Research and projects
Our research is grouped under several overlapping themes, which integrate multidisciplinary experimental research and engineering applications through laboratory, field and modelling studies.
Research themes
Natural attenuation of pollutants
Natural attenuation is the risk-based management of contaminated land and groundwater using the combined effects of biological, chemical and physical processes, which occur naturally in the subsurface environment.
Restoration science and practice
The complexity and scale of contaminated land and groundwater problems facing the re-development of brownfield sites requires an innovative and integrated approach to the implementation of restoration and management strategies.
Biogeochemical processes
This research field is focused on improving our understanding of interactions between microorganisms and the natural system in subsurface environments, and how this affects the fate of contaminants in soil and groundwater.
Catchment science and management
This research theme operates at the large scale where science is used to inform policy and practice of government, the Environment Agency and local government. The GPRG works closely in this field with the Catchment Science Centre.
Projects and opportunities
Current and past projects facilitated by the Groundwater Protection and Restoration Group.
Research opportunities
Research opportunities within the Groundwater Protection and Restoration Group.
Members of the Groundwater Protection and Restoration Group are authors on a number of field-leading publications.