Information and Communication Engineering

Graphic visual of quantum computing

Machine Learning for Engineering

As engineers, we develop machine learning and data science methodologies and tools to address major societal and economic challenges, with areas of focus being manufacturing, health and healthcare, energy and infrastructure. These challenges also inspire us to develop the new fundamental methods needed to deliver fit-for-purpose solutions, for example working with sparse and incomplete data, managing uncertainty, formulating systems models, and optimising systems at scale.

Electromagnetics, Wireless Hardware & RF Devices

We focus on novel prototype components and system research to develop and exploit: 

• Reconfigurable antennas and arrays 
• Smart surfaces, reconfigurable metamaterials 
• Textile electromagnetic structures 
• Electromagnetic scattering control 
• Electromagnetic material characterisation 
• RF circuits and transceivers 
• mmWave MMIC & IC modelling, design and test 
• SDR & advanced signal processing 
• RF measurement techniques

Our experimental facilities include anechoic chambers (for antenna characterisation), the UKRI National mmWave Measurement Laboratory, NRL arches for reflectivity measurement and the Radar Cross Section Measurement Laboratory. We also have facilities and expertise to measure and characterise electromagnetic surface waves and edge waves.

Metamaterial Transmitter
Transmitter using Metamaterial

We are frequency agnostic and create novel, research-grade hardware systems from low MHz to high mmWave, with current lab measurement capabilities up to 110 GHz. A key aim of our research is to create real-world prototypes and demonstrator components and systems that can inform industry partners and generate meaningful impact. This can range from smart EM materials, polarisation reconfigurable antennas, through to full radio transceiver systems. 

We also carry out pioneering research into emerging technologies, including Bessel beams and Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM). The group has pioneered reconfigurable structures for over two decades, including antennas and metamaterials.  This research has been focused on Direct Antenna Modulation (DAM) miniaturised antennas, and aerospace applications.

RF Circuit
GaAs mmWave Circuit

Our research has an impact across multiple themes, including next generation (6G) wireless communications, healthcare, aerospace, satellite systems and remote sensing applications. Significant spin-out companies include Antenova.

Communication Systems

This theme covers wireless (RF, free space optical etc.) and wired (copper, fibre, waveguides, etc.) communication systems from terrestrial and nonterrestrial scales to inter-device communications. It focuses on the physical layer, resource allocation and network planning across hardware, protocols and software. Research helps realise efficient, sustainable, resilient, secure and trustworthy communications systems.

The theme covers the fundamentals of communication theory, including information theory, signal processing, radio systems, protocols and emergent security techniques. More intelligent communication systems are researched exploiting advances in AI as well as developments in communication systems for supporting AI tools and services.  

Professor Timothy O'Farrell in our 6G facility
Professor Timothy O'Farrell in our 6G facility

Our research applies systems thinking to target specific technologies (e.g., 6G wireless communications, software-defined-radio and radio access network optimisation) and application domains (e.g., healthcare, manufacturing and transport) leading to potential impacts in the translation and standardisation of cellular mobile, WiFi, satellite, UAV-assisted and secure communication solutions. The Communication Systems theme, which led the CommNet2 network,  hosts the National 6G Radio Systems Facility for undertaking 6G physical layer empirical experimentation at scale up to 220 GHz and 4G/5G testbeds based on software-defined-radio platforms. Significant spin-outs include RANPLAN.