Two Geography students win SURE awards

Two students from the Department of Geography have been recognised for their work as part of SURE, the Sheffield Undergraduate Research Experience.

A student walking on a rocky hill.

Milo Bullock was awarded Student Researcher of the Year for his work on supporting student communities and reducing loneliness, supervised by Professor Richard Phillips.

“This year, Milo was very clear that he wanted to do research that would make a difference”, says Professor Phillips, “so he joined me and played an active part at meetings with stakeholders and beneficiaries including the Campaign to End Loneliness (a national charity), student services here at Sheffield University, and the Government's Loneliness Unit.

I was impressed at how Milo returned with findings and ideas to take forward this important work on student loneliness”, he continues.

"It was really fulfilling to build on my existing community within the Department of Geography to complete such an interesting and impactful SURE project”, says Milo. “By bringing me closer to my lectures and deepening research skills for my dissertation, I really feel like SURE was a great way to develop me as a researcher and a person.”

Milo Bullock smiling with his research poster

Georgie Clarke also won the Best SURE Student Prize for her poster about research into the 1755 tsunami in Ireland, supervised by Professor Mark Bateman. 

“I was lucky enough to undertake my SURE project in Southern Ireland”, explains Georgie. “This gave me a unique perspective which enhanced my research journey, and enabled me to develop and learn new transferable skills for future employment.

The icing on the cake was being awarded one of the Highly Commended Students of the Year”, she says.

Georgia Clarke smiling next to her research poster

The Sheffield Undergraduate Research Scheme (SURE) offers funded opportunities for undergraduate students to work in partnership with an academic staff member on a dedicated research project during the summer vacation.

This gives students valuable research experience, as well as transferable skills to assist them in whatever their future careers hold.

“I have been lucky to find some students with great ideas and enthusiasm for research”, says Professor Phillips of his involvement in the SURE scheme.

“The SURE scheme gives students a chance to experience research in real time, with all its highs and lows, and to put their own stamp on it.”

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