Our Research

Research in the Centre focuses on the international and European aspects of legal issues.

Working at computer

Our research also draws on the School’s strengths in many forms of International, European and Comparative Law to consider the wider implications of current problems and the function of law in a globalised world.

International and European Law Projects

Sheffield Centre for for International and European Law (SCIEL) encourages collaborative research projects within its membership, and also inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional projects with other disciplines and other universities and organisations. At SCIEL we welcome proposals for joint research projects from other universities.

Our projects

Human Rights Forum 

The Forum is the hub for all Human Rights related research at the School of Law. The forum host workshops, seminars and other activities that bring together human rights researchers from the School of Law, other departments and different universities.

Visit the forum

Working Paper Series

The Working Paper Series was established by the Sheffield Centre for International and European Law (SCIEL) in order to promote the wide range of research undertaken by academic members of SCIEL, doctoral students and visiting staff.

This series does not adopt a particular style. The papers are published electronically and made available in the public domain to facilitate new debates and discussions within the field of European and International law research.

For any queries about the series or about submission of papers please contact the Editor in Chief and the Managing Editor.

Individual papers are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

General Editor: Professor Nicholas Tsagourias

Editor in Chief: Daniel Franchini

Managing Editor: Fiona Davies


If you are having accessibility issues with any of these works in progress please contact us via law@sheffield.ac.uk.

Santatzoglou S, & Tzanou M., 'An (in)adequate Data Protection Regime after Brexit? Bulk Surveillance Powers, National Security and the Future of EU-UK Data Transfers', SCIEL Working Paper No 2023/3

Tzanou M. & Vogiatzoglou P., 'In Search of Legal Certainty regarding ‘Effective Redress’ in International Data Transfers: Unpacking the Conceptual Complexities and Clarifying the Substantive Requirements', SCIEL Working Paper No 2023/2

Tsagourias N., 'Digitalisation and its Systemic Impact on the Use of Force Regime: Legal Uncertainty and the Replacement of International Law', SCIEL Working Paper No 2023/1

Pereira L.L.S., 'Working From "Rooms of Their Own": For a Realistic Portrait of Joyce Gutteridge CBE and Other Trailblazing Women', SCIEL Working Paper No 2021/2

Buchan R., 'The International Court of Justice and the Idea of Liberal International Law', SCIEL Working Paper No 2021/1

Tsagourias, N., 'Electoral Cyber Interference, Self-Determination and the Principle of Non-Intervention in Cyberspace', 2019

Colonial Rule and Justice during Interwar Period: the case of Spanish Guinea

The Peaceful Settlement of Cyber Disputes

SCIEL conducts world leading research on the settlement of international cyber disputes, one of the most crucial challenges of the applicability of international law to cyberspace as identified by the UN Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security. Cyber disputes span diverse issues and areas involving states but also private entities. They also give rise to questions as to whether the traditional international law means and methods of settlement are still adequate or whether new mechanisms should be created.

In March 2021, SCIEL organised a conference with leading experts and policy makers in the field of cyber disputes in order to provide an analytical and explanatory framework according to which the peaceful settlement of cyber disputes can be understood and practised. The conference examined the nature and content of cyber disputes in their political and legal dimension, the meaning and content of their peaceful settlement. It also assessed the adequacy of existing means and methods of dispute settlement and considered alternatives. Finally, it explored the contribution of domestic courts and the private sector as well as the contribution of the UN and the EU.

A summary report of the conference can be found here

A global reputation

Sheffield is a world top-100 research university with a global reputation for excellence. We're a member of the Russell Group: one of the 24 leading UK universities for research and teaching.