Tobias Moll, Translational Neuroscience

Tobias Moll Neuroscience
Tobias Moll
MSc Translational Neuroscience
“I was particularly interested in the Translational Neuroscience Master’s course at the University of Sheffield as it provided up-to-date comprehensive theory and promoted key practical skills required for a successful research career."
Tobias Moll Neuroscience

Originally from a small village on the east coast of England, close to the city of Norwich, Tobias has enjoyed science from a young age, but did not envisage a career in research until he started university. 

Tobias began his masters in 2015 - he says, “The Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN) boasts some of finest researchers in their respective fields. It also  has strong links with other academic institutions and industrial partners both nationally and worldwide, and I had an incredible student experience with the bonus of having the Peak District right on its doorstep.

“The most enjoyable aspect of studying at the University of Sheffield is the collaborative effort shared by students and senior academics alike. This creates a real sense of community, which makes difficult challenges far less daunting. As a result, I have met some amazing people and formed lifelong friendships along the way. Overall, it has been extremely rewarding to work at a university that is consistently operating at the forefront of global research and innovation.  

“In the latter stage of my masters, students were required to complete a 20-week lab-based research project. I found this research project particularly enjoyable as it provided me with the fundamental practical skills required for a career in research, whilst enabling me to contribute novel findings to the scientific field with the possibility of publishing further down the line. 

“I was also the recipient of the Jonathan Stone Prize and the Department of Neuroscience Award for attaining the highest overall marks on the course and the research project, respectively. These awards were indispensable to my future PhD applications and I secured a PhD position at the same institute the following year.”

Tobias has recently submitted his PhD thesis and is due to start a postdoctoral research position at Sheffield. He adds, “After my postdoc, I will look to expand my skills and knowledge base by securing a position at a research centre abroad, after which I would like to return to the UK and begin climbing the academic career ladder with the aim of setting up my own lab group. 

“My advice to anyone looking to complete a masters would be to fully engage with the course and network with members of the faculty from day one. The world is becoming increasingly competitive year upon year, and having a network of experienced and supportive academics to help guide you through the early stages of your career is extremely beneficial.”

Four smiling postgraduate students sat working together in a campus location - one of the group is typing on their laptop.

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