appropriation: A case study of Bangladeshi farmers' use of mobile telephony. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 12(2), 261-280.
- A qualitative enquiry into the appropriation of mobile telephony at the bottom of the pyramid. International Marketing Review, 30(4), 297-322.
- The acceptance and adoption of mobile telephony by Bangladeshi farmers: a qualitative enquiry. International Journal of Management Practice, 6(2), 178-178.
- Analysing appropriation and usability in social and occupational lives. Information Technology & People, 24(1), 46-63.
- Ethnographic Approach to User-Centred Evaluation of Telecentres. International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy, 1(3), 22-39.
- Empowering Radical Innovation: How Digital Technologies Drive Knowledge Transfer and Co‐Creation in Innovation Ecosystems. R&D Management.
- The Moderating Role of E-Readiness in Crisis Management and Strategic Flexibility: A Review, Studies in Computational Intelligence (pp. 407-421). Springer International Publishing
- Appropriation of Mobile Telephony at the Bottom of the Pyramid, ICTs in Developing Countries (pp. 97-110). Palgrave Macmillan UK
- A Critical Review of the ICT for Development Research, ICTs in Developing Countries (pp. 3-23). Palgrave Macmillan UK
Conference proceedings papers
- ICTs in Developing Countries. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Research group
- Behavioural Research for Inclusivity, Sustainability and Technological Transformation (BRISTT)