The impact of the Sheffield MBA and the relationships you form stretch way beyond the one year programme
Why I chose to study my MBA in Sheffield
I chose Sheffield University Management School because of its diversity and its reputation amongst Global MBA schools. In addition, the fact that I could complete my studies in a period of one year coupled with its manageable tuition fee was a major factor in my choosing Sheffield. The staff at the Management School were very friendly and the complimentary lunches as part of the MBA programme were an added bonus!
Visiting real world companies was very valuable
The opportunity to visit real world companies and see their facilities was very valuable and allowed me to gain insight into working in other industries or countries. Inside the classroom, despite it being a challenge to study so many modules within a year, the professors and lecturers were very encouraging.
The Sheffield MBA is famous for diversity
I don’t think I could have made friends with people from all over the world if I had not studied in Sheffield. They inspired me a lot and expanded my view of life. The diverse ages and professional backgrounds of my MBA classmates enriched me with valuable insight and motivation.
Sheffield was an opportunity for me to broaden my horizons of the world
I enjoyed the parties and festivals I was invited to by friends from various countries. In particular, my Indian friends’ festivals were always exciting, colourful and sometimes sacred. My Asian friends and I cooked food together in the New Year.
Perhaps the biggest advantage to studying in Sheffield is that students can take care of their health and mental health in beautiful nature
The Peak District is very close to Sheffield and I really enjoyed hiking every weekend. There are also many other green areas such as the Botanical Gardens, the Winter Garden, Graves Park, Endcliffe Park and Forge Dam. It was so nice to be able to study and relax while experiencing nature without having to go far away.
During the course, lots of friends inspired me to consider new opportunities
Before I started the MBA, I thought about returning to the job that I did. However, after finishing the course and being encouraged by my coursemates, I knocked on the doors of other companies and successfully got some job offers.
After graduation, I joined SK bioscience as an Investor Relations Project Leader in Korea
SK bioscience was the first Korean vaccine company which developed a Covid-19 vaccine. In my role, I communicate with global institutional investors about the company’s long term strategy and perspectives based on the company’s quarterly and yearly earnings, ESG strategies and long-term financial stories. I manage the global NDR (non-deal roadshow), investor day, factory tours and attend the global healthcare conference. I try to reflect the corporate value and maintain credibility with stakeholders.
My advice for someone looking to study the Sheffield MBA
Firstly, I would say enjoy outdoor activities. Due to Sheffield’s location, you can enjoy UK culture and nature very easily and the University provides lots of opportunities for you to do that.
Secondly, build a strong relationship with your cohort. Sheffield is famous for the diversity of its students’ nationalities. If you communicate and hang out with your coursemates, you will feel that your views on the world will change.
Finally, don’t be afraid. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to take on the challenge of the MBA as it is just a one year course. However, after I completed the MBA, I found that I had various experiences and knowledge that I didn’t even know were established in me.
The impact of the Sheffield MBA and the relationships you form stretch way beyond the one year programme
The Sheffield MBA provides the best value possible. The insights I gained made me more humble and want to try harder. Through the programme, I made friends who have gone on to start businesses, pursue new jobs and continue their education. Hearing about their varied experiences has taught me valuable lessons.

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