Professor Graham J. Leggett
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Professor of Nanoscale Analytical Science

Full contact details
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Dainton Building
13 Brook Hill
S3 7HF
- Profile
Prof. Leggett obtained a BSc in Chemistry from UMIST in 1987. His PhD from the same institution, obtained in 1990, was followed by consecutive appointments as Research Associate at Universities of Washington and Nottingham. In 1994 he was appointed as lecturer at the University of Nottingham 1994-98. He became a Lecturer at UMIST in 1998, where he was subsequently promoted to senior lecturer and reader.
In 2002 he was appointed as Professor of nanoscale analytical chemistry at the University of Sheffield. He was appointed as the Head of Department in 2018.
- Research interests
Graham's research is focused on the chemistry of nanoscale interfaces. Currently, three themes are of special interest:
- nanophotonics, including nanofabrication and plasmonics
- biologically-inspired design, in particular the construction of photonic materials inspired by photosynthetic systems
- molecular interactions at nanometre scale interfaces, including fundamental investigations of the thermodynamics and mechanics of sliding contacts between molecules (nanotribology)
In strong light-matter coupling, an ensemble of excitons (molecular excited states) is hybridised with a confined optical mode (localised surface plasmon resonance) to create new states called plexcitons that combine the properties of light and matter. Our goal is to combine strong light-matter coupling with biologically-inspired design principles, to create new materials for applications in technologies such as solar energy capture and photocatalysis.
In our 'molecular photonic breadboards', minimal units - synthetic antenna complexes - are designed from scratch to organise molecular components precisely in space and assembled to form nanostructured films, with the aim of controlling excitation transfer from the nm to the cm scale. This work builds on our core expertise in making and characterising molecular thin films, including self-assembled monolayers (ordered molecular films formed by spontaneous adsorption onto a solid surface) and polymer brushes (polymers grown from surface-bound initiator molecules). We have developed a suite of techniques for manipulating surface chemistry at the nanometre scale, including nanophotonic methods based upon near-field photolithography and interferometric methods. We use powerful analytical methods, including atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry, to characterise the chemistry of molecular films.
Using scanning probe microscopy, we measure noncovalent interactions between organic molecules at nanoscale interfaces, and we measure nanoscale sliding forces (friction) to explore the thermodynamics of molecular interfaces. Using these quantitative measurements we explore the molecular origins of friction and adhesion in a diversity of applications, including hair-care, laundry detergents and lubrication systems. Our goal is to use nanoscience to discover how to design sustainable alternatives to the active components in these important every-day products.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Back-Contact Perovskite Solar Cell Modules Fabricated via Roll-to-Roll Slot-Die Coating: Scale-Up toward Manufacturing. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 8(4), 2219-2228.
- Rationally seeded computational protein design of ɑ-helical barrels. Nature Chemical Biology, 1-9.
- Strong coupling in molecular systems: a simple predictor employing routine optical measurements. Nanophotonics, 13(14), 2453-2467.
- Engineering and Controlling Perovskite Emissions via Optical Quasi‐Bound‐States‐in‐the‐Continuum. Advanced Functional Materials, 34(2).
- Active control of strong plasmon-exciton coupling in biomimetic pigment-polymer antenna complexes grown by surface-initiated polymerisation from gold nanostructures. Chemical Science.
- Turning the Challenge of Quantum Biology On its Head Biological Control of Quantum Optical Systems. Faraday Discussions, 216, 57-71. View this article in WRRO
- Slow polymer diffusion on brush-patterned surfaces in aqueous solution. Nanoscale, 11(13), 6052-6061. View this article in WRRO
- Highly Efficient Fluoride Extraction from Simulant Leachate of Spent Potlining via La-Loaded Chelating Resin. An Equilibrium Study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 361, 200-209. View this article in WRRO
- Tools for Low-Dimensional Chemistry. Langmuir. View this article in WRRO
- Blob Size Controls Diffusion of Free Polymer in a Chemically Identical Brush in Semidilute Solution. Macromolecules, 51(16), 6312-6317. View this article in WRRO
- A synthetic biological quantum optical system. Nanoscale, 10(27), 13064-13073. View this article in WRRO
- Salt Dependence of the Tribological Properties of a Surface-Grafted Weak Polycation in Aqueous Solution. Tribology Letters, 66(1). View this article in WRRO
- Fabrication of microstructured binary polymer brush “corrals” with integral pH sensing for studies of proton transport in model membrane systems. Chemical Science, 9, 2238-2251. View this article in WRRO
- From Monochrome to Technicolor: Simple Generic Approaches to Multicomponent Protein Nanopatterning Using Siloxanes with Photoremovable Protein-Resistant Protecting Groups.. Langmuir, 33(35), 8829-8837. View this article in WRRO
- Simple, Direct Routes to Polymer Brush Traps and Nanostructures for Studies of Diffusional Transport in Supported Lipid Bilayers. Langmuir, 33(15), 3672-3679. View this article in WRRO
- Micrometre and nanometre scale patterning of binary polymer brushes, supported lipid bilayers and proteins. Chem. Sci., 8(6), 4517-4526. View this article in WRRO
- Nanotribological properties of nanostructured poly(cysteine methacrylate) brushes. Soft Matter, 13. View this article in WRRO
- Nanotribological Investigation of Polymer Brushes with Lithographically Defined and Systematically Varying Grafting Densities. Langmuir, 33(3), 706-713. View this article in WRRO
- Direct Imaging of Protein Organization in an Intact Bacterial Organelle Using High-Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy. ACS Nano, 11(1), 126-133. View this article in WRRO
- Augmenting light coverage for photosynthesis through YFP-enhanced charge separation at the Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centre. Nature Communications, 8. View this article in WRRO
- Influence of salt on the solution dynamics of a phosphorylcholine-based polyzwitterion. European Polymer Journal. View this article in WRRO
- Strong Coupling of Localized Surface Plasmons to Excitons in Light-Harvesting Complexes.. Nano Letters, 16(11), 6850-6856. View this article in WRRO
- Nano- and micro-patterning biotemplated magnetic CoPt arrays. Nanoscale, 8(22), 11738-11747. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of Salt on Phosphorylcholine-based Zwitterionic Polymer Brushes. Langmuir, 32(20), 5048-5048. View this article in WRRO
- Fabrication of Nanometer and Micrometer Scale Protein Structures by Site-Specific Immobilization of Histidine-Tagged Proteins to Aminosiloxane Films with Photoremovable Protein-Resistant Protecting Groups. Langmuir. View this article in WRRO
- A novel design strategy for nanoparticles on nanopatterns: interferometric lithographic patterning of Mms6 biotemplated magnetic nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4(18), 3948-3955. View this article in WRRO
- Nanoscale Contact Mechanics between Two Grafted Polyelectrolyte Surfaces. Macromolecules, 48(17), 6272-6279. View this article in WRRO
- Interference lithographic nanopatterning of plant and bacterial light-harvesting complexes on gold substrates. Interface Focus, 5(4). View this article in WRRO
- Functionalised nanoscale coatings using layer-by-layer assembly for imparting antibacterial properties to polylactide-co-glycolide surfaces. Acta Biomaterialia, 21, 35-43. View this article in WRRO
- Fabrication of Self-Cleaning, Reusable Titania Templates for Nanometer and Micrometer Scale Protein Patterning. ACS Nano, 9(6), 6262-6270. View this article in WRRO
- Fabrication of Two-Component, Brush-on-Brush Topographical Microstructures by Combination of Atom-Transfer Radical Polymerization with Polymer End-Functionalization and Photopatterning. Langmuir, 31(21), 5935-5944. View this article in WRRO
- Facile Formation of Highly Mobile Supported Lipid Bilayers on Surface-Quaternized pH-Responsive Polymer Brushes. Macromolecules, 48(9), 3095-3103. View this article in WRRO
- New Poly(amino acid methacrylate) Brush Supports the Formation of Well-Defined Lipid Membranes. Langmuir, 31(12), 3668-3677. View this article in WRRO
- Integration of energy and electron transfer processes in the photosynthetic membrane of Rhodobacter sphaeroides.. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1837(10), 1769-1780. View this article in WRRO
- Poly(glycerol monomethacrylate)–Poly(benzyl methacrylate) Diblock Copolymer Nanoparticles via RAFT Emulsion Polymerization: Synthesis, Characterization, and Interfacial Activity. Macromolecules, 47(16), 5613-5623. View this article in WRRO
- Fast, Simple, Combinatorial Routes to the Fabrication of Reusable, Plasmonically Active Gold Nanostructures by Interferometric Lithography of Self-Assembled Monolayers. ACS Nano, 8(8), 7858-7869. View this article in WRRO
- Correction to Relationship Between Molecular Contact Thermodynamics and Surface Contact Mechanics. Langmuir, 30(31), 9623-9623.
- Erratum to: The Relationship Between Contact Mechanics and Adhesion in Nanoscale Contacts Between Non-Polar Molecular Monolayers. Tribology Letters, 56(1), 185-185.
- Integration of energy and electron transfer processes in the photosynthetic membrane of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1837, e118-e118.
- Zwitterionic poly(amino acid methacrylate) brushes.. J Am Chem Soc, 136(26), 9404-9413. View this article in WRRO
- Frictional properties of a polycationic brush. Soft Matter, 10(16), 2759-2766.
- Spatial control over cross-linking dictates the pH-responsive behavior of poly(2-(tert-butylamino)ethyl methacrylate) brushes.. Langmuir, 30(5), 1391-1400. View this article in WRRO
- Fabrication of molecular nanopatterns at aluminium oxide surfaces by nanoshaving of self-assembled monolayers of alkylphosphonates.. Nanoscale, 5(22), 11125-11131. View this article in WRRO
- Photocatalytic nanolithography of self-assembled monolayers and proteins.. ACS Nano, 7(9), 7610-7618. View this article in WRRO
- Nanoscale contact mechanics of biocompatible polyzwitterionic brushes.. Langmuir, 29(34), 10684-10692.
- Nanostructured Arrays of Optically Active Proteins Assembled on Chemically Patterned Surfaces., 999-999.
- Nanopatterned polymer brushes as switchable bioactive interfaces. Nanoscale, 5(9), 3632-3637.
- Generic methods for micrometer- and nanometer-scale surface derivatization based on photochemical coupling of primary amines to monolayers of aryl azides on gold and aluminum oxide surfaces.. Langmuir, 29(4), 1083-1092.
- The Relationship Between Contact Mechanics and Adhesion in Nanoscale Contacts Between Non-Polar Molecular Monolayers. Tribology Letters, 1-11.
- Micrometer and nanometer scale photopatterning of proteins on glass surfaces by photo-degradation of films formed from oligo(ethylene glycol) terminated silanes. Biointerphases, 7(1-4), 1-9. View this article in WRRO
- Relationship between molecular contact thermodynamics and surface contact mechanics.. Langmuir, 28(51), 17709-17717. View this article in WRRO
- Micrometer and nanometer scale photopatterning of proteins on glass surfaces by photo-degradation of films formed from oligo(ethylene glycol) terminated silanes.. Biointerphases, 7(1-4), 54.
- Light-directed nanosynthesis: near-field optical approaches to integration of the top-down and bottom-up fabrication paradigms.. Nanoscale, 4(6), 1840-1855.
- Phase emerging from intramonolayer cycloaddition on micro-patterned monolayer. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1502(1), 171-181.
- The mechanics of nanometre-scale molecular contacts. Faraday Discussions, 156, 325-341.
- The Snomipede: A parallel platform for scanning near-field photolithography. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 26(24), 2997-3008.
- Large area nanopatterning of alkylphosphonate self-assembled monolayers on titanium oxide surfaces by interferometric lithography.. Nanoscale, 3(6), 2511-2516.
- Contact mechanics of nanometer-scale molecular contacts: correlation between adhesion, friction, and hydrogen bond thermodynamics.. J Am Chem Soc, 133(22), 8625-8632.
- Direct writing of metal nanostructures: lithographic tools for nanoplasmonics research.. ACS Nano, 5(3), 1575-1579.
- Micro- and nanostructured poly[oligo(ethylene glycol)methacrylate] brushes grown from photopatterned halogen initiators by atom transfer radical polymerization.. Biointerphases, 6(1), 8-15.
- Effect of brush thickness and solvent composition on the friction force response of poly(2-(methacryloyloxy)ethylphosphorylcholine) brushes.. Langmuir, 27(6), 2514-2521.
- Protein micro- and nanopatterning using aminosilanes with protein-resistant photolabile protecting groups.. J Am Chem Soc, 133(8), 2749-2759.
- DNA nanofabrication by scanning near-field photolithography of oligo (ethylene glycol) terminated SAMs: Controlled scan-rate dependent switching between head group oxidation and tail group degradation. J MATER CHEM, 21(37), 14173-14177.
- Use of engineered unique cysteine residues to facilitate oriented coupling of proteins directly to a gold substrate.. Photochem Photobiol, 87(5), 1050-1057.
- Parallel scanning near-field photolithography in liquid: The Snomipede. Microelectronic Engineering, 88(8), 2109-2112.
- Parallel scanning near-field photolithography: the snomipede.. Nano Lett, 10(11), 4375-4380.
- Large-area nanopatterning of self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiolates by interferometric lithography.. Langmuir, 26(16), 13600-13606.
- Nanotribological characterization of human head hair by friction force microscopy in dry atmosphere and aqueous environment.. Biointerphases, 5(2), 60-68.
- Protein patterning by UV-induced photodegradation of poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate) brushes.. Langmuir, 26(12), 9937-9942.
- Fabrication of submicrometer biomolecular patterns by near-field exposure of plasma-polymerized tetraglyme films.. Langmuir, 26(12), 10203-10209.
- Synthesis, monolayer formation, characterization, and nanometer-scale photolithographic patterning of conjugated oligomers bearing terminal thioacetates.. Langmuir, 26(6), 4449-4458.
- Nanoscale biomolecular structures on self-assembled monolayers generated from modular pegylated disulfides. Chemistry - A European Journal, 16(40), 12234-12243.
- Sub-10 Ω Resistance Gold Films Prepared by Removal of Ligands from Thiol-Stabilized 6 nm Gold Nanoparticles. Langmuir, 26(6), 4331-4338.
- Morphological and quantitative frictional measurements of cotton fibres using friction force microscopy. J MATER CHEM, 20(39), 8531-8538.
- Biocompatible polymer brushes grown from model quartz fibres: synthesis, characterisation and in situ determination of frictional coefficient. SOFT MATTER, 6(7), 1571-1579.
- Micro-/nano-patterning of DNA and rapid readout with SERS tags. CHEM COMMUN, 46(29), 5292-5294.
- Directed single molecule diffusion triggered by surface energy gradients.. ACS Nano, 3(10), 3235-3243.
- Photopatterning, etching, and derivatization of self-assembled monolayers of phosphonic acids on the native oxide of titanium.. Langmuir, 25(18), 10746-10753.
- Quantitative kinetic measurements of the esterification of self-assembled monolayers of mercaptoundecanol by trifluoroacetic anhydride using friction force microscopy.. Langmuir, 25(16), 9182-9188.
- Quantitative investigation of the photodegradation of polyethylene terephthalate film by friction force microscopy, contact-angle goniometry, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 1(8), 1688-1697.
- Templated formation of giant polymer vesicles with controlled size distributions.. Nat Mater, 8(6), 507-511.
- Scanning Probe Microscopy, 479-562.
- Influence of molecular weight on friction force microscopy of polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) films: correlation between coefficient of friction and chain entanglement.. Langmuir, 25(4), 2217-2224.
- Micrometer- and nanometer-scale photopatterning using 2-nitrophenylpropyloxycarbonyl-protected aminosiloxane monolayers.. J Am Chem Soc, 131(4), 1513-1522.
- Site-specific immobilization and micrometer and nanometer scale photopatterning of yellow fluorescent protein on glass surfaces.. J Am Chem Soc, 131(3), 896-897.
- Optical nanolithography using a scanning near-field probe with an integrated light source. APPL PHYS LETT, 93(21).
- Micrometer and Nanometer Scale Patterning Using the Photo-Fries Rearrangement: Toward Selective Execution of Molecular Transformations with Nanoscale Spatial Resolution. LANGMUIR, 24(21), 12420-12425.
- A comparative investigation of methods for protein immobilization on self-assembled monolayers using glutaraldehyde, carbodiimide, and anhydride reagents.. Biointerphases, 3(3), 59-65.
- Photochemical fabrication of three-dimensional micro- and nano-structured surfaces from a C-60 monoadduct. J MATER CHEM, 18(17), 2016-2021.
- One-step photochemical introduction of nanopatterned protein-binding functionalities to oligo(ethylene glycol)-terminated self-assembled monolayers.. J Am Chem Soc, 129(48), 14842-14843.
- Micrometer and nanometer scale photopatterning of self-assembled monolayers of phosphonic acids on aluminum oxide. NANO LETT, 7(12), 3753-3758.
- Generation of molecular-scale compositional gradients in self-assembled monolayers. NANO LETT, 7(12), 3747-3752.
- Directed formation of micro- and nanoscale patterns of functional light-harvesting LH2 complexes.. J Am Chem Soc, 129(47), 14625-14631.
- The influence of surface lubricity on the adhesion of Navicula perminuta and Ulva linza to alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers. J R SOC INTERFACE, 4(14), 473-477.
- Fabrication of biomolecular nanostructures by scanning near-field photolithography of oligo(ethylene glycol)-terminated self-assembled monolayers.. Langmuir, 23(13), 7328-7337.
- Influence of solvent environment and tip chemistry on the contact mechanics of tip-sample interactions in friction force microscopy of self-assembled monolayers of mercaptoundecanoic Acid and dodecanethiol.. Langmuir, 23(9), 4959-4964.
- Scanning Near-Field Photolithography — Surface Photochemistry with Nanoscale Spatial Resolution. ChemInform, 38(5).
- Bionanofabrication by near-field optical methods. Nanobiotechnology, 3(3-4), 223-240.
- Photo-deprotection patterning of self-assembled monolayers. J EXP NANOSCI, 2(4), 278-290.
- Scanning near-field photolithography--surface photochemistry with nanoscale spatial resolution.. Chem Soc Rev, 35(11), 1150-1161.
- Friction force microscopy of alkylphosphonic acid and carboxylic acids adsorbed on the native oxide of aluminum. LANGMUIR, 22(22), 9254-9259.
- Influence of the solvent environment on the contact mechanics of tip-sample interactions in friction force microscopy of poly(ethylene terephthalate) films.. Langmuir, 22(9), 4179-4183.
- Fabrication of gold micro- and nanostructures by photolithographic exposure of thiol-stabilized gold nanoparticles.. Nano Lett, 6(3), 345-350.
- A mild etch for the fabrication of three-dimensional nanostructures in gold.. J Am Chem Soc, 128(2), 392-393.
- Fabrication of biological nanostructures by scanning near-field photolithography of chloromethylphenylsiloxane monolayers.. Nano Lett, 6(1), 29-33.
- Bionanotechnology, 419-445.
- Photopatterning of self-assembled. monolayers at 244 nm and applications to the fabrication of functional microstructures and nanostructures. NANOTECHNOLOGY, 16(9), 1798-1808.
- Photooxidation of self-assembled monolayers by exposure to light of wavelength 254 nm: A static SIMS study. J PHYS CHEM B, 109(22), 11247-11256.
- Measurement of the kinetics of photo-oxidation of self-assembled monolayers using friction force microscopy.. Langmuir, 21(9), 3903-3909.
- Friction force microscopy: towards quantitative analysis of molecular organisation with nanometre spatial resolution.. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 7(6), 1107-1120.
- Biological nanostructures: platforms for analytical chemistry at the sub-zeptomolar level.. Analyst, 130(3), 259-264.
- Nanowear of polystyrene surfaces: Molecular entanglement and bundle formation. Nanotechnology, 16(6), 675-682.
- Matching the resolution of electron beam lithography by scanning near-field photolithography. NANO LETT, 4(8), 1381-1384.
- Chemical force microscopy of mixed self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiols on gold: Evidence for phase separation. LANGMUIR, 20(10), 4109-4115.
- Comparative investigations of the packing and ambient stability of self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiols on gold and silver by friction force microscopy. J PHYS CHEM B, 108(15), 4723-4728.
- Nanopatterns and nanostructures at interfaces, Mulhouse, 12-15 October 2003.. Chemphyschem, 5(3), 419-420.
- Influence of mechanical properties on the nanowear of uniaxially oriented poly(ethylene terephthalate) film. Wear, 256(1-2), 118-125.
- Use of AFM to probe the adsorption strength and time-dependent changes of albumin on self-assembled monolayers. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 67A(2), 548-558.
- Friction force microscopy of self-assembled monolayers: probing molecular organisation at the nanometre scale. ANAL CHIM ACTA, 479(1), 17-38.
- . Journal of Materials Science, 37(22), 4919-4927.
- Generation of nanostructures by scanning near-field photolithography of self-assembled monolayers and wet chemical etching. NANO LETT, 2(11), 1223-1227.
- Nanoscale Molecular Patterns Fabricated by Using Scanning Near-Field Optical Lithography. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124(11), 2414-2415.
- Protein adsorption and human osteoblast-like cell attachment and growth on alkylthiol on gold self-assembled monolayers. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 59(1), 84-99.
- Nanowear in scanning force microscopy: Information on deposits formed in and downstream of a hexane plasma. Journal of Applied Physics, 91(6), 3841-3846.
- Interaction of carboxylic acids with the oxyhydroxide surface of aluminium: poly(acrylic acid), acetic acid and propionic acid on pseudoboehmite. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 121(1-3), 19-32.
- Nanotribology of biaxially oriented poly(ethylene terephthalate) film. Polymer, 42(16), 7025-7031.
- Oxidation of Self-Assembled Monolayers by UV Light with a Wavelength of 254 nm. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 123(17), 4089-4090.
- Friction Force Microscopy of Self-Assembled Monolayers: Influence of Adsorbate Alkyl Chain Length, Terminal Group Chemistry, and Scan Velocity. Langmuir, 17(6), 1970-1974.
- Scanning force microscopy of plasma polymerised hexane: information on the mechanical properties of thin films from tip-induced wear. Polymer, 42(6), 2647-2653.
- Tapping mode and phase imaging of biaxially oriented polyester films. Surface and Interface Analysis, 31(1), 39-45.
- Isolation of new polynuclear aluminium amides; trinuclear [AlCl(MeNCH2CH2NMe)2(Al(NMe2)Cl)(Al(NMe2)2)] and fluxional adamantane-like [Al4Cl2(NMe2)6(NMe)O]. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 598(1), 36-41.
- Scanning force microscopy of bulk-filled uniaxially oriented poly(ethylene terephthalate) films. Polymer, 41(6), 2241-2248.
- Variation of Frictional Forces in Air with the Compositions of Heterogeneous Organic Surfaces. Langmuir, 16(2), 735-739.
- The effect of alkyl chain length and terminal group chemistry on the attachment and growth of murine 3T3 fibroblasts and primary human osteoblasts on self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiols on gold. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 10(1), 133-139.
- Comparison of proliferation and growth of human keratinocytes on plasma copolymers of acrylic acid/1,7-octadiene and self-assembled monolayers.. J Biomed Mater Res, 47(3), 379-387.
- Influence of Tail-Group Hydrogen Bonding on the Stabilities of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkylthiols on Gold. Langmuir, 15(4), 1024-1032.
- Frictional, adhesive and mechanical properties of polyester films probed by scanning force microscopy. Surface and Interface Analysis, 27(12), 1084-1091.
- Non-destructive imaging of delicate polymer surfaces using scanning force microscopy tips modified with hydrophobic self-assembled monolayers. Polymer, 40(21), 5973-5976.
- Static secondary ion mass spectrometry studies of self-assembled monolayers: electron beam degradation of alkanethiols on gold. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 9(4), 923-928.
- Friction and adhesion of mixed self-assembled monolayers studied by chemical force microscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 1(14), 3345-3350.
- Scanning force microscopy of polyester films: contact versus non-contact imaging and tip-induced wear experiments. Polymer, 39(24), 5913-5921.
- Growth of human osteoblast-like cells on alkanethiol on gold self-assembled monolayers: The effect of surface chemistry. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 41(3), 431-442.
- Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Studies of Self-Assembled Monolayers: Influence of Adsorbate Chain Length and Terminal Functional Group on Rates of Photooxidation of Alkanethiols on Gold. Langmuir, 14(17), 4795-4801.
- Scanning force microscopy investigation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) modified by argon plasma treatment. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 8(8), 1735-1742.
- A SEXAFS investigation of self-assembled monolayers on silver. Surface Science, 397(1-3), 154-163.
- Structure and Mechanism of Photooxidation of Self-assembled Monolayers of Alkylthiols on Silver Studied by XPS and Static SIMS. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 102(1), 174-184.
- Desorption of Butanethiol from Au(111) during Storage in Ultrahigh Vacuum: Effects on Surface Coverage and Stability toward Displacement by Solution-Phase Thiols. Langmuir, 13(11), 3055-3058.
- Functionalization of Hydroxyl and Carboxylic Acid Terminated Self-Assembled Monolayers. Langmuir, 13(10), 2740-2748.
- Scanning force microscopy of poly(ethylene terephthalate) surfaces: comparison of SEM with SFM topographical, lateral force and force modulation data. Polymer, 38(11), 2617-2625.
- Rates of attachment of fibroblasts to self-assembled monolayers formed by the adsorption of alkylthiols onto gold surfaces. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 7(3), 435-441.
- Fabrication of Cellular “Wires” on Micropatterned Monolayers of Short-Chain Alkanethiols on Gold. Langmuir, 12(22), 5494-5497.
- Scanning probe microscopy of biomolecules and polymeric biomaterials. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 81(3), 249-268.
- Influence of Adsorbate Ordering on Rates of UV Photooxidation of Self-Assembled Monolayers. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100(16), 6657-6662.
- Sample charging during static SIMS studies of polymers. Applied Surface Science, 84(3), 253-266.
- Characterization of plasma-deposited styrene films by XPS and static SIMS. Surface and Interface Analysis, 23(1), 22-28.
- A scanning tunneling microscopy and transmission electron microscopy study of poly(ethylene oxide) films. Langmuir, 9(4), 1115-1120.
- Studies of covalently immobilized protein molecules by scanning tunneling microscopy: the role of water in image contrast formation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97(35), 8852-8854.
- Surface studies by static secondary ion mass spectrometry: adsorption of 3-mercaptopropionic acid and cysteine onto gold surfaces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97(20), 5348-5355.
- Approaches to the immobilization of proteins at surfaces for analysis by scanning tunneling microscopy. Langmuir, 9(9), 2356-2362.
- Chemisorption of thiol compounds onto gold surfaces studied by static secondary ion mass spectrometry and relevance of data to ion formation mechanisms during sputtering. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions, 89(1), 179-179.
- An empirical model for ion formation from polymer surfaces during analysis by secondary ion mass spectrometry. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes, 122, 281-319.
- The structure of the PETm/z 152 ion and implications for ion formation mechanisms in static SIMS. Surface and Interface Analysis, 18(8), 637-639.
- A tandem SIMS study of poly(vinyl methyl ether). Surface and Interface Analysis, 18(3), 210-216.
- Effects of damage during the SIMS analysis of poly(vinyl chloride) and poly(methyl methacrylate). Applied Surface Science, 55(2-3), 105-115.
- Surface studies by static secondary ion mass spectrometry: cluster ion formation studied by tandem mass-spectrometric techniques. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions, 88(3), 297-297.
- Application of tandem analyser to SIMS studies of hydrocarbon polymers. Surface and Interface Analysis, 17(10), 737-744.
- Direct emission of molecular fragments during the sputtering of poly(4-hydroxystyrene) and determination of ion structures using tandem secondary ion mass spectrometry. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes, 108(1), 29-39.
- Role of electronic particle-surface interactions during the sputter degradation of polymers. Analytical Chemistry, 63(6), 561-568.
- Chapter 4. Static secondary ion mass spectrometry (SSIMS)? an emerging surface mass spectrometry. Annual Reports Section "C" (Physical Chemistry), 88, 77-77.
- Applications of tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry in SIMS. Surface and Interface Analysis, 16(1-12), 3-8.
- Collision target-gas effects during the tandem secondary-ion mass-spectrometric analysis of polymers. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions, 86(10), 1863-1863.
- Achieving High Quality Factor Interband Nanoplasmonics in the Deep Ultraviolet Spectrum via Mode Hybridization. Nano Letters.
- Confinement and Catalysis within De Novo Designed Peptide Barrels. Journal of the American Chemical Society.
- Covalent Capture of Nanoparticle-Stabilized Oil Droplets via Acetal Chemistry Using a Hydrophilic Polymer Brush. Langmuir.
- XPS Depth-Profiling Studies of Chlorophyll Binding to Poly(cysteine methacrylate) Scaffolds in Pigment–Polymer Antenna Complexes Using a Gas Cluster Ion Source. Langmuir.
- Transcending Lifshitz Theory: Reliable Prediction of Adhesion Forces between Hydrocarbon Surfaces in Condensed Phases Using Molecular Contact Thermodynamics. Langmuir.
- Capturing Enzyme-Loaded Diblock Copolymer Vesicles Using an Aldehyde-Functionalized Hydrophilic Polymer Brush. Langmuir.
- Controlling Adsorption of Diblock Copolymer Nanoparticles onto an Aldehyde-Functionalized Hydrophilic Polymer Brush via pH Modulation. Langmuir.
- Adsorption of Aldehyde-Functional Diblock Copolymer Spheres onto Surface-Grafted Polymer Brushes via Dynamic Covalent Chemistry Enables Friction Modification. Chemistry of Materials.
- Hydrophilic Aldehyde-Functional Polymer Brushes: Synthesis, Characterization, and Potential Bioapplications. Macromolecules.
- Tribochemical nanolithography: selective mechanochemical removal of photocleavable nitrophenyl protecting groups with 23 nm resolution at speeds of up to 1 mm s−1. Chemical Science.
- Energy and charge-transfer in natural photosynthesis: general discussion. Faraday Discussions, 216, 133-161.
- Versatile thiol-based reactions for micrometer- and nanometer-scale photopatterning of polymers and biomolecules. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 3(21), 4431-4438. View this article in WRRO
- Photolithography beyond the diffraction limit, Nanolithography and Patterning Techniques in Microelectronics (pp. 238-266).
- Nanolithography John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- S, Handbook of Adhesion (pp. 439-525). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- A, Handbook of Adhesion (pp. 1-58). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Conference proceedings papers
- Molecular Photonic Breadboards: Design of Biomimetic Light-Harvesting Structures for Active Control of Quantum Optics. 2023 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), 22 October 2023 - 25 October 2023.
- Fabrication of sub-diffraction-limit molecular structures by scanning near-field photolithography - art. no. 664513. Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices IV, Vol. 6645 (pp 64513-64513)
- Some recent developments in SPM of crystalline polymers. Macromolecular Symposia, Vol. 167(1) (pp 1-14)
- Confinement and Catalysis WithinDe NovoDesigned Peptide Barrels, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- XPS Depth-Profiling Studies of Chlorophyll Binding to Poly(cysteine methacrylate) Scaffolds in Pigment-Polymer Antenna Complexes using a Gas Cluster Ion Source, American Chemical Society (ACS).
- Chlorophyll Binding to Poly(cysteine methacrylate) Scaffolds in Pigment-Polymer Antenna Complexes studied by Depth-Profiling X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy with a Gas Cluster Ion Source, American Chemical Society (ACS).
- Transcending Lifshitz Theory: Reliable Prediction of Adhesion Forces between Hydrocarbon Surfaces in Condensed Phases using Molecular Contact Thermodynamics, American Chemical Society (ACS).
- Transcending Lifshitz Theory: Reliable Prediction of Adhesion Forces between Hydrocarbon Surfaces in Condensed Phases using Molecular Contact Thermodynamics, American Chemical Society (ACS).
- Rationally seeded computational protein design, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Engineering Perovskite Emissions via Optical Quasi-Bound-States-in-the-Continuum, arXiv.
- Back-Contact Perovskite Solar Cell Modules Fabricated via Roll-to-Roll Slot-Die Coating: Scale-Up toward Manufacturing. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 8(4), 2219-2228.
- Teaching interests
Analytical Chemistry; Surface Chemistry.
- Teaching activities
Undergraduate and postgraduate taught modules
- Chemistry and the World Around Us (Level 1): Fuel
The course examines how chemical principles may be used to make qualitative assessments of the efficiency of energy production, and explores the complexity of many issues facing society as it grapples with the problems of climate change and energy supply scarcity. - Solid Surfaces and Catalysis (Level 3)
This course considers the nature of gas-solid interactions and their relationship to catalytic activity. - Nanochemistry (Level 4)
This provides an overview of the role of chemistry in nanotechnology, and introduce students to major techniques for the fabrication and characterisation of nanostructured materials and devices. - Polymer Characterisation and Analysis (Postgraduate Level)
This course explores the major instrumental methods for identifying polymers and determining characteristics including: polymer molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, stereochemistry, sequence distribution in copolymers, transition temperatures, and surface features.
Support Teaching:
- Level 3 Literature Review
Laboratory Teaching:
- Level 1 Physical Laboratories
- Level 2 Physical Laboratories
- Level 3 Research Project
- Level 4 Research Project
- Chemistry and the World Around Us (Level 1): Fuel