Dr Ethan Lee

School of Geography and Planning

Postdoctoral Researcher in Glacial Modelling

Ethan Lee smiling in a blue shirt and cap with a lanyard
Profile picture of Ethan Lee smiling in a blue shirt and cap with a lanyard

Full contact details

Dr Ethan Lee
School of Geography and Planning (nee Geography)
Room C02
Geography and Planning Building
Winter Street
S3 7ND

Ethan Lee obtained his BSc in Physical Geography as the Manchester Metropolitan University in 2018, after which he completed his MSc(Res) at the University of Leeds in 2019 understanding glacial change across the Himalayas since the Little Ice Age. He then completed his PhD in 2024 titled "The frozen tropics: an investigation into palaeoglaciations within northern Perú", understanding glaciations in the tropics since the Late Pleistocene.

He is now a PDRA at the University of Sheffield on the Deplete and Retreat project, funded by a NERC highlight topic grant. I am conducting glacial numerical modelling across the Andes using the Parallel Ice Sheet Model, to understand their future extents to a range of climate scenarios. This shall aid in understanding their viability as water resources in the future.

He is also working with Canadian researchers at the University of Calgary to model where glacial overdeepenings may be exposed in the future within North America. This is funded by the UKRI-Mitacs Globalink Doctoral Exchange programme. This provides an understanding of their potential spatial distribution and extent, aiding in future planning for glacial lake outburst flood mitigation downstream, and their hydropower and tourism potential.

Research interests

Tropical glaciers

Tropical glaciers are extremely sensitive to global temperature variations, reacting earlier than mid- and high-latitude glaciers, making them perfect physical indicators of current and past climate change. Their susceptibility to insolation forcing and localised effects of sea surface temperatures (SST), can make tropical glaciers an ideal study region for understand climate changes during the Late Quaternary. We can also use low elevation glaciations within the tropics, that incurred during the Last Glacial Maximum, to disentangle Late Pleistocene climate change from Holocene climate fluctuations.

Mountain glaciations

Mountain glaciers are currently in rapid decline globally due to climate change. In many regions across the world these act as natural water towers that are important for their downstream communities. I am interested in both the past and future extents of these glaciers, with my previous research on Himalayan glaciers. Using both geomorphological evidence of their past positions to aid in training numerical models to understand and predict their future extent and dynamics.

Glacial geomorphology

Palaeoglacial geomorphological evidence can provide information on past glacial extents. They can also be used to provide an indication on past climate. My work on my PhD used geomorphological evidence, not only to provide delineations of pass glacial positions, but a first-order estimate on temperature cooling. Mapping of evidence can also provide confirmations of glacial influence in a region this is entirely deglaciated, for example my work looking at the Putorana Region in Russia, and looking at previously unidentified palaeoglacial cirques.


Journal articles


Teaching interests
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Glacial Geomorphology
  • Glaciations