My day-to-day work involves developing strategic requirements for brownfield and greenfield sites

USP alumni Caia Yeung against a backdrop of mountains
Caia Yeung
Planning Officer
MPlan Urban Studies and Planning
Caia Yeung studied our integrated undergraduate masters degree, MPlan Urban Studies and Planning.

Why did you choose to study in the School of Geography and Planning at the University of Sheffield?

I chose to study in Sheffield because the program allows you to explore different areas of urban planning – from theoretical to designing and practical hands-on projects.

What is your most memorable thing from Sheffield?

Definitely watching sunsets in the Peak district. 

Where do you work now and what does your day-to-day work involve? 

I have been working remotely from the most obvious impact of Covid-19. My day-to-day work involves preparing and submitting planning applications, developing strategic requirements for brownfield/greenfield sites and monitoring the planning status of all Local Authorities LDFs within the division.

Which elements of your job do you most enjoy? 

The most enjoyable part of this job is having the ability to identify new lands and opportunities using web-based spatial tools – Just eye-opening!

How did your studies at Sheffield prepare you for your career? 

There are several courses tied directly into the work I’ve been doing on the job - For example; learning the geographical knowledge of areas in the UK, the basics of GIS and being familiar with all aspects of land purchase (maximization of offer, market research, technical, commercial disciplines) - technical, design, policies and legal aspects.

What would be your advice to other international students considering studying in Sheffield?

I’d say explore as much as you can and get involved in different activities because there’s so much to explore inside and outside of campus.

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