Dr Pan Peng


School of Computer Science

Visiting Academic

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Dr. Pan Peng joined the University of Sheffield as a Lecturer in Algorithms in April 2018. He has held postdoc positions at the University of Vienna, Austria, as well as the Technical University of Dortmund, Germany, from September 2013 to March 2018.

Before that, he obtained his PhD degree in Computer Science from Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2013 and his Bachelor degree in Mathematics from Beijing Normal University, China in 2007.

Research interests

Dr. Pan Peng's research interests lie on the intersection between theoretical computer science and network science, with the goal of developing new techniques to efficiently process and analyze diverse, dynamic and massive network data.

Currently, he is focused on very resource-efficient algorithms that read or store only a small portion of the large input while still have good and provable performance guarantees, including property testing, streaming algorithms.

He is also very interested in the theory and applications of dynamic graph algorithms, spectral graph theory, sparsification and random graphs.


Journal articles

Conference proceedings papers

Professional activities and memberships

Member of the Algorithms research group