New field classes exploring the Peak District and Sheffield

The Department of Geography is located in an amazing natural laboratory where students have the opportunity to explore, study and learn about the physical landscape of the Peak District National Park.

A view of a dry stone wall and valley in the Peak District

The Department of Geography is located in an amazing natural laboratory where students have the opportunity to explore, study and learn about the physical landscape of the Peak District National Park, the rich cultural and social heritage of Sheffield, and environmental processes and issues across the region.

This year, academic staff have developed a series of zero-credit field classes which allow students to develop practical skills in the complex environment of Sheffield and the Peak District. Crucially, these classes are available for all students and provide local, low-carbon ways to gain experience in the field.

Module Convenor, Dr Stephen Livingstone, said:

"Our belief is that fieldwork is integral to a Geography degree and that fascinating geography exists on our doorstep and does not therefore always require long-haul flights and high costs to run.

"This year we have therefore introduced a new module where students across all levels are able to participate together in free weekly field trips into Sheffield and the Peak District to meet and engage with local agencies and communities, develop field research skills and discover and learn about our local region."

Students are able to dip in and out, choosing the field trips they find most interesting, and the focus is on learning to identify, critically interpret and discuss geographical concepts, processes and phenomena in the field, with the stress and burden of assessments removed.

These field trips incorporate training in key techniques such as street interviews and surveying equipment, and reflect the broad range of research interests across the Department of Geography, including:

  • the challenges of farming in the Peak District and managing protected areas
  • the long term geological and glacial history that shaped the landscape
  • the politics of road space
  • the regeneration of industrial areas

Students can contact any member of departmental staff for further details about the field classes.

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