I feel more prepared to enter the world as a graduate

Samantha Skinner standing in front of river
Samantha Skinner
Placement at the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust
BSc Environmental Science
Samantha's placement at the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust has helped her develop her environmental science skills, both geographical and biological.

As an environmental science student, it is not particularly easy to find a placement that challenges and develops all aspects of your degree – from the geographical to the biological. However my placement at the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust in Hampshire has done just that. My time on placement is shared between two departments; the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) department and the Wetlands department.

My work for the GIS department primarily consists of using ArcGIS to conduct detailed mapping and spatial analysis for all aspects of spatial data within the trust. This has allowed me to further develop an invaluable skill for my own dissertation.

Working with the Wetlands department will allow me to develop my field-based ecology skills. I will be assisting with the monitoring of breeding lapwing, developing skills in survey methods, bird handling, radio-telemetry, nest finding, camera trapping and data handling as well as laboratory work and off-road driving.

This placement allows me to nurture a variety of social and technical skills, many of which I look forward to harnessing in my final year at university and beyond. I feel more prepared to enter the world as a graduate and equipped with the skills I need to have a fulfilling and exciting career in environmental science.

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