Professor Sally Hines (she/her)
Department of Sociological Studies
Chair of Sociology
Co-Director of Knowledge, Exchange and Impact

+44 114 222 6450
Full contact details
Department of Sociological Studies
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
Sally joined the Department in 2019. Previously she worked at the University of Leeds, where she was the Director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, and at Newcastle University, where she worked to develop interdisciplinary networks in sexuality studies.
Her most recent publication, ‘Is Gender Fluid?: A Primer for the 21st Century’, was published by Thames and Hudson (2018)
- Research interests
Sally’s research falls across the interdisciplinary fields of sociology, gender studies, social policy, law, politics, health studies, and science and technology studies.
Sally’s previous Research Council funded research has centred on gender diversity and identity practice, gender and social/cultural change, and gendered citizenship and recognition.
From this body of research she has developed a strong publication profile in the area of transgender, gender and sexuality theory, gender and sexual citizenship, sociologies of the body, sociologies of intimacy, intersectionality, and theories of recognition and difference. In her current writing, she is developing her work on gender and a politics of difference.
Sally is committed to public sociology and has done consultancy work on issues around the Gender Recognition Act. She has acted as a legal expert in relation to trans reproductive rights and parental recognition. She has also done frequent media work around the relationship between trans and feminism.
- Publications
- Introduction.
Edited books
- Transgender Identities. Routledge.
Journal articles
- Medical uncertainty and reproduction of the “normal”: Decision-making around testosterone therapy in transgender pregnancy. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 4, 100297-100297.
- Hearing, Policing, and Using Gender Diversity: The Role of Institutional Gatekeepers in Researching Youth and Gender. Sociological Research Online, 27(3), 763-786.
- Trailblazing the gender revolution? Young people's understandings of gender diversity through generation and social change. Journal of Youth Studies, 1-17.
- Trans pregnancy: Fertility, reproduction and body autonomy. International Journal of Transgender Health, 22(1-2), 1-5.
- Men, trans/masculine, and non-binary people’s experiences of pregnancy loss: an international qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20. View this article in WRRO
- Counting the cost of difference: a reply to Sullivan. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 23(5), 533-538.
- Lived experience of Iranian bisexual women: a thematic analysis. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 32(2), 164-190.
- The feminist frontier: on trans and feminism. Journal of Gender Studies, 28(2), 145-157.
- Trans* policy, politics and research: The UK and Portugal. Critical Social Policy, 38(1), 35-56.
- Introduction to the themed issue: Trans* policy, practice and lived experience within a European context. Critical Social Policy, 38(1), 5-12.
- Is bisexuality invisible? A review of sexualities scholarship 1970–2015. The Sociological Review, 65(4), 663-681.
- Queerly situated? Exploring negotiations of trans queer subjectivities at work and within community spaces in the UK. Gender, Place & Culture, 17(5), 597-613.
- Introduction: towards trans geographies. Gender, Place & Culture, 17(5), 573-577.
- Introduction. Sociology, 44(5), 803-810.
- Book Review: David Valentine, Imagining Transgender: An Ethnography of a Category. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007. xiv + 302 pp. Illus. ISBN 978—0—8223—3869—7. £52.00 (hbk) £12.99 (pbk). Sexualities, 12(5), 667-668.
- A pathway to diversity?: human rights, citizenship and the politics of transgender. Contemporary Politics, 15(1), 87-102.
- Transgendering care: Practices of care within transgender communities. Critical Social Policy, 27(4), 462-486.
- Intimate Transitions: Transgender Practices of Partnering and Parenting. Sociology, 40(2), 353-371.
- What's the Difference? Bringing Particularity to Queer Studies of Transgender. Journal of Gender Studies, 15(1), 49-66.
- Book reviews. Feminist Theory, 3(2), 221-232.
- Men, trans/masculine, and non-binary people negotiating conception: Normative resistance and inventive pragmatism. International Journal of Transgender Health, 1-12.
- View this article in WRRO
- Transnormativity in the psy disciplines: Constructing pathology in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and Standards of Care.. American Psychologist, 74(8), 912-924.
- Whiteness in research on men, trans/masculine and non-binary people and reproduction: Two parallel stories, The Routledge International Handbook of New Critical Race and Whiteness Studies (pp. 339-349).
- Transnormativity in the Psy Disciplines: Constructing Pathology in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and Standards of Care, The Palgrave Handbook of Power, Gender, and Psychology (pp. 255-275). Springer International Publishing
- Theorising Recognition, Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship (pp. 7-26). Palgrave Macmillan UK
- Governing Diversity, Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship (pp. 89-106). Palgrave Macmillan UK
- Recognition, Misrecognition and Human Rights, Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship (pp. 43-54). Palgrave Macmillan UK
- Moving for Recognition, Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship (pp. 27-42). Palgrave Macmillan UK
- Claiming and Contesting Recognition, Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship (pp. 55-68). Palgrave Macmillan UK
- From Recognition to a Politics of Difference, Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship (pp. 107-124). Palgrave Macmillan UK
- Recognising and Regulating Intimate Diversity, Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship (pp. 69-88). Palgrave Macmillan UK
- Introduction, Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship (pp. 1-6). Palgrave Macmillan UK
- Introduction, Sexualities: Past Reflections, Future Directions (pp. 1-11). Palgrave Macmillan UK
- Recognising diversity? The gender recognition act and transgender citizenship, Transgender Identities: Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity (pp. 87-105).
- Introduction, Transgender Identities (Open Access): Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity (pp. 1-22).
- Recognising Diversity?: The Gender Recognition Act and Transgender Citizenship, Transgender Identities (Open Access): Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity (pp. 87-105).
- 1968 in Retrospect Palgrave Macmillan UK
- Intimate Citizenships Routledge
- Research group
Sally has supervised PhD students and post-doctoral researchers on the following topics:
- masculinities and music
- gender and violence
- gender and heterosexuality
- asexuality
- sex work
- transgender identities
- non-binary genders
- gender verification in Olympic sports
- gender, social media and representation
- bisexual women and sexual violence
- men and feminism
- sexuality and social class
- heterosexuality and masculinity
- gender recognition policy and law
- Grants
ESRC Funded Project Living Gender in Diverse Times: Young People's Understandings and Experiences of Gender in the UK: Educational Practitioners Report: A briefing for schools, youth service, charities and other third sector organisations working with young people.
ESRC Funded Project Living Gender in Diverse Times: Young People's Understandings and Experiences of Gender in the UK: A Visual Resource for Young People: Comic
ESRC Funded Project Living Gender in Diverse Times: Young People's Understandings and Experiences of Gender in the UK. 'Young people desperate for gender education in schools'
ESRC Funded Project Trans Pregnancy: An International Exploration of Transmasculine Practices of Reproduction: Policy Reviews
These reviews were produced by researchers as part of the Trans Pregnancy project. They summarise the legal and policy context for trans people who conceive (or aim to do so) and bear children in Australia, Italy, the UK and US. The reviews are all free to download and redistribute.
ESRC Funded Project Trans Pregnancy: An International Exploration of Transmasculine Practices of Reproduction: Implications for Policy and Practice: Poster
ESRC Funded Project Trans Pregnancy: An International Exploration of Transmasculine Practices of Reproduction: Media
ESRC Funded Project Trans Pregnancy: An International Exploration of Transmasculine Practices of Reproduction: Project Documentary Film
- Teaching interests
Sally’s teaching draws on her areas of research expertise including feminist theory, gender studies, identity, intersectionality, reproduction, sexuality studies, social movements, and transgender.