Dr Hannah Sender (she/her)
School of Geography and Planning
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow

Full contact details
School of Geography and Planning
Geography and Planning Building
Winter Street
S3 7ND
- Profile
Hannah Sender is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in the School of Geography and Planning. Hannah’s current research is exploring urban changes in small towns through the lens of land, inter- and intra-familial propertied relations, and land-related injustices. Her previous research has examined rapid urbanisation, rent relations, and displacement in Lebanon and the UK.
Hannah has received funding from the ESRC for post-doctoral and PhD research on rapid urbanisation of small Lebanese towns affected by mass forced migration from Syria. She has been a Research Fellow on other UKRI-funded projects, whilst based at University College London. Hannah is also a Research Associate at the Beirut Urban Lab, at the American University of Beirut.
- Research interests
Hannah’s primary research interests lie in rapid urban change of smaller urban centres, whose (de)urbanisation trajectories can inform better understandings of what the ‘urban’ is today.
Hannah’s work aims to contribute to the ‘planetary urbanism’ debates, through research about urban places marginalised in planning theory and practice. She uses post-colonial planning lenses, particularly drawing on those from Lebanese scholars, and comparative urbanism methodologies to consider how planning jurisdictions condition the relative power of different subjects to make or deconstruct urban places in the present. Hannah is particularly interested in the role of property-owning families in shaping urbanisation trajectories.