Sarah Stanley
Business Partnerships Manager

As Business Partnerships Manager, I work with colleagues to make sure that your Personal, Professional and Careers Development (PPCD) module provides you with lots of valuable opportunities to help you develop both personally and professionally. I will be organising a variety of events during the year which I hope you will find interesting and thought provoking. These will include company visits, the London Career Safari, a Leadership Dinner and a ‘Talent: Attraction & Development’ networking event. You will hear from lots of interesting speakers, including some of our fabulous alumni and these will all be great networking opportunities for you.
I am sure you are excited about starting your MBA in Sheffield and I am looking forward to meeting you and to getting to know you during your year with us. I encourage you to take advantage of all the opportunities that will be presented to you. There are lots of great opportunities for you to meet others and to network – you never know who you will meet and that’s what makes networking so interesting and fun!
Sarah Stanley