
Dr Paula Meth is the Principal Investigator of the project. She was previously a Reader based in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning (now School of Geography and Planning) at the University of Sheffield. Follow Paula on X
Associate Professor Sarah Charlton is a Co-Investigator and is based in the School of Architecture and Planning at Wits University, Johannesburg. She is based in CUBES and is a former director of it. Follow Sarah on X
Dr Eshetayehu Kinfu is a Co-investigator and also Project Co-ordinator, based at IPDR (Institute of Policy and Development Research) at University of Hawassa. Follow Eshetayehu on X
Dr Tafesse Matewos is a Co-Investigator, based at IPDR (Institute of Policy and Development Research) at University of Hawassa. He is the Research and Technology Transfer Vice President of the University of Hawassa. Follow Tafesse on X
Dr Margot Rubin, is a Co-Investigator and is a lecturer in Spatial Planning at the School of Geography and Planning at Cardiff University. Follow Margot on X
Professor Tom Goodfellow is a Co-Investigator, and is based in the School of Geography and Planning at The University of Sheffield. Follow Tom on X
Lesego Tshuwa is a professional planner and is the South African Project Co-ordinator, working with colleagues at Wits University. Follow Lesego on LinkedIn.
The primary team has been supported by excellent researchers including Khumo Sello, Olga Koma, Samuel Dira, Debela Kita, Wubeyed Shamil and Habiba Yimam, as well as literature review work by Kate Tissington.