MEC449: Advanced Engineering Fluid Dynamics
Autumn Semester
Optional on Programmes: MECT40, MECT50, MECT53
An in-depth understanding of the flow physics and the skills of mathematically analysing the fluid flow problems are important attributes of mechanical engineers and future scientific leaders. These are the focus of this module.
Dr Elena Marensi, Module Leader
Module Description
The module introduces advanced subjects in fluid mechanics and focuses on the theory and applications of the fundamental physical laws governing fluid flows, including both low speed incompressible and high speed compressible flows. The Navier-Stokes and continuity equations are revisited and the Energy and the general Scalar Transport Equations for fluid flows will be derived. A key skill developed is problem solving in the area of advanced fluid mechanics through how equations, models and boundary conditions may be adapted and simplified to describe a wide variety of engineering flows such as creeping flows, laminar, turbulent, incompressible and compressible flows.
Required Prior Knowledge
If you haven't already learnt about the following subjects, you will struggle to pass this module:-
• Fundamental concepts of Fluid Mechanics, such as the Navier-Stokes equations, control volume analysis, dimensional analysis, basic boundary-layer flow, compressible flow, isentropic flow and normal shock waves (covered in MEC208 or AER298, or equivalent in the case of the MSc)
• Some mathematics, such as partial differential equations, integrations and vector calculus."
Teaching Methods
• Independent Learning~
• Taught content (20 lectures)
• Seminars, Tutorial and Q/A sessions
• Case Study as part of independent learning
Assessment Methods
• 65% Exam (2 hour exam)
• 35% Coursework: Individual case study
Module Aims
• To develop an in-depth understanding of the physics and the equations of motion that govern different types of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids from creeping to supersonic flows.
• To develop problem solving skills by applying in-depth understanding to devise appropriate models (numerical, analytical or experimental) that address relevant industrial engineering fluid flow problems
• To develop capabilities of assessing the applicability and limitations of models (numerical, analytical or experimental) particularly where there is ambiguity or missing information.
• Expose students to current research problems in fluid dynamics and how they are being tackled.
• To provide a foundation for scientific leadership in an engineering context.

International postgraduate taught scholarships
We offer a generous package of financial support for international postgraduate taught students, including scholarships worth £10,000 towards the original tuition fee.
Applications are open for existing offer holders for a postgraduate taught programme starting in September 2025.