Outreach and widening participation
The Biological Services Aquarium alongside Bateson researchers, have been delivering over 80 outreach and widening participation events since 2008. These events range in scope, style and target audience, balancing the basic science and clinical science aspects of the work we do.

The aquarium is a long term contributor to University run events such as Researcher’s Night and Discovery Night. We have a large dark room “POD”, which can be assembled externally to allow visitors to view fluorescent embryos that are held here in Sheffield. A number of researchers get involved in these events, which allow the public to ask questions and delve a little into what we do.
We have been running hands on workshops for several years and we have a number of primary schools who come in for visits. The children learn all about zebrafish including aspects of genetic engineering that is carried out here in Sheffield. We also discuss the importance of the use of animals in research.
We hosted an art exhibition at the Festival of the Mind 2016, where a number of Sheffield’s street artists were invited to come and meet the fish and produce a piece (or pieces) of inspired art. These were then displayed at a two week exhibition in the Art house. The aquaria team were inspired by some of the artist's work to make some of their own, learning new skills along the way.
Work experience
We have several work experience placements throughout the year, these are usually taken by students who are studying for an animal based degree or care course. The work experience placements are varied, with students contributing to the day to day running of the facility.
Roles including feeding, cleaning, collecting and sorting embryos and ID’ing some of the fish lines that we hold. We have also offered long term placements for apprenticeships and day release courses.