Professor Anthony Glass
Management School
Chair in Managerial Economics
+44 114 222 3264
Full contact details
Management School
Sheffield University Management School
Conduit Road
S10 1FL
- Profile
Anthony is an economic data scientist and his work involves using large panel data sets for individuals, firms, cities and regions. Using such data Anthony primarily undertakes efficiency and productivity analysis, and the spatial analysis of spillovers.
Prior to joining the Management School in March 2020, Anthony was a senior lecturer in economics at Loughborough University.
Since February 2017 he has also been a retained academic associate at the London economic consultancy Economic Insight.
- Research interests
Anthony’s research expertise is in three fields:
- Applied Microeconometrics (spatial econometrics; production econometrics, e.g., stochastic frontier analysis; panel data analysis; treatment effects/natural experiment analysis);
- Applied Microeconomics (efficiency and production economics; spatial economics);
- Banking and Finance (performance measurement; competition; network analysis).
- Publications
Journal articles
- The UK Productivity Puzzle: A Survey of the Literature and Expert Views. International Journal of the Economics of Business, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-35.
- The role of inefficiency in a productivity puzzle: regional evidence for Great Britain. Journal of Regional Science. View this article in WRRO
- Dynamic returns to scale and geography in U.S. banking. Papers in Regional Science.
- Returns to scale, spillovers and persistence: a network perspective of U.S. bank size. International Journal of Finance and Economics.
- Comparisons of deposit types and implications of the financial crisis: Evidence for U.S. banks. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 27(1), 641-664.
- COVID-19 mortalities in England and Wales and the Peltzman offsetting effect. Applied Economics, 53(60), 6982-6998.
- Uncovering spatial productivity centers using asymmetric bidirectional spillovers. European Journal of Operational Research, 285(2), 767-788.
- Benchmarking water retail cost efficiency in England and Wales. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 27(3), 431-467.
- Spatial scale and product mix economies in U.S. banking with simultaneous spillover regimes. European Journal of Operational Research, 284(2), 693-711.
- A spatial production analysis of Chinese regional banks: case of urban commercial banks. International Transactions in Operational Research, 27(4), 2021-2044.
- The effect of monetary policy on bank competition using the Boone index. European Journal of Operational Research, 282(3), 1070-1087.
- A spatial productivity index in the presence of efficiency spillovers: Evidence for U.S. banks, 1992–2015. European Journal of Operational Research, 273(3), 1165-1179.
- Dynamic multilevel modelling of industrial energy demand in Europe. Energy Economics, 74, 120-130.
- Cost efficiency and electricity market structure: A case study of OECD countries. Energy Economics, 65, 283-291.
- Economy-wide Estimates of Rebound Effects: Evidence from Panel Data. The Energy Journal, 37(3), 251-269.
- Decomposing energy demand across BRIIC countries. Energy Economics, 54, 396-404.
- A spatial autoregressive stochastic frontier model for panel data with asymmetric efficiency spillovers. Journal of Econometrics, 190(2), 289-300.
- Returns to scale and curvature in the presence of spillovers: evidence from European countries. Oxford Economic Papers, 68(1), 40-63.
- The effects of efficiency and TFP growth on pollution in Europe: a multistage spatial analysis. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 43(3), 307-326.
- Game, set and match: evaluating the efficiency of male professional tennis players. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 43(2), 119-131.
- Estimating efficiency spillovers with state level evidence for manufacturing in the US. Economics Letters, 123(2), 154-159.
- Bank performance and the financial crisis: evidence from Kazakhstan. Applied Financial Economics, 24(2), 121-138.
- Productivity growth decomposition using a spatial autoregressive frontier model. Economics Letters, 119(3), 291-295.
- How efficiently do U.S. cities manage roadway congestion?. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 40(3), 407-428.
- The rise and fall of Railtrack PLC: an event study. Applied Economics, 43(23), 3143-3153.
- Government expenditure on public order and safety, economic growth and private investment: Empirical evidence from the United States. International Review of Law and Economics, 29(1), 29-37.
- Public expenditure on transport and macroeconomic performance: Empirical evidence from the United States. International Journal of Transport Economics, 35(1), 121-143.
- An Overview of Issues in Measuring the Performance of National Economies, The Palgrave Handbook of Economic Performance Analysis (pp. 659-705). Springer International Publishing
- Teaching interests
Anthony is a passionate teacher with over 15 years of experience teaching at UK universities.
He is currently the leader of the postgraduate module Managerial Economics.
Anthony also has teaching expertise in Data Analysis, Banking and Finance, Network Analysis, Energy Economics & Policy, and Business & Economic Statistics/Forecasting.
- Professional activities and memberships
Anthony has given a number of courses on performance measurement to private sector economists.
He works particularly closely with public utility companies on measuring their efficiency and productivity.